Just went back to Nioh after completing Nier: automata and I've noticed that a large amount of content was added with...

Just went back to Nioh after completing Nier: automata and I've noticed that a large amount of content was added with the patches, all of it shit, every last damn mission.
Why not add things the game needs like an offline pause option (I'm fucking sick of dying because the home phone rings) and decent menu's.
Fuck those double battles and add some real content.
why is this okay?, why are people praising these unnecessary, unwanted tack-on's.
Quality over quantity.

Nioh thread.

they add the pause option

how can Nioh be so much better than Bloodborne and Dark Souls III if Tecmo Koei is just a shovelware company?

>home phone
How are you posting from 1995 but have a ps4. I donut understand this?


Well it's a free update after all. What did you expect? It's pretty rare to have devs giving this sort of shit, where it's mostly bug fixes etc.
We'll get new stuff on the dlc in the coming weeks, you do know this right?

>Tecmo Koei
Come on man not this shit again. Team Ninja made the game, not Koei.
Team Ninja made Ninja Gaiden so it's obvious they know what they're doing & made it good. Nioh beat them in the gameplay department but not a scratch on BB or Souls atmosphere & level design.

When are the DLC packs coming out?

1st one is coming at the end of next month. i believe they're going to add a new hard mode as a free update as well

No specific date, they just said late April.
And 2 more which I can't remember when.

this game is pretty boring overall. i quit after the silver mines because i was tired of going through another cave/ruin corridor with the same 5 enemies

The only thing that has and will ever matter is gameplay otherwise Witcher 3 is the best VIDEO GAME ever made.

>start playing
>get out of cell, punch out the guard
>enter next room and find a sword
should've known

>needing a pause
Goddamn casual. Just take the death or learn to listen to voicemails.


>played nier after this
>was expecting a way better experience
>combat was worse and even though the plot/cast was alot better once i finished didn't give a fuck or was left a lasting impression

Man only Yakuza out of the jap games didn't actually dissapoint me and made me love the series more

combat in nier was the most fun for me of all the 3. i loved yakuza 0 i liked nioh but the most satisfying combat for me was nier automata.

Fucking this. I'm at the ocean level right now and it's simply not fun. It really feels like a chore to play this fucking game. It also feels really shovelware-y.

I mean it wasn't shit but with Nier once you got 2B's or A2's combat down after a few hours you can't got any more advanced with new movesets. I ironically had more fun with the hacking games with 9s

but you can mix up every weapon and it creates a new combo. thats what i like, even with level ups the combos are rising for the upgraded weapon

>home phone

>home phone
I hope you're at least 40.

yeah with the same 4 wep types, even when you upgrade them nothing actually changes until it's maxed, just gets rather limited early on

>tfw boss too hard to kill
>call someone to help
>guy kills it in 20 seconds

I'll never understand how dumb fanatics like can always be so irrational and obtuse.

Like you*

>Thought Nioh was kicking my fucking ass left right and center
>Learn there's skillpoints after deciding not be so retarded
>Dump into Katana skills
>Game is now significantly easier

Why wasn't this told to you in the two tut levels.