My 5 year old nephew loves Knack. How do I explain to him he's wrong?

So my nephew loves Knack and I need a way to explain to him he is wrong.

I tried explaining to him how metacritic percentages work. I gave him a whole cookie and said "This is what 100% looks like, or 90% depending how you look at it". He looked bright eyed at the expectation of getting 100% (or 90%) of a cookie. I then broke the cookie in half, dunked it in water, and threw the other half in the trash. I handed him the half of a soggy cookie and while he cried as I explained to him this is what Knack is. Half a soggy cookie.

Well his mom was not happy about this, I just casually explained that he needs to learn sooner or later what a good videogame is.

Long story short he's taking his first step into Yhargnam. While I try to explain why you should always invert y axis, I just couldn't be happier.

Any other ideas of how to explain to a 5 year old why a game with a low metacritic score is bad and cannot nor should it be enjoyed by anyone? Including examples of how to explain that a mass conglomerate of review scores is the best way to judge a quality of game would also help.

Other urls found in this thread:


>trusting metacritic as gospel

He's your nephew not your son leave him the fuck alone


It's pathetic that you're making him play some pussy-shit game like Bloodborne (Only has a 92 on metacritic AKA shit) when he could be playing THPS2.

Is this a pasta? If not then good job.

Doin' God's work OP, keep it up.

Kids have zero taste so leave him be you killjoy.

you should stop speaking to him so he doesn't turn into a degenerate neckbeard spending time asking anonymous gamers advice for manipulating your infant nephew

fucking chirst.

Tell him it's a guilty pleasure.

wait ... are you serious op? your literally autistic hs
go to r9k

Most kids can't grasp critical thinking to the extent adults do. Let him enjoy it. I played a bunch of shitty games as a kid. I probably played Paperboy 2 more than any other rental.

If he's not a total retard he will learn for himself. Suggest games and have him watch or try to play. Don't steer him in a direction, try to guide him toward stuff he likes. Don't be a total faggot.

Knack was way ahead of its time, it will be considered a masterpiece in around 40 years.

he'll learn how shit knack is on his own and how shit his uncle is. hell, he'll probably a chad now that he knows who not to look up too.

Poor kid is young and has never played a real game, introduce him to one.

erase the game and play bad uncle with him if he wants it back on the ps4 so he always associates you molesting him with Knack. That will teach him.


I sure hope this is just a very annoying bait. Whoever wrote it must be like this guy:

Just tell him he has bad taste. If he tries to make any point, just scoff at him and tell him to play better games like Dark Souls.

Well, he's making him play Bloodborne apparently, so I think he already is.

>this guy is married
>I still have no gf

Woah... so this... is the power... of autism?

Let him be you dick, he's fucking 5 years old. At least wait until he's not barely out of diapers.

Let him enjoy the game you fucking autismo.

99% of those kids TV shows and garbage, but kids love them because they appeal to them.

How fucking autistic do you have to be to try and persuade a 5 year old child, who's enjoying a game created to appeal to that specific demographics, that he's "wrong" for enjoying it.

Mcfucking kill yourself my man.

My wife's 5-year-old daughter hate this game. She prefers a good game like Senran kagura. Your nephew is a pleb.

ITT: Trying to stop your nephew from enjoying objectively bad games is autism!

Neo-Sup Forums, everyone.

Kek. Ill give you a solid 8/10 user. Put a good amount of effort into this post, made me chuckle

I can't tell who's baiting who anymore.

>People seriously respond to this instead of Rolling with it.

What happened to this place

Your nephew sounds like a little faggot. Smash his video games and have sex with his mom

is it supposed to be a late parody of that "my kids love knack so it can't be shit" article some shill game journo wrote

Super pitfall was the best game ever for me.. until i played mega man 2, and mario, and blaster master etc..
It was the game that came with my Brazilian nes clone.
Just show him better games.
Not fucking numbers.

>interfereing with the childhood of kids that aren't your own is perfectly acceptable behavior and not a sign of social retardation.

If you're going to bait, put a little more effort into it.

>inverting y axis
>not inverting only x axis

I think you're doing ok, you just need to reinforce the message. Let him play what he wants, but whenever he plays anything under a 90 on metacritic, punch him hard in the arm.





you mnust be 18 or older to post here

i.e. your nephew can enjoy shit games until he's 18, then we ruin his nostalgia.

>99% of those kids TV shows and garbage, but kids love them because they appeal to them.
I'd never let my kid watch certain cartoons desu.Theres some heavy shit on there, or genuine propoganda

You must be 18 to post here, kid

>Mcfucking kill yourself my man.

>Long story short he's taking his first step into Yhargnam. While I try to explain why you should always invert y axis, I just couldn't be happier.

Good shit.


don't worry, OP

he'll probably give up video games before the end of high school and go on to live a well-adjusted life

>Shock collar
>Twitch chat decides how much voltage/when

Stop replying to pastas, motherfuckers.

Its got a better user score than mass effect andromeda

yeah man i went over to my cousin's house she's 8 earso ld right so i took away her wii and replaced it with a pc and got her dota 2 ha ha

she'll have good taste like me now hahaa


Am I literally the only fucking person on this thread that understood the point behind that post? I don't care if its pasta, the point is that judging games for metacritic scores and forcing others to change their taste to suit a number given by some random critic is just stupid.

God fucking DAMN is Sup Forums getting more and more autistic by the hour.

You put a lot of work into this I appreciate it.
Well done.

Good job op. Now let him taste real game like mario and zelda.

Stop posting your crap here snoozer