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I've bought F.E.A.R on a whim from Steam because it was two fiddy
I've never played the original game
Was this a good choice, or no


>Was this a good choice, or no

You tell me.

Good god, jump kicks? Is that a mod or base game?

Rhetorical question, or just a new fag?
FEAR is awesome, and the first game & its two expansions the only good games in the series.

Base. There are barely any mods for FEAR

Finally have a PC that can run it, and noticed it was on sale. Never really played shooters on PC that much

Base game.

yes it's one of the best fps's ever made

someone post that webm of that guy who shoots a box to get to the top floor

>I bought thing
>I wont play thing and instead ask for confirmation
Fucking kill yourself
It's 2 fucking gig so you have no excuse to even say that it's downloading

Wow, you will have lot to experience.
Add pic related to your backlog

I'd dump all my webms for you OP, but I have to go to bed soon.

Probably one of the better FPS games ever made, on a technical level.

Good spooks too.

Someone post the lights swinging around.

Couple more.

Play extraction point next



Environment gets pretty monotonous, you spend too long in the same locales and the later levels look and feel way too similar. Especially the apartment block.

...that's about the only bad thing I can say about F.E.A.R. It's A+ in every other aspect.



I still don't understand the never ending complaints about the environments. I was always too busy either John Woo-ing Replicas, shitting pants because of spooks, or just admiring the lighting and textures that are too good for a game of 2005.




Last one.

Still surprises me how ahead of its time FEAR was. TECHNOLOGY out the ass and rock solid gameplay.

I want to play it again to see it at 144hz, but dat five(5) disc install doe...

>he didn't get the DVD version day 1

They did a great job at creating the most unlikeable faggot ever made

Fuck the hambone


I think it's aged poorly, but ymmv.

The original, first FEAR is a gameplay masterpiece. The sheer perfection of pacing and fluidity you won't find anywhere else.

The two DLCs were already pretty weak, the second one at least acceptable, but still missing the point.

The two sequels don't exist.

>aged poorly
yeah... in a sense that it seems to age BACKWARDS.

FEAR 1 ia great. Imo FEAR 2 ia also good and worth your time. Overall worse than ithe first but it has nicer levels.
The third one was sold on a coop gimmick so yeah... never played it, but some say it's okay.

F3 is a literal, generic CoD clone console-shooter. Has cover system, upgrade systems, regenerating health... the list goes on.

The gameplay, AI and plot are also the rock bottom of the series.

I liked F3 more than F2. I didn't think F2 was spooky at all, purely because of that fucking awful visor that took up the whole screen and was constantly reminding me I was in a video game.


Some aspects like the models and shit (game has awful animations for the weapons) yeah but it doesn't stop it being enjoyable.

The tactical visor, the blue thing that's on the screen over your HUD the entire game.

I actually had to check my F2 footage to realize what you were even talking about. No idea why I never realized that. Guess my immersion's not as easily broken.

That being said, F2 may have already been beginning of the end, but F3 is such a cookie-cutter example of modern generic shooters, it's hard to say if the devs were trying to be humorous with it.

It is unironically one of the best FPS games ever made.

Additionally, it has some of the best AI scripting ever seen in a video game.

It is my favorite game for a reason.

Extraction point was an improvement over the original in every way. It is literally the same game except larger arenas with more enemies.

Perseus Mandate is outsourced shit with worse graphics, AI scripting and level design.

Just know what you're getting into: it's not really a horror game, but it's a really good FPS with some spooky environments and moments. I love it now but the first playthrough I was a little disappointed at the relatively small horror element

>Perseus Mandate is outsourced shit with worse graphics, AI scripting and level design.
But much more new content, better scares, plot even.

you might be misinformed
they focused a lot on the game play and scoring per level
they gave certain gameplay objective during each level to encourage people to use different tactics rather than sticking with one main gun throughout the whole campaign
i guess it wasnt spooky enough for people but the game was short

FEAR was never exactly spooky. It's everything else, from playable spook Fettel, the regenerating health, the overall feel of the game that's totally idiotic. See I'm sick and tired of "oh, it's kinda fun in co-op!" titles. FEAR 3 was nothing but shit.

