Is Dota 2 fun? My friends love that game, but I've always been more of a platformer person

Is Dota 2 fun? My friends love that game, but I've always been more of a platformer person.

if you aren't a competitive person you won't like it

Dota 2 is the most hardcore MOBA out there. If you make even one single mistake your entire team will flame you over voice chat for the rest of the game.

That's because that single mistake can determine the outcome of the match, you fucking smegma-inhaling manwhore.

See, this is the kind of abuse you'll get.

Dota 2 was fun before the 7.00 update. Never played after that because game got ruined and unplayable.

>good platformer
>good moba

Awesomenauts would be right up your alley. It's literally both.


at first glance I thought that's some weird ass megaman cosplay.


Is the little subhuman South American mad that someone insulted his baby tower dancing game?

>comeback gold still exists
>economy is still super-inflated

Those are super-blatant things that are way different than what Dota was in the past. There's no nostalgia goggles when the game used to be completely fucking different. That said it's still more fun than LoL.

This. 7.00 was a dick move Valve pulled off in order to pander towards Chinese players because they found out that chinks have the highest player base in dota 2 and chinese dota leagues reap more profits. Even the new hero Monkey King was a an obvious pandering gift to the chinks. People had lots of issues and complaints about 7.00 and various Dota2 players from competitive to dedicated fans all protested and wrote concerns about it. So what did Valve do? Issued more bans, flipping the middle fingers to western league players and updating even more useless bugs into the game. With all this shit guess which one group of players that never complained and praised Valve over this? Thats right: Chinks.

No. Play fighting games instead if you want a game that won't waste an hour of your life, isn't dependent on 4 random fucks you get matchmade with, and doesn't make you want to kill yourself while simultaneously being hopelessly addictive. It's like nicotine in video game format.

Ah look its a chinese player. Happy that Valve is dick-feeding you well? how you like that new tiny HUD and console commends? See them better with your slanty vision I suppose.

FYI I'm from Spain and I'm currently 4k ranked MMR

Wow great, the shit country even spics ran away from because it's so shit.

I can't believe Valve, actually. Monkey King was blatantly numerically and conceptually busted on release, to the point where a person with 100 fucking games with know that he's busted, god forbid someone who's played for 4 years. He also makes 3 other heroes obsolete because everything he does is a better version of theirs.

Then they gave him one of those passive-aggressive nerfs where they don't really nerf him significantly, and actually gives him better sustain early, but the Dota 2 subreddit eats it right up and assumes it actually killed the hero because they're fucking stupid.

They don't realize that getting 75 damage and 30% lifesteal on average per hit at level 7 for no mana is insanely broken. Even more broken when you have a 1500 range skill that does a 2x crit of your autoattack and lifesteals on every target hit for 60%. Even more broken when you can fucking gank from trees, which 90% of heroes cannot deal with nor can you ward 90% of spots that cover treetops.

I hate Valve's balancing so fucking much. Fuck them and fuck their subreddit.

>how you like that new tiny HUD and console commends? See them better with your slanty vision I suppose.
This was actually a legit reason why they shrunk the HUD, cause a number of those chinks claimed the big HUD blurred their peripheral vision. Lmao

Quit playing when I saw True Reddit Balance was in effect with the Techies nerf.
Glad I got out before the pile of dogshit that is 7.00.

He has like 45% winrate in all brackets.
Please stop playing

>pub winrate
>relevant to anything

Yeah it's almost like Peruvians can't carry even on broken heroes. /r/dota2 is that way, Monkey King main. -->

ITT 2k MMR shitstains who find any excuse to blame the game for their own incompetence

> 75 damage and 30% lifesteal on average per hit at level 7 for no mana
Un-fucking-believable. The last thing that game needs is another fucking PA clone or even an agi-carry. Overall I think, even before, 7.00 balances were way too generous on popular picks and agility-carries.

Why are people complaining about the shrines? Now you don't have to fucking walk back to base every 5 minutes, shrines have tremendously improved the game flow

>wahhh they introduced a hero I'm not familiar with
>wtf i HATE dota now

It's actually fucking disgusting how much impact reddit has on the game's balance. They actually just made a thread recently CELEBRATING that.

