>don't want to play BS Infinite because i read the gunplay suck balls
>go on Sup Forums
>so i'm buying the game
>man the gameplay is so shitty even on hard
>let's see the ending
>THAT'S IT???????
>WTF Sup Forums?
Don't want to play BS Infinite because i read the gunplay suck balls
Other urls found in this thread:
what are you talking about can you speak english
Nobody here told you to play that piece of shit.
I'm afraid you have been tricked
Good job listening to redditors, OP.
You need to take into account that a massive normie takeover has been in progress for the last couple of years, you need to learn how to see what posts are from who.
They were probably talking about the DLC, which is a thousand times better than the main game.
Infinite is an overhyped piece of shit, nobody here likes it.
The game was rushed out the door and ken levine had too many people to work with
thus most of the story became a convoluted joke with the gameplay somehow being worse than part 1 and 2s
You're a liar nobody here told you to play that bullshit.
Wait a minute, that card.
Q U O T I N G ?
they didn't say that stop making things up
There's always been a mixture of fanboys and haters of Infinite here. I have no idea how the fuck you've managed to completely filter out everyone that thought the game was shit.
why can't newfags greentext correctly
Aren't most BS:I threads talking about how bad it was though?
Anyway, when did you realize you were in for shit?
>It started with the """"""puzzle"""""" at the light house
>Fears became real at the throwing the ball at the negro part
The fact that they didn't have the balls to say Nigger when Mafia 3 actually did is pretty bad.
Sorry, i have autismo
More time has passed since Infinite's release than the length of time between releases of any of the other games in the series.
Bioshock 4 fucking when? I want to shuttle to a lighthouse on the Moon Levine
Irrational games was disbanded user
They were so afraid to say the word "nigger" yet easily throw out the word "chink". Fucking hypocrites.
BS 2 > 1 >>>>>> Infinite
Who gives a shit, did Ken get his hands disbanded? Bitch can still program
This. Every Infinite thread has the obligatory youtu.be
Nobody will fight you. That's pretty much the consensus in here.
Nah mate, fuck 'em all. Prey is coming out soon and it's looking good. Great SS vibes and I actually trust Arcane studios to a certain degree.
Looks too much like SS2 down to the shitty ass melee combat.
Yeah? Well fuck me I like 1 more.
I borrowed it from a friend a few years ago.
And yeah, the gameplay in general was so dull and boring I stopped after like an hour and a half or 2 hours.
Though I must say, after seeing that pic, I gotta fap to some r34 of her.
Not going to blame you, that was good as well.
I think most people in here, myself included, prefer 2 because the improved combat and the drill dash is just too good.
Nobody likes Infinite. There's nothing on it that is good or did better than other games.
Ken is a hack user
Anyone remember those threads back in the day where everyone would pretend the movie tangled had the plot of Bioshock Infinite?
Yeah combat on 2 was better I agree, but exploration and spooks in 1 were superb, far better than in 2 because you weren't a killing machine in a brass diving suit. Also story is great and that twist was really fucking cheeky. Caught me off guard big time
I actively tried dissuading people on Sup Forums from playing it.
I wish there was more porn of the possession vigor being used on Elizabeth.
>Also story is great and that twist was really fucking cheeky. Caught me off guard big time
Maybe because nobody really knew SS2, but it's always funny to me that people didn't expected the twist, since they did the same shit on SS2.
Although, they did it better on Bioshock. It was so unsubtle on SS2 that you can see it from miles away.
Best game
I remember buying into it since I was out of the country when all the hype hit. I picked it up on sale and beat it in a day or two on hard mode.
It fucking sucked and I wish I could get a refund. It's such a bad game.
Learn to speak English and how to greentext, then raise your IQ with about 70-80 points and report back when you're not an absolute imbecile.
Fucking this. Go back to rabbit, OP. Nobody on Sup Forums liked Infinite for anything other than pretty setpieces.
