Fuck Valve

Fuck Valve. Caught a VAC ban and I didn't do anything wrong.

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play stupid games, win stupid prizes

OP can't stop sucking cock


fuck you the only program I use is F.lux and valve banned me for fucking f.lux

Well if you smurfed you probably did something wrong.

Sure buddy


>just chill tm
>h4x0rzz xd badge
actually kill ursmelf

>I didn't do anything wrong.


I feel no pity, and the fact you need to put that in your profile just makes you look more like the scammer you actually are.

Bullshit, you can only get VAC banned for cheating.

maybe you should just chill

deserved it

Eat shit, cheater!



fuck you smurfing faggot

your the reason online games die and then you complain why your playerbase is dead because you turned all the new players off.

found you OP

Hey Just Chill you should try and do a better job at hiding your name next time


i dont get why ppl smurf why dont you just play your normal account? i dont get it, i just dont................................................. get it. yknow?

go ahead and add me you bitch


Read the terms and conditions for VAC Bans.

VAC is only for cheating, not smurfing. Get rekt scrub.

why would you post about a ban that happened years ago with a picture from reddit?

How did you even find him? You're OP just trying to do a stealth personal army request aren't you?

>reddit link

You gotta go back faggot.

people smurf to cheat so their main account doesn't get VAC'd

OP forgot to turn it off before switching to main


Why am I not surprised

this ellipsis gave me.......epilepsy

I looked up "justchillâ„¢" on google, found this link steamrep.com/profiles/76561198187179393 then ctrl+f for chill on the friends list, found one that had a vac ban on it and posted

>773 day(s) since last ban
OP is a lying faggot and attempting to personal army

o ya we're all replying to a shitstain motherfucker posting old repost images everyone bail now

addendum: it updated to Sweggty after checking it

>Valve considers smurfing cheating
>You know this
>You smurf anyways
>"B-b-but I didn't do anything wrong! Fuck you Valve!"

How do you even prove that somebody is smurfing?

Like, what if you were good at CS 1.6 in the day, and you bought CSGO for the first time, and started tearing it up?

Oh man, that sucks. But I believe you user :)

This. Now his account is flagged for life. I love it.

No one believes you didn't do anything wrong.

OP you should know better than to bait with pictures from reddit, you could've made this thread with any public steam account. Why?

>Actually cheat and use creamapi to pirate DLC
>Don't get banned

Thanks Volvo

You cant unless you say itbob your profile or something. I always report people who list their smurfs on their profile, feels good man

>tf2 hacker who brags about having a million alt accounts
>they all use the same avatar, including his real account
excellent job, artur

What drives people to cheat and lie about it? Making people angry is one thing, but to cheat without the intention of griefing alone while insisting you are playing legit doesn't make sense to me.

VAC is an automated system that only bans you if you're trying to inject something into the game files.

You can't get banned for playing on another account.

>reddit dp
>reddit link
>vac ban

what a disgusting person

>having more steam friends than you do games


I've never met a single person with a vac ban that didn't deserve it for hacking.


>it's another retards fall for a thinly veiled personal army request thread

Did you just get banned from one game? And tf is smurfing?

OP doesn't know but there is russian sites where you post their steam ID and it spams them with 500+ invites from hacked accounts.

>hello it me your brother, check this photo

what site

>and I didn't do anything wrong.

Lots of reasons, like wanting to play with your lower ranked friends or absurdly long queue times at high ranks.

Usually it is because a player is a garbage though, and is at a point where they can cheese newer players, but cannot compete with actual good players.

Basically low test faggots who'd rather beat up scrubs than get good.

Smurfing is when you hunt Smurfs with Gargamel

he was exposed when someone found the account with a ban 700+ days ago and retards are still falling for it

Twinking. Making a new/low level character or tanking your matchmaking rating, or what the fuck ever, in order to shit on noobs.


Oh. That sounds weird I guess. Don't think it should be a bannable offense though.

Then again, I hate any PvP with "rankings". I like each match to be completely random, from my side being overpowered to getting destroyed to everything in between. When there are rankings each game is more or less the same challenge, and I find that boring af.

Though considering it may deter some new players "smurfing" to too low of a rank should be bannable, as it costs the devs money.