>reddit broke Invoker for 6.86 by making invoke get leveled for free immediately
>reddit had a treant suggestion that literally just makes him plant trees, so they implemented it as an active on ironwood branches and stuck a Bob Ross meme in the patch notes
>reddit made a joke about "pocket Riki" being an Aghanim's upgrade, and it was implemented as a real Agh's upgrade where he can hide inside another hero to ult
>OD was chain-buffed at the start of 6.86 because reddit whined about it and he became broken as shit for the whole patch as a result
>comeback gold was made because reddit hates not being able to pick carries every game and endlessly bitched about 6.84
>Lina got buffed into cancer over 10 patches because reddit bitched that she was weak even long after she started getting strong well before 6.84
>same with Enchantress and Beastmaster around 6.86
>Valve added Octarine Core as soon as a bunch of ex-LoL players started migrating to Dota. Ironically, LoL itself no longer has spell vamp.

He's now pickable in captains mode and still left unpicked.

Also, pub winrate matters in the sense that aside from the usual WK Omni Aba Necro, heroes with 53% - 51% wr are likely to be meta.

Plus, MK is weak in ALL brackets, even the 5k-6k one.

You can't be fucking serious right? Its already bad enough all the servers are packed with fucking Peruvians and East Europeans and now pandering towards hacking chinks?

I actually don't have problems with the shrines. I think its very clever in accelerating the gameplay but the aspects of changing the HUD and console controls was ridiculous and unnecessary. Also the skill tree system doesn't add balance and value to non-carry heroes and only devalues the worth and roles of support heroes who are squishy.

Have you been reading the posts? Its not just Monkey King thats the problems overall change in the meta and the developers refusal to listen to its player-base concerns is the main reason here.

That hero literally makes TA, Kunkka, and Earthshaker obsolete. He gets 75 bonus damage and 15% lifesteal with a single skill point for fucking smacking someone 4 times and comes with a mobility skill, also extremely effective with one skill point as well. TA needs FOUR skill points and has to burn a good chunk of her mana pool on a 17-second cooldown for an equivalent effect, which doesn't even heal, but blocks 6 damage instances and is now visible to the enemy team, so you can't even bait burst ults with it. He has Earthshaker fissure that lifesteals, can't fuck over allies, and deals at least a +40% crit, scaling up to +100%. His mobility skill is almost uncounterable for initiation, even with wards, especially because they nerfed all flying vision in 7.00 as well. And to rub salt in the wound, he has an area denial ultimate that lasts up to 13 seconds, hits anyone who enters, gets all his bonus damage, and can even bash in a massive area as long as he fights in it.

How is that even remotely acceptable? Literally the only thing he doesn't have over Kunkka is X Marks the Spot, and the only thing he doesn't have over Earthshaker is an extra 2 second of stun, one of which is tied to an ultimate.

>Developers listening to reddit.
Jesus, I can't even think how fucking Icefrog sold out to this.

>mfw I'm a HotS player reading all this anti-fun moping

Glad to have the entire HotS playerbase in this thread

>Dota 2 is the most hardcore MOBA out there. If you make even one single mistake your entire team will flame you over voice chat for the rest of the game.

This happens in every MOBA though

I don't stay in queue for longer than 5 minutes and don't have to deal with a bunch of gooks and russian shitters.
I got it good, thanks.

I always wondered what kind of Dota we could've gotten if Icefrog did the right thing and sold rights to Blizzard instead of being an autist for Valve.

The best part is that they copied your game, but butchered every part of what made talents and shrines a good thing in HotS. 75% of Dota talents are just arbitrary stat boosts, and well, just look what I typed for the character-specific shit. Shrines are just auto-teamfight wins if you fight in them, free heals if you lose mid hard, and the game has regen items already so they weren't even needed in the first place. I'd be happy with talents/shrines if they were half as cool, interesting, or even balanced as they are in HotS.