Come on man, you can't say you expected it. I played SS2 before Bioshock as well and it still got me. I think it's because of how they introduce the setting to you. I didn't even think anything like that would be possible and the way plot goes you're just a random dude that crashed off the plane.
That game elicited an actual protective instinct from me. I still want to protect that small to medium sized bundle of perfection.
Is there a pornstar that looks like Elizabeth???!!!!
Go cry about it on your blag.
Sup Forums was heavily against it. Bioshock infinite was targeted at people who don't normally play video games so it lacked in every category except marketing budget. This was clear since before pre orders were available. The reviews for this game and gameplay footage is easily available to anyone that wants to see them.
You have no one to blame but yourself.
I remember Sup Forums quite enjoying Infinite back when it released. The ending was polarizing here, but most people enjoyed it.
Though it definitely became the "cool to hate" game over the years.
Why do you write like that? I can't tell if you're satirizing excessive greentext usage or just a retard
>I remember Sup Forums quite enjoying Infinite back when it released.
no we did not
Fuck you I remember people calling it out from day 1, especially the ghost fight bullshit.
I really liked Infinite. My main gripe with the gameplay is how boring it is. They took out everything that was fun about the first two. It was bad but I've played worse shooters. I liked the story and aesthetics a lot even though the story was pretty dumb. Overall it was disappointing but bredy gud.
BioShock 2 is the best in the series though.
I did. I didn't expected that's why I think it works so well compared to SS2, despite it's practically the same kind of twist.
IMO the reason why it worked was because Fontaine is a genuine sympathetic character, at first. You like him and he helps you, so you don't feel forced to trust him and just get along with him.
In SS2, everytime Polito said shit I always thinking "Why is she such a bitch?" all the time. Like she's in not very subtle way suspicious. So when the twist hits, I just thought "Oh, of course". Like, no shit that she's turns out to be like that.
Originally, Fontaine was supposed to be more of a prick like Polito until somebody else made him more likeable.
Is this what troll threads have become?
>develop feelings for her
I wish. I love me some incest
parental feelings are still feelings, user
Those were the best lewds.
I wouldn't shit on them for using the princess in a tower guarded by a dragon trope, that's Shrek and a million other fantasy stories.
> you will never be elizabeth
feels bad man
Infinite's combat can be tons of fun
Charge Vigor + melee focused gear (like melee healing and execution stuff) + a shotgun or something make the game's flow essentially like Doom 2016, with fast and engaging combat
plus pic related (from a DLC I think) for extra fun
Bioshock Infinite is literally the best game ever made though.
I'm sorry you are not mature enough for it.
Yeah, but that takes skill, most of which Sup Forums doesn't have. That's why they say Infinite sucks while they prop up dogshit like Battlefield.
Just goes to show you not to give too much of a fuck about what Sup Forums says.
>posting the same troll image twice
It speaks volumes about the kinds of people who are too dumb for Bioshock Infinite that these are things that genuinly don't make sense to them.
Meanwhile, any fan of the game knows all of this.
There's a simple solution to that: Pirate the game so you can decide whether it's worth buying or not
>My main gripe with the gameplay is how boring it is. They took out everything that was fun about the first two.
What are you talking about? There was nothing fun about the gameplay in the first two.
Infinite is the only Bioshock that is actually playable.
>Comparing ANY shock game to any Doom
Mate. Unless the comparison is Doom 3 to System shock 2, that is a bad comparison.
Drill + Plasmids was the shit in 2.
>Nobody likes Infinite.
PROTIP: Just because you and all of your friends are racists, doesn't mean the majority is; or for that matter that anybody likes you.
Indeed. Infinite is much better.
I know
>BAS liz was revealed after damn near every artist was tired of making Elizabeth porn.
It all felt weightless to me, and the entire game was unnecessary.
Infinte's guns actually have weight to them.
>Nobody likes Infinite.
Metacritic disagrees.
>has to be coaxed by a board of internet trolls to be motivated
Get some real friends, faggot.
>Infinte's guns actually have weight to them.
