*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
>carries a shield
>def 0
Maybe next time check that path your blocking
>sphere kuribo
>windstorm of etiqua
*grills your buns*
Nothin' personnel... bean boy...
*rushes toward you*
What was even the point of this card?
I activate my trap card, Mirror Wall!
>Everyone I duel in Duel Links has Banner of Courage
Shit's awful.
*Smacks your shit*
To teach you the basics of Ritual Summoning
>Peak Performance
maybe two months ago what the fuck are you talking about?
psssh nothin personnel, kid
>Konami releases a 2000 atk 4 star beater
Why did they think this was a good idea?
When is the Ultimate Rising pack done with? I've gotten a few of the staples like Sphere Kuriboh, Order to Charge, Wonder Balloons, and Twister, but only 1 of each. I just started recently but I read the booster was being discontinued soon so I've been buying it almost exclusively.
*Sings a song*
heh...... nice try......
I think they recently released a 2100 atk one. And I don't know, just to power creep I guess.
It's being discontinued?
>non-tuner must be dark pendulum
>raigeki on synchro
>bloom diva/yubel 3 battle effect
>tribute two servant dragons to summon from grave
what's the Sup Forumserdict on this guy?
post yfw when link summoning saved ygo
on 3/30 i believe
>he wasn't a poor kid with random cards
>he didn't have a "fat deck"
Ritual Weapon added like 1500 ATK to Burger so it could crush the other kids Blue Eyes.
3x Hungry Burger
3x Bistro Butcher
3x Absorbing Kid
Got me far, it did. Managed to snag a ton of cards when we played for keeps (Offer strongest ATK Monster). If I lost I had to give up one of the dozens of Burgers I owned.
To make money right? Gotta make the previous cards obsolete so people buy new cards, repeat until infinity.
March 28th or 29th along with the Daeduous, or whatever its name is, pack too. The Yami Bakura event ends April 2nd too, which seems really too short notice.
>Using a card that, to my knowledge, is still banned to this very day, to summon some awful fusion
Man, the beginning of YuGiOh was just nonsensical. If Konami ever did rework original cards, there'd be so many that would become 1-4 star monsters.
I stopped after unlocking Bakura. My deck is too shit to beat him regularly on 40 and I hate the FINAL bullshit.
No. There is still no vanilla level 4 with more than 2000 atk to this day. Youre remembering wrong because youre a stupid faggot.
>to my knowledge
Witch is getting the same errata Sangan got, and is already at 1 in Japan
Along with Limited Rat (basically a ban), Banned Dragon (powercreeped Castel), and Banned Barrage (horribly overtuned bullshit even Meklords would be playable with this) fuck yeah
2000 life points a turn? holy fuck how did Maia not lose her first turn with it against Yugi? Also, how did Pegasus not have to pay life points to keep Toon World up?
Heard you was talkin' shit
The Yami Bakura event is literally the definition of anti-fun. Lvl 40 is absolutely rediculous in terms of difficulty.
>Hey, you only have 5 turns to win
>No wait, actually it's 4, because I always go first
>Also I always have 1-2 Sphere Kuriboh's in my hand
>Also I hope you like Soul Exchange
>Oh, and Enemy Controller
>And I ESPECIALLY hope you like Ectoplasmer
I've always hated archetypes, because there's so little creativity in creating a deck. Just throw in x archetype cards, some staples, and that's it.
Don't forget Man Eater Bug. And Ha Kes, the 6 star 2450 monster with effect that negates monster effects for his monsters.
*blocks your Extra deck*
I miss the nice lore scribbled on vanilla monster. Everything has to have an effect now
Get that Gravekeepers Ghoul card to banish Necrofear and stop the 5 turn limit.
Ah cool, but I'm guessing it will be a few more years till that happens.
The level 50 one apparently has 3 sphere kuribohs and a few Mirror Walls, which is just awful.
Same thing happened before archetypes with the 6 attributes and any sort of base type
Make warrior deck with warrior cards like ROTA and Warrior Returning Alive, Umi and its friends for water decks, etc
Post favourite card(s)
do you think I wasted a dollar buying two of these?
