Why the fuck can I outmanuever my opponents and aim perfectly yet still get memed by people who turn around and get...

Why the fuck can I outmanuever my opponents and aim perfectly yet still get memed by people who turn around and get lucky headshots?

How ce there are so many scripters in this game?

Why cant my bullets just go where I aim? Why do I need to filter my aim pattern through arbitrary bullet spread + rng?

Shit isn't even fun because it is not directly responsive and it's unintuitive as fuck. I wouldd rather play Quake than this shit or even CoD. This game is made for campers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Input lag decreases as fps increases in source.

Lower your settings

>first shot variance
>spray pattern meta
Shit game user, anyone worth a damn knows it

I am at >60fps

Just wait for Quake Champions, CS was always Quake minus the skill.

It's even less skillful than call of duty. You can just camp in a spot and try to headshot someone or get in a spontaneous gunfight and pull a lever to see who wins

Reaction time or aim means fuck all in this game.

Doesn't matter. The game is more responsive the higher the fps.



I'll teach you how to play

>Quake champion
Every characters having abilities. Impossible to balance and will end up cheesing mechanics.

Here you go bro ;)


Just play R6 Siege. Guns behave like guns there

Thats just not true

Is the rng and spread because valve sucks ass at balance so they just make it luck/lag based?

git gud, aim bottom right noob

How can anyone defend this?


>Being this mad


you probably stare at the floor and havent learned the spray patterns. learn how to play the game faggot. Or just stop playing it because its fucking garbage any way.

CS being competitive is a European meme. CS was made to be fun and shit around in.

>shoot an enemy
>blood stain behind him at the wall
>get killed
>open console
>no damage made

fuck this game

>CS was always Quake minus the skill.
This isn't even remotely true. CS players would rape quake players back in the day. All of the best FPS players went to CS at its peak except Fatal1ty.

t. Quake player since 96 and CS player since Beta 2

the recoil in this game make no sense and is incredibly intuitive
>buy LMG for the first time
>second mistake
>hell yeah time to open up on these fools
>third mistake
>begin spraying and moving my mouse downwards so I can keep my crosshair on the enemy
>fourth mistake
>notice the tracers are actually coming out 15 degrees higher than the crosshair
>buy cs:go
>first mistake

perhaps you could argue that for 1.6, but for GO? nah, the game is awful

also, HLDM >>>> cs