It used to be fun and had a surprising amount of depth but its shit now

Well, go play HotS then, if you have the hots for that game

You wanna hear some more fun 7.00 shit? A lot of the juicy parts are in the level 25 talents.

>Legion Commander gets +58 damage on duels at level 25.
>Queen of Pain gets 70% spell lifesteal at level 25. This includes on blademail and stacks with Octarine Core.
>Treant's invis was re-worked into a passive that makes him go invis and guaranteed bash out of stealth. He also had a level 25 talent that just gave him a 20% chance to bash, stacking with basher. It got removed in about 3 weeks because of how stupid it was.
>Spirit Breaker and Slardar can get a 1 in 3 chance to bash at level 25.
>Elder Titan can get 150 damage per hero he drags his spirit through at level 25.
>Tusk can do a 6x crit on a 12-second cooldown at level 25.
>Dazzle has a 1-second cooldown on Poison Touch at level 25, which stacks with itself and does 280 physical damage per cast.
>Phoenix and Jakiro get almost double damage on their DoT spells (Q and W respectively) at level 15.
>Lich gets 150 attack damage at level 20 and a free Skadi at 25. That's not a joke.
>Crystal Maiden gets 50 attack damage as a level 10 talent and can root people with 75% uptime at 25.
>Spectre can gain 1000 HP with talents alone.
>Ember Spirit had 15% spell amp as a level 10 talent and could permaroot people once he hit level 25. They nerfed it, but magic damage Ember is still meta.
>Earthshaker can use Enchant Totem every 3 seconds. This includes the Agh's 900-range jump that's effectively a blink.


Oh and speaking of Techies, red mines now break stealth and stun mines are now a root. Suicide Squad is now a 30-second cooldown leap with about 900 range that does equivalent damage, silences for 5 seconds or some shit, and only removes half his health, and he can still deny himself with it if he's below half.

>being critical of shitty things is autism

You ever consider joining Valve and balancing their game? You'd fit right in.

Make HoN great again

p2w trash

Гoвнищe eбaнoe, нe peкoмeндyю

ajaja izi mid comand mi pls pe
repor bara nob antigamer

Is that game even alive?

Not recommended something something

Clearly 2k trash. Only like half of those heroes (lc, dazzle, phoenix, lich, cm, and ember) are in the comp meta. Of those 6, lc and ember are the only ones who will hit 25 at a reasonable time.

I swear you guys only listen to purge's patch note analysis about how good talents are while ignoring how likely it is to happen in a game.

Hots is honestly the best MOBA on the market right now

Though I must admit I have a bit of a soft spot for Smite

HoN 2.0 was a far bigger pile of game ruining shit than Dota 7.0

several thousands of us play it regularly. Fun as hell. Only a shame the competitive scene is dead for us europeans. In Thailand it's the biggest thing

I didn't mind it, when patched it fixed a lot. Loved the graphical upgrades as well

I don't care how OP it is, the changes are beyond stupid and fucking shit all over Dota's traditional idea of power spikes and hero scaling, even compared to memeback.
Just because I'm complaining about something doesn't mean I'm losing to it, unlike literally every Dota addict in the world swears up and down is the case. It's just the ultimate argument-winner, just call someone 2k and you don't have to think about it anymore.

>Dota's traditional idea of power spikes and hero scaling
So what you're complaining about then is having to learn the new power spikes for heroes based on talents. This is the same fan base that hates on LoL for reducing the number of complex mechanics. Suddenly you have to have know more about each hero and it's too much to handle?

I don't care if you're losing or not, your argument just makes no sense.

Its a good game to play with friends

And then you reach a point where you hate your friends

Dota is a gambling simulator for the majority of its players (at high level play it is actually a strategy game). You're constantly rolling dice to see "will my team be good this game, will I get lots of kills and farm, will I land the perfect ultimate?"

It's not even about chests or winning, it's all those little gambles that add up. Will I dodge this pudge hook, will I escape this gank, can we get this rax and get out safely, will I last hit this creep or get denied?

That's why people sperg out if you play badly. Tell a gambler (someone not necessarily addicted, but plays the tables more than is healthy) who just lost some money that you were accidentally making their odds worse, or that you were drunk for that one blackjack hand that they lost a few hundred bucks on "but it's only a cardgame, right?"