>tfw used to play gadget deck with ultimate offering
Is that card still banned?
post cute plants
>Dark Witch
>is light attribute
I've got another card with "Dark Witch" in the name and that's a light attribute as well. Is this a fuck up on the localization or something?
Video Games
phsssss........ nothing personel *summons*
Ultimate Offering can create so many OTK's, especially with gadgets. You could just keep paying 500lp to normal summon again and again and fill the board with 5 powerful XYZ monsters and win the game.
>dies to mirror force
Gee, thanks for reminding me.
>I have a fun idea. Let's give event characters really fucking powerful cards that have few to no counters because players can't get certain cards?
>Yugi Moto Lvl 40 making his monsters have like 6-8k ATK points before going for the kill
This is my deck by the way. It's in no way perfect, but I've managed to beat the both of them once or twice, but I get my shit pushed in hard.
I managed to get to the Yami Bakura Lvl 50 secret Zorc deck, and I can barely remember it it happened so quick.
Do we have to ban XYZs do unban offering?
Ye. It shouldn't be though. Brilliant fusion gets you the same result with no cost.
bakura event is easy mode.
i havent even lost to level 50.
why would that happen
xyz aren't even the only problem, link monsters are just xyz but even more generic
*destroys your blue eyes*
Brilliant is one extra normal and you have a possibility of some dead draws
Lets play lads.
Get a couple of the dinosaurs or dragons that gains 500 atk when there's a fire monster on the field.
So you're like one of those Pokemon trainers with a gimmick
Did you always wear an approriate outfit too?
>Best design and coloring is the original
>They absolutely never fucking use it anymore
>We only ever get shitty green skin with piss yellow hair
The Element monsters? Used to have them in my deck, though I don't want to clutter it full of too many things.
Honestly not even sure what I should do with it. Whether or not to add in a Soul Exchange/Tribute Doll or something else.
I'm not the greatest at making decks, but that deck has worked for me quite well most of the time.
Playing Duel Links is giving me nostalgia for the old Yu-Gi-Oh. Should I
>watch the sub
>watch the dub
>watch the abridged series
>read the manga
Help me decide, Sup Forums.
Been playing an old GBA game using the Legendary Ocean themed deck and fell in love with the cards, this one specially.
really yugi.
>when you have all the ancient power of the kings of old and the gods of Egypt but you use it just to bullshit your way to victory in dumb games
>the original
The "green skin piss yellow hair" one's the original.
The Dub has a better soundtrack
Who else going to the 2020 Olympics dressed as Bandit Keith
Read the manga and watch the dub.
>Yugi had the power to crush minds and destroy people instantly
Yugi being voiced by Ogata on Yugioh Season Zero just make me think he's possessed by Komaeda whenever he pulls shit like that.
>tfw had the ocean deck and the fire deck, which each had monarchs
>lost many of the cards
>especially the monarchs
I never got how fusing two magic girls turns them they into a male rockstar.
Will Gate Guardian ever not be shit?
Source? I always thought the purple/normal skin tone one was the original.
I wish Konami supported some type of Soul Control legacy format
Kaz wanted Dark Magician to be dark/black as fuck, but it weighed manga pages down too much.
So for the movie, he bit the bullet and sorta did it how he truly likes it.
always will be, move on
Naw, witches by default are evil. So a Dark Witch would be good/light.
dumb frogposter
It's the design used in the manga, and in 1st edition cards. The fully purple one was made for the anime.
I absolutely adore that voice.
This card should have the best effect in the game.
Yeah, I dressed up as a Fat Guy, haha...
called Dunames Valkyria in the japanese version
Yes actually, the name of the card in Japan is Dunamis Valkyria
This is bullshit
*silently ara aras in your direction*
This is the card I have and apparently the same thing happened. Who the fuck translates Valkyrie (a European word) to fucking "Dark Witch"?
coulda just bought the structure deck that has it
>1800 ATK
>5 stars
To make it even more dumb, there's a Dark counterpart to Dunames Dark Witch
Why is she banned? Masked Dragon SUMMONS a 1500 atk monster on death and he's allowed.