What series do you all miss most? For me, it's Wild ARMS. I've heard whispers it might return, but I don't dare get my hopes too high.
What series do you all miss most? For me, it's Wild ARMS. I've heard whispers it might return...
I need WA2 remake.
I need Anastasia in high density polygon, and her own ending.
No need to save the world if you're stuck on event horizon forever.
Lord I'd give ANYTHING for that.
>Sony drop hints about a new Wild Arms game for about 2 years; which naturally wannabe-leakers latch on to
>it's finally revealed to actually exist
>it's a mobile game
4 months later and I'm still salty about that.
Wild ARMS is a good one.
Suikoden is my favorite series of all time, and so that's definitely my most missed.
Some other ones:
Jumping Flash
You're kidding, right? That was just Breath of Fire, right?
I'd love another Suikoden, especially since I HATED Tierkreis.
Another Grandia would be nice too.
Basically most old school jrpgs. I still enjoy Final Fantasy and Tales of, but I miss the variety.
Dino crisis