Extraction point? Yes
Perseus Mandate? Yes
FEAR 2? No
F3AR? Fuck no

it had cool coop mode, fun inventive MP
and it had decent gunplay

it was short, bleak and almost no content at all but lets be fair.

After initial playthrough, try the Call Of Chernobyl mod. Pretty good, combines all maps from the series.
If the forthcoming (lol) Gunslinger mod is made compatible with it, it may very end of close to a """"perfect"""" game.

No, perfect can't exist, hyperbole's a thing.

Play in max difficulty with slo-mo unbound, the game is balanced well enough to allow you to win and feel like an operator doing so.
The spookies just give you breathing room before the incoming Replica engagement.
If you're too cool for school, find the 'silent Replica' mod. Fuuuuuck.

No. It was consolized trash.

FEAR and Expansions, not the god-awful sequels, misread post.

>Play in max difficulty with slo-mo unbound
That's the most boringest way to play FEAR.

FEAR's combat was so god damn fun. Enjoy it OP, grab the expansion packs later if you want too, they are britty gud.

>Play in max difficulty with slo-mo unbound
so to make already shit game "good", you have to take the one and only FUN gimmick the series has away, and turn it into legit CoD clone?

Game has virtually nothing in common with the current industry staple aside from first person perspective and firing of bullets, was just a suggestion for those looking for an afterplay chellenge.
It doesn't even have ADS, for fuck's sake.

You're talking about F1 and he's talking about F3.

F1 without slow-mo isn't challenging anyway because AI isn't actually very smart.

I tried replaying it recently, but all the shadows were fucked up

I got bored with CoC when I realized there wasn't much to do.

Good point, the expansions are a bit more challenging though, probably due to lesser balancing. The container chokepoint in Extraction Point will require you abusing the autoturrets and hiding beinhd the armored truck for example.

Yeah, I tried to extend hobo-phase until close to endgame. That's the trouble with those type of mods.

Playing as Monolith was fun though, the zambies are neutral to 'Lithians.

Call of Chernobyl is worth it for the new areas alone, let alone all the other ones form past games combined,

Anyway OP, you picked up one of the most underrated FPS games in recent memory. It's not the scariest game, but the shooting mechanics are on point

You will have a blast.
Level design hasn't aged well and the storytelling/horror elements are kinda undercooked, or just plain bad, but the gameplay is fucking incredible.

The part where you get the auto-turrets for the first time? Yeah, that was the first part which I felt being hard. I didn't want to use auto-turrets though. There's just many Replica groups spawning on different sides of the arena and if you don't eliminate them fast enough you're going to get flanked - not because AI is great, but simply because they spawned behind you.

I don't think I'd be able to complete Perseus Mandate without slo-mo, too.

The 'new areas' are in the bin files for the original games, just commented out. THQ gave GSC about 6 months to get Shadow Of Chernobyl from vaporware to end product, so they just hid the problem sections, entire maps being part of it. Same with the next two, Deep Silver kept tight reins.
Shame there won't be a STALKER 2, imagine a polished bug-free experience with the graphic fidelity of the Metro series. Can't happen, the original devs are at 4A, Vostok and some at GSC.

Have done all 3, going to confess to save scumming at points in XP, and pretty much the entire second half of PM. Can do the original using only checkpoints and level saves, though.

I got a little bored last time i played it. But i played through the base game atleast 3 times in less than two years, so take that how you will.
The two expansions are good if you enjoyed the base game. Extraction is the better of the two. Most people just see perseus mandate as the shit one, but while the start is admittedly not nearly up to par, i remember it having more interesting sequences later on.

2 is already pretty different from the original.
It's ok i guess and looks nice, but relies more on cover and ads. For arkane reasons they also butchered the loud orgasm dispenser shotgun from the original to make place for an inconsequencial sounding peashooter that is outclassed by literally everything else in the game if you aren't standing on top of the dude trying to shoot your ass.

