Weren't these supposed to destroy console gaming and usher us into a new golden age? What the fuck happened?

Weren't these supposed to destroy console gaming and usher us into a new golden age? What the fuck happened?

PC '''''gaming'''''' just isn't that good after all.

Did you seriously just sage MY thread asshole?

nobody actually expected that. steam machines were always going to be a slow-growing new business for Valve.

the first wave was mostly a cross-marketing program with gaming prebuilt manufacturers, where they got to use the Steam brand and got advertising on the Steam frontpage in exchange for offering Linux as a default install.

the whole thing is just the tiniest of the many little insults being thrown back and forth between Valve and Microsoft.

i think it's funny how people think console gaming is killing PC gaming

if your platform is a barren wasteland simply because an alternative exists, maybe your platform is just lame

who are you replying to?

What are you even on about? Nobody thinks consoles are gonna kill pc gaming.
What consoles have done, though, is make mainstream games into simplistic schlock that requires no skill or thought to play and only sells on graphics.

Ironic as it may be.

They had some serious potential, but it was poorly executed and Valve was being directionless with it.

Valve instead should of just make their own 1st party Steambox hardware to make them a competitor against consoles -- to meet in the middle between PC & Consoles.

They could of released Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, and Portal 3 exclusively on Steam which would have pulled people into the Steam ecosystem.

>if your platform is a barren wasteland simply because an alternative exists, maybe your platform is just lame

Aren't there like 10 or 15 PC exclusives released every day?

>Nobody thinks consoles are gonna kill pc gaming.
then why did you mention destroying console gaming before you even mentioned PC gaming?

you hate them because you fear them.

They tried to win over console gamers but completely forgot the part that console gamers dont like DRM or fat bastards that try and sell them DRM.

Remember when Microsoft tried to sell them DRM..yeah that went down well.

Take the Switch for example I think its shit but even I know why its selling well. Its good old carts, no downloads, DRM or installs.

you could say the same about the iPhone, is that an ideal gaming platform?

PC exclusives don't count. They're literally all trash.

Sony exclusives are only good because there's a company with standards curating and developing them.

>implying that the average console gamer even knows what DRM is

Steam Greenlight

They're just a backup option if Microsoft decides to go full retard.

>Moving goalposts

The consoles themselves are DRM

it's not though

>that requires no skill or thought to play

You mean just like all the top selling indie games on steam?

>only sells on graphics

You mean the only reason to even spend money to build a PC, which PCfats constantly brag about?

I didn't. Op did. And steam box was supposed to be a pc compatible console. Which theoretically means extremely big potential library day 1.

Eg a console killer. It failed tho, cuz it's not properly standardised like consoles, and most console users don't want choice. They want a device that connects to a TV and works right away.


show me games that can utilise these specs

the only games i've tested so far that are using it are

games that have 2x native resolution like RE7 and unpotimized turds like ARK which fps is 50-70fps

Wow up your own arse over a gaming format. Funny how PC gamers attack console gamers but beg for ports of console games like Nier and are desperate to emulate Zelda BOTW.

PC has no good original games these days.

>PC gamers are all one person

Diablo 3 on Ps4 wants a word with you. You know the version that can be played offline.

But can you play it on a device made by a manufacturer other than Sony?

I'm very annoyed that it only says "i7". There are a lot of i7s.

blame speccy devs

it does say i7 7700K if you check out the CPU summary

the other thing that pisses me off is DDR4 dual channel always comes up as unknown

you wasted your money early, games won't utilize this shit as standard for another 5 years

I'm talking about games you pay 60 bucks for. Those used to take skill in the 90s and early 2000s.

What do I care if some 5 dollar indie game is simplistic? There is only so much you can do with the small budget. Sad thing is that a lot of the time the indie shit is actually better.

they may as fucking well be

Witcher 3 with the draw distance maxed out of tons of mods

But seriously that build is a massive fucking waste of money

Steam box was them hedging a bet on rumors microsoft would turn their latest OS into an online only locked down walled garden that allowed nothing but verified applications to run.

Now windows 10 isn't quite that retarded, but the work done for linux certainly wasn't wasted. It could have even made MS rethink what they were going to do with w10.

Windows is that retarded. The newest update has that system implemented. It's "optional" though

In case you didn't know PCfags are the worst human beings personality wise but then again its Sup Forums so that's normal

Future Xbone games are also gonna be available on Windows 10 from now one, so thanks Valve I guess

It's optional for when you set up a computer for your grandma or some retarded kids


Dwarf Fortress

That's what I said. But Internet Explorer used to be optional. Windows media player used to be optional. Cortana used to be optional. Updates used to be optional. Many things in the Windows world are optional until they no longer are.

If they manage to sucker enough people into their Xbone/Windows Store ecosystem, they'll have it as mandatory in a few years.

No they won't, being able to run proper applications is one of the biggest reasons to use Windows, people would just fuck off to using Android devices and Chromebooks in that case because the Windows app store fucking sucks

Yeah, if Valve had paired them with stellar first party development they might've coaxed people over from their respective platforms.

>perfectly fine with being trapped to a single machine that can't even be upgraded
>perfectly fine with region locks, arbitrarily preventing you from playing games from other countries
>perfectly fine with copyprotection - essentially DRM - preventing you from playing a backup copy of your own game
>perfectly fine in some cases with even copy-protecting savegames, so you can't even preserve your game progress without hassle
>perfectly fine with proprietary controllers and cables, limiting or in some cases outright preventing using 3rd party replacements
>but yeah, they're anti-DRM heroes

Haha Batman lmao

Nothing really stops you from putting your "proper application" on Windows Store. And yes, I'm sure it sucks. That can also be said about Xbone, PS4, the Switch, Android, iOS Windows 10, etc yet people still use all those things. It's a matter of having enough "must have" things on your platform.

>Nothing really stops you from putting your "proper application" on Windows Store
Microsofts guidelines for Metro apps does

That's like saying DirectX is DRM because it can only be played on Windows (barring emulation).

When people think DRM on consoles they're referring to not requiring online checks and be able to play used games.

If valve wasn't stupid, it would've worked out. By not existing.


>Letting 3rd party companies handle it
>Letting jew-tier prebuilt PC companies handle it
>Price range is far beyond that of consoles if you want a steambox that can run any modern AAA game

They fucked up by letting companies like Alienware take hold of it.
They all did the same exact thing they did with their prebuilts to the steambox. Build a PC that only costs around like 500-600 bucks and then sell it back to consumers for 200 dollars more.

You're not going to sway consolefags into buying an 800-1500 dollar PC that can't even run most of the games on steam regardless of specs due to its retarded modded Linux OS.

But Linux is superior