NONE of the guns in any of the shock games have weight to them, especially considering no enemies have any reaction to getting shot.
Apples and oranges.
The Shock games had it's roots in the FPS/RPG genre (Even though the RPG side got less and less over the different Shocks) and Doom has pretty much been a pure FPS other than Doom 3.
D44M's goal was to bring classic FPS tropes back in a modern iteration. Infinite's goal is to recapture the first game's appeal. One succeeded better than the other.
I felt the opposite. Every hit and every movement of Delta felt like I was a guy in a huge suit of armour. Story wise, it is pointless, but so is Infinite all things considered. I think 2 did a better father/daughter relationship.
And it's not hard to make weighty guns when you copy paste the same 5 of them.
Does anyone else like/enjoy Elizabeth's porn? I was surprised I even stumbled across some on YouPorn besides imagery....
they dont
Funny enough, his friends pushing him to play BS:I would be more believable than here.
Nigga, do you seriously not know SFM porn? Am I getting baited?
...except in Infinite, in which that stuff is the cutting edge of the genre.
>so is Infinite all things considered.
Nice try.
>I think 2 did a better father/daughter relationship.
In your dreams.
>And it's not hard to make weighty guns when you copy paste the same 5 of them.
Well duh, it's the twenties (or was it 1918).
I'm sure having 2 guns instead of multiple guns at a single time is cutting edge.
I'm sure copy pasting powers from the previous games and hell, even in the same game is cutting edge.
I'm sure getting quantum physics 100% wrong and not understanding how paradox's work is cutting edge.
Actually they do.
I understand you find that hard to believe, but you need to understand that you are stupid.
show me proof
>actually replying to these people praising Infinite
>Infinite's goal is to recapture the first game's appeal.
Actually, Infinite's entire design ethos is to excise all of the unnecessary, superfluous baggage that made the other two games such a slog.
That's why it's the best.
Who the fuck from here told you to play Infinite?
I got it for free with a graphics card and still felt ripped off. Gunplay sucks, the abilities make the game retardedly easy, and the story is an asspull, AT BEST, once it becomes time to conclude the fucking thing.
Sadly I don't really think that the first two are much different aside from having better writing. Now, System Shock was some good shit.
>Nice try
It is though. What weight does it have on the Bioshock story? Keep in mind, I'm talking about the base game.
>In your dreams.
It does though. Delta is a... man(?) that would do anything for his daughter and his daughter learns her own morality from him. Booker could not give two shits about Elizabeth and most people played it like a romantic relationship.
>Well duh, it's the twenties (or was it 1918).
Around that era. But you got to remember this is the same game where people are selling genetic powers on the street corners and ghosts exist.
>that one guy who defending Infinite in this thread.
Just stop. There's no point to stir up the shit again since the hype is already long gone. It's been 4 years dammit.
It's still unfortunate we didn't got the proper Infinite.
>Infinite is the only Bioshock that is actually playable.
Nice revisionism.
It's fun to see what arguments they can churn out.
At the cost of the basis of the entire fucking series? Remember, Bioshock spawned from System Shock, a game that was as much as an RPG as an FPS.
>I'm sure having 2 guns instead of multiple guns at a single time is cutting edge.
Yes, dumbass, it forces you to choose a playstile and make tactical decisions.
>I'm sure copy pasting powers from the previous games and hell, even in the same game is cutting edge.
The second half of your post makes no sense, and hey, thosr powers got refined and are more fun to use than before. That's not even getting into the new shit.
>I'm sure getting quantum physics 100% wrong and not understanding how paradox's work is cutting edge.
You are not a very smart person.
>Sadly I don't really think that the first two are much different aside from having better writing.
The first two have actual map design and less hackneyed writing. The weapons are far more satisfying if only because you're encouraged to experiment with them and find one you like to use in conjunction with a power.
Infinite just feels like shit.
Getting buttblasted because you actually need to back up your shitposting, hmmm?
You and I have a very different idea of fun.