Why'd they go out of style?
Why'd they go out of style?
Because flying games in general did. Flight sticks have always been shit for space games where there is no gravity or lift
It's only make sense for flight games and flight genre is a niche genre.
"I ain't tryna play with no DIL-DO" - Chad Papi, 2007
Because I want to play other games than Il-2 Sturmovik
And then you're better off going all the way and buying a HOTAS setup
They did? Pic related, even girl gamers use them. Thought they were always really niche because peripherals never work like you want them to
Who cares about style? You either play games that make use of them or you don't. They don't have to be stylish
I first played starfox 64 on an emulator using an attack 3
it was good shit.
Plenty of people recommend mixing and matching joysticks and throttles, and plenty more recommend foregoing the throttle or joystick and keeping one hand on kb/m.
You mean cheap flight sticks? No market for them. Simmers use more expensive stuff while casuals don't have any interest in flight games (well maybe shit thunder and ace combat, but that's basically it)
Literally who?
Went through a dozen different flightsticks through the 90s and early 2000. Most cheap and simple, some expensive, like this copy of an F-15 stick.
Beyond the throttle control and being a stick, there's not much point in buying one when I can just use a standard game controller with xinput.
The Extreme 3D Pro is fairly cheap. You just have to replace it every few years because it inevitably starts pulling to one direction and there's no way to fix it.
twisting the thing left and right for rudders is fucking awful, how do real aircraft pilots even use this garbage in real life, its easier flying with a modern video game controller
I owned this and it's okay
Who else /MW4/ on one of these here?
because it comes down to down to three things:
if you need z axis rotation on the stick then you get a rhino
if you don't need it (or don't mind putting z axis on buttons) then you get a warthog
if you only play fsx then you get a ch yoke
flightstick market is pretty well taken care of and has been for a long time. its a niche market with a dedicated audience who are nitpicky as fuck about sticks so when people finally made a good (albeit expensive) one they jumped all over it and the rest is history.
And I've never figured out a good way to use the buttons on the base. Any game I'm using a joystick for is either simple enough that I only need the buttons on the stick itself, or complex enough that I need more than six additional buttons and am better off keeping my other hand on the keyboard.
Too many people were just sitting on it instead of playing the game.
Lurk more faggot
My sister has one of those, it's puprle and has a fantasy look. Never seen her play with it though. Don't know why she keeps it under her bed.
>twisting the thing left and right for rudders is fucking awful, how do real aircraft pilots even use this garbage in real life
They don't. Real-life pilots control the rudder with pedals on the floor. Well, for fighter planes at least.
I only use the twist axis for rolling in space sims (which usually make the x-axis work more like a rudder).
>pulling the stick backwards in what appears to be a split-screen racing game while yelling about camping
this is good stuff
this is why I got one
>had an Extreme 3D Pro for years now
>never got around to using it
>plug it in and install drivers for it
>doesn't work well
there's not way he'd get a 10 year old meme from a website with people that have only been on here 3 years tops. stop being a jackass, faggot
I dont want to use didoes as conyrollers
This kind of stick was perfect for Battlezone. Felt really good and natural if you had rotate on stick twist, aim on tilt, and throttle on a slider on the base.
why are "girl gamers" always depicted as raging asshats?
they want to steal your homunculus
To be fair, pretty much everyone playing a competitive game is depicted as a raging asshat.
>stop being a jackass
stop being a baby
Joysticks an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
I flight sim, been using Extreme 3d pro and kb for years. For more complex sims like DCS it can be shitty and you should get a hotas if you can afford it.
underrated post