Miss Me Yet?
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no because i only played as fem shep
No, your games weren't that great.
never played these what are these games? is all about romancing aliens and having some mediocre gameplay in between?
Better get back on that ship,the people on this board do not enjoy video games.
Replayed Me1 and its total shit. Me2 holds amazingly well tho
you are the pinnacle of human evolution and you go around punching reporters and being a general dick to people
if you so choose
I too, wish I were a girl.
I liked Shepard's cool and collected professional attitude but I kinda like Ryder's easy going casual nature more
also what's the weirdest looking fucker you can fuck in these games?
1 and Andromeda have hub worlds, exploration and side quest like traditional RPGs. 2 and 3 became lame cover shooters
>not knuckles the enchilada
I don't like RPGs and I don't like cover shooters
As much as I hate the Andromeda protagonist design, I can't say I miss the bald-ROTC-white-guy protagonist insert from the late 2000s in video games spurred from CoD 4's popularity. Still, doesn't feel as out of place in Mass Effect as it did with Sam Witwer's self-insert in fucking Star Wars The Force Unleashed -- the universe where everyone has 70s hair except him.
I agree.
You hear a lot of praise for ME1, but they seem to all forget the gunplay was crap and Mako exploration was a horror filled experience of endless mountains
pretty much.
Femshep master race!
Please come back Sheppard. I'm willing to forgive attrotious ending.
Just come back and do better next time.
This. And nah, I was just there earlier.
I liked driving the Mako
>playing a coalburner character
>playing a character voiced by a coalburner
Kill yourselves
I'm still salty at all the cocksucking ME1 received. It was a good (GOOD, not excellent) game, but the amout of recycled content was outrageous, there are literally three maps for the "dungeons" (warehouse, mine, spaceship) which have the same layout repeated each time. By mid game I could predict the exact spawning points of the mobs.
I'll add that it had its share of bugs too. Not Andromeda level by any mean, but it happened quite a number of times that I got stuck somewhere (two times on the exact same spot on a bridge in the Citadel, literally blocked by air).
seconded, but mostly because I'm a fag for exploration, so I enjoyed just wandering around (but even that aspect shows how cheap the development was).
I always found the pick for the title stupid. It's like if FF12 was called Airships because they play a big instrumental role in the game.
So we all agree that Earthborn, Survivor, Soldier Sheploo is the best right?
that was exactly my build as renegade but it was more of a cunt than a renegade
Earthborn ruthless adept/vanguard/infiltrator/sentinel desu
Soldiers are just so boring to play across all three games
Only for children
Yes, please come back
spoken like someone who has never melee'd a threshermaw to death
>childbirth and pregnancy
I really like your 20 versions of buzzed hair.
nah, commander shitbird's canadian accent made him sound like a huge pussy. i could never take this voice actor seriously. a canadian being the savior of the universe? immersion ruined
Not a worry if you're a girl with a feminine penis.
god please take me back to '07
Worth playing renegade femshep just for the voice acting.
Miss me yet?
And yet ME3 was a god damn masterpiece compared to DA:I and ME:A.
then you'll go to eternal torment in hell
>And yet vomit was a god damn masterpiece compared to shitty semen diarheea.
These types of sentences are irrelevant.
Then go play Peggle 2
I can fap to either, in the right context.
Shitty semen diarrhea makes me laugh on demand, whereas it's fun to watch the agony and internal monologues of a girl vomitting during fellatio. There is a lot of interesting character development during scenes like that.
this is how you do a cold start right.
Andromeda fucks up it's cold start so bad and NEVER recovers. In the ME1 intro you hear all you need to hear in
They will never surpass this moment:
I honestly didn't even like that ME games that much, but Shepard and Garrus entertained me a lot.
>mfw I let Garrus win the bottle shooting contest
I'd do it all over again just to see him happy.
One day they'll remake the original trilogy with a satisfying, non-DEM conclusion to Shepard and the Reapers.
I just hope I'm alive to see it.
This is the closest thing you will ever see.
The cold start in ME1 was great, and the strut to the helm across the bridge, couple with the musical score, was the perfect setup.
The name mass effect makes no sense today because bioware changed the original plot. It was more fitting when the entire story was about the universe dying because of the widespread use of the mass effect.
ME1 and ME2 had absolutely amazing openings, so different but so fitting for each game.
Yeah now it's about how white people are extinct and muh space social justice.
>The ending cutscene
>The ending music
>Your Shepard posing in front of a random space backdrop
>The CREDITS music
I my hair could pierce steel beams from the goosebumps.
This, I miss FemSHep
>implying that malesheps voiceactor didnt sound like a potato trying to murmur lines
>Implying anyone would miss Mass Effect 3 or Mass Effect series after that shitstorm
My femShep didn't burn coal. My femShep burned alien amino acids.
>Only game in the collection with all the DLC is ME1
Fuck this shit