It's not hard to learn, understand, or even play around honestly. It just rewards you a bonus equivalent to a 4k gold item just for hitting level 25. It doesn't make the game deep, it just means that when you hit level 25 you turn into the Dota IMBA version of your character.

I'm not even one of those fanboys that insists that simpler is worse either. You can definitely simplify something and make it better. Perfect example was Dota itself removing composite and universal damage, actually. The problem is, the changes that keep being made to Dota aren't just keeping overpowered things in check. The change the absolutely fundamental rules of the game. They literally turn it into a different game. And not one that I find fun. If I wanted to play some other weird moba that's got Dota's heroes but isn't Dota, I'd play another game. Instead, we have changes forced on us that completely change what the whole game is about except for the most basic things like being a moba in the first place, with no way to go back ever. That's not the point of balance patches and never has been. Ironically, that's the kind of shit that Riot pulls on a regular basis and Valve has now doing it 3 times worse for the last 2 years. Enough is enough, I want to play the game I got into 4 years ago, not this.

This is probably the most accurate argument behind mobas being the world's most insidious Skinner box next to gambling itself. If it's not draining your money, it's draining your emotional stability.

People still play dota?

I played hots for a few weeks and it made me realise that most mobas are toxic wastes of time.
now I just play hots occasionally with friends and we have fun

most people who arent Sup Forums-tier sociopaths actually play with friends instead of eternally raging over solo queue

>Clearly 2k trash. Only like half of those heroes (lc, dazzle, phoenix, lich, cm, and ember) are in the comp meta
Doesn't matter, Dota requires no skill, and the only real difference between 2k and 6-7k is knowing how to abuse the shitty game mechanics like spamming the same broken heroes, not actually being good at the game. It's the main reason why most pros these days are literal underage kids who wouldn't last a month in old Dota or HoN and joke teams like EG win internationals.

>And not one that I find fun.
So that's all there is to your argument. You don't find it fun and want to go back to dota as it was 4 years ago. Can't argue against a shitty opinion.

If you don't remember 4 years ago was 6.78. You really enjoyed when ES and Oracle were initially introduced?

Dota 2 requires little skill*

Everything else is on point.

Shitty bait. It would've been giving a response if you didn't mention HoN. Maybe 5 HoN players have been good enough to make it in DotA, you can pretty much choose any patch you want to see that.

Yes? A lot more than when Monkey King was introduced. Only pre-6.82 I really hated was Lycan meta. Most of the other shit patches were post-comeback gold.

Here's an analogy. You get into Chess. You play it because it's fun and you want to get better at it. Suddenly, every game of Chess in the world is now played on a 12x12 board with 2 rows of pawns, 2 queens that can jump like knights per side, and 2 rooks. You fucking hate this game and think it sucks. Is "it's not fun" still not a valid argument? Why would you keep playing the game unless it's literally your fucking job, i.e. you're the Purge or Singsing or AdmiralBulldog of Chess? You wouldn't, you'd drop it and go play Go or something instead. Do you get my point now?

monkey king has been hinted at as the next hero for literally years

icefrog has been pandering to china for literally years because he got butthurt at people on playdota talking shit

in the grand scheme of things 7.0X has been pretty good

its like you dont remember the state earth spirit was in for over 2 years, the old comeback gold, hoho haha, unkillable storm spirit, stampede stun etc.

even the most bullshit things in 7.0X (lina respawn, mk roam, centaur magnus and treant in general) are really very tame compared to what once was

dota is fun for awhile then you maybe get to the point where you stop having fun. what it comes down to is dota 2 is for subhumans. the game is mostly filled with human trash. if you're white, dota 2 isn't for you

7.00 isnt as bad as people say

i think its a positive in a long string of shit patches desu. i feel like around 6.79 the game started to go downhill.

7.00 isnt better than the goat patches like 6.72, but i think its better than pretty much all of the 6.8s

I do agree with that. If there's one big thing that I liked about 7.00, it's that they actually gimped memeback gold in teamfights by a large amount. The game's definitely better than 6.83 by a long shot.

