Playing CS:GO

>Playing CS:GO
>On a win streak
>Join a game with my friend
>My friend is a total asshole who is essentially Asexual
>Gamerrgurlll :D XD joins
>Her profile pic is actually pretty cute, her voice as well
>My Friend: Shut the fuck up you fucking tranny
>Game continues as he constantly says things to her like "Fucking end your life cunt, eat my hairy dick bitch, stop fucking talking you inverted clitoris"
>I try talking to her
>Tell her she's very pretty and I like her voice
>"'re kind of creepy please don't talk to me unless it's about the game"
>My friend: "You pussy probably smells likee ball sweat bitch"
>Girl: *Laughs horrifically*
>Game Ends
>She messages him telling him she thinks he's cute, wants to know where he's from
>I message her asking her where she's from

What the fuck is up with wymen Sup Forums? Do they honestly fucking deserve equal rights?

betas shouldnt reproduce and women know it.

>>Tell her she's very pretty and I like her voice

What the fuck OP
Have a little social grace.

This must be bait.

Both you, your friend, and the grill are idiots.

Life of solitude is the only way.
and if you want to bitch about women

stopped reading after >Playing CS:GO

Explain why life of solitude is the only way?

Clearly she could sense that you are a worthless person.

Fuck off.

You don't actually play games to meet women do you?

What game can I play to meet girls?

People are shit user. They'll never act as you want them to, which is where your problems right now are stemming from. And in order to succeed socially, you're going to need to put up with a lot of bullshit to find those hollow nuggets of satisfaction.

If you can learn to be happy being alone, which isn't too difficult, you're essentially free. You can be happy no matter what's going on around you.

Barbie online or something. Probably casual garbage like league of legends, even dunkey made guide to meet them.

I am currently married but injured, hate my wife with a passion but she loves me unrelentlessly. How can I do this without leaving her? I depend on her financially.

>rationalizing having no friends
Even for Sup Forums this is sad

That's...pretty fucked up. I'm a girl and, yeah, I'd admit some girls are fucking weirdoes, including the "cute" ones.

Oh and
>Don't talk to me unless it's about the game
>You don't give a fuck and message her anyway
Really? She sounds like a bitch but I'm side-eying you, too

>oh btw I'm a grill xD

dang you really showed that user dude nice one

Unless they're black or over 30, women typically like to take risks with the guys they wet their pussy for OP, that good guy attitude isn't going to lead you anywhere.

This thread isn't about videogames
>gamer girl 5.jpg
Kill yourself

Kill yourself and you won't have to depend on her anymore.

But yeah as someone who used to play wow, girls under age 30 or so had a 95% chance to wreck whatever guild they were in.


Women love "bad boys" OP, but you've been on reddit before, you should know that.

>act like a fag
>"wuts rong wit womyn???"

Dude go outside and talk to chick's. Getting frustrated that your friend can talk to online hoes is not something to be impressed by

There isn't even any kitchen here in this dorm.

In vidya, it's prob cause they get so many autists fawning over them or ignoring them anyone who treats them different stands out.

fuck off whore, no one besides betas(who aren't human) wants to know that you have an extra hole in your body.

That didn't happen

You're all fucking basement dwellers if you actually took this bait.

Is this from phantasy star?

Where's your proof faggot?

beginning of PS2

that never happened btw

>being a girl wasn't even the main point of what I said
>sperging out over it anyway
You sound like a beta.

Every single person in this situation in wrong, including you, your friend, the girl, and everyone in this thread (that includes me).

this really happened btw

You're a girl? Holy shit I just came

Yeah, that's Phantasy Star 2, I think.

Negging works and it's funny when turbo-feminists try to tell anyone otherwise. Your thread fucking sucks though, so if the mods don't bin it within 24 hours, I'm gonna post a picture of a big, stinky shit in it.

blyat cyka

i'm more annoyed by every guy turning into cringelord when a girl joins a public server with voicechat what the fuck nigga

also girls are not funny

you're a faggot OP for posting a shit thread and you're a double faggot for having faggot friends

get out


This is terrible, at least write better lies.


Girls are funny. Get over it.

>girl joins
>instantly mute her
>halfway through the match
>"dude did you mute her?"
>"she was being an obnoxious cunt so yes i did"
>apparently in CSGO if you mute someone they can still hear you
>"unmute her, she thinks you're cute"
>proceed to sit in base just telling enemy team where my teammates are going
>get a seven day ban for my first offense
Good game, that one.

I wanna know.

all gamer grills in casual are trolls user



>he doesn't have a harem of overwatch women that heal him all day

>posting a cute pic
>playing in a cesspool like CS:GO
>coming onto some rando asshole
Pretty much.

>being this much of a beta

You were hitting on her and your friend thinks hes witty for not having a personal filter on vc. Play the fucking objective.

girls dont play CS:GO. You should thank him from being catfished

consider the following

Maybe she was sick and tired of creeps in games trying to pick her up and was happy to find someone that just treated her like she was one of the guys.

>Doesn't know a "gamer gurl" gets a lot of attention from all those betas in a video game
>Say "Hi I liked your voice can we be friends" just like all the betas do
>Doesn't know why she blocked you
But chances were you probably didn't miss anything. If she's actually a good looking girl irl then she probably get enough attention from males in the real world and doesn't have to play video games to satisfy her needs. Girls who play video game are usually unattractive, ESPECIALLY those who use their microphone to attract male attention.

HAHAHAHHAHAHA the worst part about your pathetic story is I actually believe it. Ho-ly shit, betas should be euthanized.

>friend ive known for nearly my whole life says he met a girl in an MMO

>tells me they're sexting

>tells me shes in canada

>shows me a pic

>mfw its a fucking man

>mfw he wants to go to canada to meet "her"

why are there so many canadian trannies

It's free is the real answer.

this is me right now, its so releasing and im completely free from everything feelsgoodman even if im gona die a permavirgin I don't even give a shit anymore

>I depend on my wife financially

Top cuck

>posting Alodia

You did good lad