Slomo just feels like cheating. Testing twitchy reflexes realtime is the fun part of fps for me so why make it completely obsolete?

more like BASED game amirite

Yes. One thing that might avoid some confusion though. The expansions are good, but are also non-canon(they're very much the old-school level pack type of expansion) so if you go on to play 2 and 3 don't expect anything in Extraction Point or Perseus Mandate to have counted.

Yep, it's even one of the strongest attacks in the game. One-shots any soldier besides a heavy, which makes it great for dealing with the assassins since they run right up to melee range in the first place.

>going to confess to save scumming at points in XP, and pretty much the entire second half of PM.
Oh, I see. I mean, FEAR has so many checkpoints that I never used saves in it. Beating the final boss of PM without quicksaves was quite an experience even with slo-mo.
>first stage of the battle, he has just the nailgun
>when you damage him enough, he comes back with a REPEATING CANNON

>Testing twitchy reflexes
You don't need any reflexes. Here's how vanilla FEAR without slow-mo looks like for 95% of encounters: you enter an area, you trigger Replicas, you take a step back, lean, Replicas start shuffling from cover to cover through open areas (because that's how their AI works), you shoot them, they die.

With slow-mo you can jump into the middle of the pack, bicycle-kick one, blast the other one with double-pistols, grab the shotgun, you get the idea, just be creative. Plus, slo-mo adds some much welcome colors in the game.

just to make it clear that by "it's ok i guess" i mean that the game is a functional modern style shooter, but lacks the smooth gameplay of the first game that made it such a joy to play.

Why not jump into the middle of the pack, bicycle-kick one, blast the other one with double-pistols, grab the shotgun without slomo as much as possible? While some encounters need you to take it easy (open spaces mostly), i'm always running around the places flanking people with shotguns. I never understood why some didn't like the office areas since they had the most fun layouts for runing around dropkicking and flanking people with the shotgun. Removing any need for thought or skill with slomo is just boring to me, like watching a press x for awesome takedown animation.

Because you'll probably die on Extreme, the guns are hitscan and the enemies are fairly accurate. The checkpoints are common, but not THAT common, and you aren't using quicksaves (because if you are, what's the point). Using cover is the most logical and efficient way, but it's also the most boring and AI can't really deal with it.

I fucking love lobbing a grenade and shooting it in mid air. It's so goddamn satisfying.

Can certainly do a lot worse, especially for two fiddy. It's a pretty damn good shooter.

I usually save after every "encounter room" to avoid excessive repetition.

Well, if you save that often you can do pretty much whatever, sure. I feel like quicksaves spoil shooters. I like checkpoints.

>larger arenas
Personally, that's the main problem I had with the admittedly limited amount of time I played EP; the areas you fight in feel too large for FEAR's gunplay.

Me too, i always play doom pistolstart for example. But some shooters don't have encounters that well thought out because they have quicksaving and just have progress saves as a backup for if you happen to forget with little to no thought put into it. Nothing kills my stiff then being forced to a checkpoint where you have to watch a cutscene, do a 5 minute stroll and watch a setpiece before shit actually goes down.

You can't really jump into the middle of a group and start kicking everyone but you can definitely get aggressive without dying on Extreme. You don't need to sit back and play it like a cover shooter just because you don't have slowmo. Granted, there are some open areas that don't give you much room to advance, but the majority of the time that's not the case.

>you can one shot assassins
after all these years of slow-mo shotgunning ive learned a different tactic...

Hah. Doom is one of those games I don't actually pistol-start. Guess I'm too casual for it.
>you have to watch a cutscene, do a 5 minute stroll and watch a setpiece before shit actually goes down.
FEAR doesn't have any of those problems, it has a robust checkpoint system.

Slide-kicking one of them was one the first thing I tried when meeting them. Don't even need slow-mo if you time it right.

I've seen people run on walls or stuff like that in FEAR Combat. How can I do that too?

Perseus Mandate is garbage though, worse than 2