>smurf to play with lower-ranked family members
>spend most of the match playing music and giving enemy team advice
I don't even attempt to win most of the matches.
Just enough to keep those I queued with still within their own bracket.

im glad i dont know wtf "smurfing" is.

if it's a smurf steam account why do you care

>Don't think it should be a bannable offense though.

Fooling nobody, OP.

Cucked by Gabe once again

>hurr i got a VAC ban for smurfing
No, you got a VAC ban because you're a dumb enough cunt to cheat on your alt account and have the same phone number linked to your main account.

VAC = Cheat Detection. There is nothing else to it.

If you had a "game ban", you could at least argue that Overwatch is an absolute shit concept and is implemented terribly (Which it is).

The fuck is smurfing?

ASSFAGGOT lingo for "twinking"

The fuck is twinking?

its not even the same faggot stfu
have you ever played any videogames before

MMO lingo for smurfing

How the fuck do you smurf? I don't get it. You can't have multiple profiles of the same valve game within the same account. Details?

>have you ever played any videogames before

Where the fuck do you think you are? Now tell me what Twinking is before I shove all 3 inches of my flaccid cock up your nose.

Read all of my post. I don't know how many ranks there are, but dropping just a few seems fine. Life shouldn't be predictably easy all the time.

playing at a tier or two your affected level in order to gain more from low level players

sometimes done with an alternate account or some other form of anonymity

Most likely

You can always remove your original one and start over.

I actually didn't know what either are since PvP is crap in pretty much every game, ever. MMOs are meant for PvE, period.

It means playing in a "rank" much lower than your skill.

You create a new account and buy the game again.

What the idiot OP did was have the same phone number linked to his new account and main account, as he probably played the "Prime" matchmaking in CSGO which prevents shit like exactly this until he gets a new phone number.

>Life shouldn't be predictably easy all the time.

Go fuck off and play a game that allows smurfing then, you turd burglar.

>Over 2 years since VAC ban
>Only 30 games
>Probably had like half that when it happened

Why in the fucking hell would anyone keep using a VAC banned account with so few games instead of making a new one?

how tf do you not know what smurfing is nigga

Again, read it all. Stop being a whiny little bitch because you occasionally get fucked and get better instead. That's what PvP is about.

I don't play shit games and I'm too old to keep up with "gamer lingo"

Now tell me. This is your last warning before I do something fucking drastic.

Dicku tabemas, OP.

nobody tell him

Or, I can just do as the game is designed to do, and you can get banned you butthurt pleb.

I like the consistent difficulty, and the large volume of matches I put into games like that still inevitably results in stomps on either side so there's still variety, just less "game is over from the second we start" bullshit

this word has been around for a long time now gramps

you cant tell a young buck like me what to do

Well, you asked for this.

>dindu nuffin vac ban

vac bans should be represented by 72 point blinking red comic sans on offender's profiles.

Jesus fucking christ. Calm down.

If I'm being honest, I don't really understand why "smurfing" is a bannable offense. It's just when a retarded faggot decides to buy the same game again on another Steam account, to play when they want to be epik trollz or whatever, right? Why does Valve care if they are getting extra money? It's like people who multibox in WoW. As far as I know, Blizzard doesn't give a shit because they have to buy the game and sub for each extra account.

>OP forgot to turn it off before switching to main
forgot to turn what off?

>literal leddit faggotry

when will nu-Sup Forums end

What if they got banned for something like using a dll injection to play single-player half-life 1 mods?

VAC bans are fucking disgusting. I hate knowing that my account with over 700 games can be permanently marred by some automated system or by some retard GM who's entire investment into my case is reading 1 line of text and clicking "ban" before moving on and hoping lunch break comes soon. Then on top of that knowing that even having all the evidence in the world, getting a wrongful ban removed has a 0.0000000000000000000000000001% success rate because this billion-dollar company has a 2 person customer service team.

VAC bans are absolute cancer. I remember they said DaS2 would have VAC and I was terrified to even play it because some texture mods might get me banned or some shit.

>Why does Valve care if they are getting extra money?

Because it shits the game up for other people. If you're brand new and there is a healthy supply of other new people to play against, why the fuck would you want XxXxMLGquickSCOPExXxXSephirotth420[BEASTMODE:ON] barging into the game just to stroke his ego?

>VAC bans are absolute cancer.

How so? If you don't cheat or just generally act like a cunt, you're 100% safe.

Anyone like the vac banned message on their profile? It just looks good seeing that red text on grey background