I'll kick your ass so hard you'll kiss the moon or something.
I'll kick your ass so hard you'll kiss the moon or something
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to cum on her lips.
I'll kiss her ass until she kicks me to the moon.
You furry, yiff in heck
You mean scaly
Also it's okay as long as she's in her human form r-right
Stop making threads about my waifu you fag
>tfw no cute clown gf
But she's a jester
Jesters are better than clowns anyway
>Undisputed top
>Oh shit nigger what are you doing
>Furry get out
>Babies first girlfriend
No u
Moons. Plural.
Lie down with a dog like this and you're sure to catch fleas.
wrong character user.
Not even the best waifu in the game.
Who could possibly be better?
Infighting. Good girls in CT and CC.
>tfw almost no good art
It's not fair
I want Anzu to cosplay Harle so bad.
clown/harlequin/masquerade grills are the best, so pretty
Cosplay is cancer kill yourself
Why are there so few of them in vidya?
>Why are there so few of them in vidya?
We can only hope things change.
>tfw a game with a jester girl love interest would probably not sell
It hurts
Also, what manga
I want to pick her up and throw her on my cock.
I wanna throw her in the trash
She's feral, doesn't she even have a tail?
I'm already kissing the moon through the reflection of those luscious, sanguine orbs.
I don't think that user knows what furry means
Tejina Senpai. She's only a clown in the most recent chapter.
Would look cuter without the nose, honestly
That's what Harlelots are for.
horrible pun, user
jester thread?
>tfw you will never beat and rape the clown (female) ever again
why live?
I don't see the romantic appeal of a fucking clown.
She's not even a clown though
Hank you are drunk pls stop.
>that scene where she asks if you would choose her or the world
Nearly gave me a heart attack
>Serge chose Kid over Harle
Why though
Can you say that Harle is your world?
She's a JESTER. I have a jester fetish, it's way better than a shitty clown fetish.
Finally someone gets it
Classy jesters >>> retarded circus clowns
where does one find jester images, porn or otherwise?
So choosing her is bad for her.
But I imagine choosing the world is bad for her either.
Dammit, why the trick question!?
I hear there's this thing called google, don't know if you've heard of it
It's a tough fetish man. There's no one real source.
>those bonus endings where LynxSerge and Harle are living together
Did they fug
I have just finished Berseria, and Magilou gave me such great Harle feelings.
Cute, sassy jesters should be a thing.
>great Harle feelings
What is that?
She gives me more witch vibes than jester vibes
Kid best CC.
>main girl
>ever being the best
Unoriginal fag detected
A broken girl that seeks her purpose at the side of Lady of Calamity. Mends her broken heart by observing people and finds will to live through helping the party through their journey.
I took a liking to Magilou because of Harle.
I have great memories after Chrono Cross, which is my favorite game till this day, even after over 15 years.
>To get her as a permanent party member you have to beat the game on NG+ while you're a fucking cat.
At least she doesn't die, r-right?
Worth it
Not during the game, but she dies upon breaking her pledge, that she was forced to take by high seraphims (that are dragons), by revealing historical taboo to humanity - making sure they won't make the same mistake. Horrible death, but she had loved humans so much to do it.
wait wat
she dies, but not in the game? Is there something else?
I should probably just play it
Kill jester
This info comes from Zestiria anime and the game.
(Also in guidebook)
Tales of Berseria is the prequel to Zestiria.
I can recommend ToB, just because the game has this late 90' feel to it.
thank god for starrky
that scene is too sad man
>To get her as a pregnant party member you have to beat the game on NG+ while you're a fucking cat.
This is what I read at first
I need sleep
>just because the game has this late 90' feel to it.
Thanks man, we need more games with that kind of feel
>arguing semantics
If it's a fucking animal, it's fucking godamn it!
I doubt she actually has a dragon form anyway
No. She's a cavegirl. You're apparently retarded.
there need to be more jesters in vidya
harlequins are notorious pranksters