Is the automatic delay still there? Coming from LoL everything is so slow to react, although it's been a few years since I played DotA

>Maybe 5 HoN players have been good enough to make it in DotA, you can pretty much choose any patch you want to see that.
You mean aside from the fact that every single international winning non-chinese team except Navi was made from former HoN players? (and Navi only won because nobody was actually competing seriously because the game was a joke, and E-Home nearly beat them despite the fact they never even played Dota 2 properly before the tournament).
I mean you can't take a game seriously as an esport when someone like ppd who can't even win regular pub games can make a team, go to a tournament, feed and be useless every game, constantly pick and ban same 15 heroes, and end up not just winning millions but get praised as a "mastermind captain". It's like if DSP or Low Tier God showed up at EVO 2017 and won at Street Fighter.

Yeah, it's still like that. Most spells have fairly long cast point and heroes turn much more slowly than LoL. I'd say it was part of the balance if it weren't for them just giving every melee agi carry jump skills when they rework/overbuff them anyway.

>MY button pressing is more hardcore than YOUR button pressing, even though we press roughly the same amount of buttons and ultimately get the same endorphin rush that comes from things like sick plays and winning

>Any dota
>competitive outside of official competition


Loved playing old Techies, pretty much all I did.
The remake ruined him

>start dota in 2013
>boy this sure is fun
>2015 i start to realise the fun is coming to an end
>still play because custom games
>2016 it's basically a shadow of its former self
>game has become so popular that you cant find a match with 4 people willing to co-operate
dota now is to dota then what overwatch is to TF2

You wont know till you spend 60 hours playing it.
Im not even joking, You will only know for sure after the token 60 hours of hating it.

Wut? Sounds from the other guy that they got improved.
t. 3k scrub who mostly watches

i have played 3000h and i say no, its not fun if you want fun games dont play dota.

>friend tries to get me into this game
>install game
>'get on ventrilo, user!'
>join voice chat
>it's him and some of his autistic internet friends i don't know
>hestitantly accept party invite and queue
>play game
>don't know what i'm even doing
>his friends get angry at me
>constantly shouting some dota-lingo at me
>we somehow manage to win
>leave ventrilo
>remove friend from steam

>anime shitter who can't handle banter

Why are you here?

Yeah they improved him in a way that the community won't hate him and now he is able to participates in fights and shit.

But I loved the old Techies. Out-thinking your enemies and predicting their pathing, being a step ahead at all times. Back then when you discovered a mine stack you were either dead or carrying detection. now you have to be extra retarded to keep on walking after getting hit by a mine or 2. Atleast nothing changes once you get your agh.

because fuck you, kiddo, that's why.

more like 100-200h


Aight I can get that.

Friend of mine had the same gripe with league's version of techies.

To learn the basics of the basics.
I don't expect to have a good game with my friends unless they played for 2+months

Very true dat. I've played about 15 games, won about 80% but only due to the retardation of the enemy. I can give decent advice to a 4.5k friend, we often agree, but my execution is horrid. Just gotta play loads.

Wisp is my favorite one them all. Took forever for that change

Used to play him, it's not even close.

It's literally hide and seek while setting traps for 40+ minutes.

Ofcourse, people cry when he is on the enemy team cause a good Techies will fuck the game up. And they also cry when he's on their team cause a bad Techies is a 4v5..

Which is probably why he got a remake, because of people crying.

Funny since he was easily shutdown before but nobody wants to buy sentries at the start

Dota is probably my most played game
Its essentialy the most balanced Moba and it has custom game modes, so if you get tired of the normal modes (Ability draft is by far the best normal mode) you can play an Diablo clone or a twist on the normal formula

I still have fun plying dota
just don't queue for ranked games, play literally everything else

Well if you are going to play a moba just play dota, it's superior to the rest in every way possible


>MK comparable to TA

Jesus Christ, I didn't realize you were this bad. My bad.

you missed the boat, don't bother anymore.
also you have better taste than your friends anyway. platformers need more love in the industry.