I'm a Razer™ mouse customer and proud! The commercial on that tournament I watched said they're the best!

>I'm a Razerâ„¢ mouse customer and proud! The commercial on that tournament I watched said they're the best!

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Actually I have a $5 dell mouse

>he actually thinks one $300 """gamer mouse""" is any better than another
Good goy.

But the evidence is right there that one is better than the other?

Also all the mice in that image cost $60 or less. Console controllers cost $60+, there's 'pro' controllers that cost $150+.

works on my machine :)

the razer and logitech have consistent performance, the zowiegear is essentially random

ninox master race.

99% of retards can't tell the difference anyway, they have no idea what sensitivity they play at in cm per 360 and probably think high DPI and high sens is good.

Neither can you, dummy.

Anything branded "gamer" is trash with a 300% mark up

>people unironically care about what mouse they use
>they pay more then $10 for one

good lord

been using mx518 mouse for like a decade now.

i bought my 2nd one in 2009, 3rd one in 2010 and kept using original until like 2015, then opened 2nd one.

cant get them anymore.

hoping logitech finally makes another good mouse by the time the 3rd one dies.

i dont like the 502 or 402.

I used to have a mx518, good mouse apart from the angle snapping.

You're better getting the g400, it's the same mouse with no angle snapping. dunno if you can still get them though.

You know the difference between a $10 mouse and a $60 Logitech mouse is one of the most obvious things ever right

You don't even need to look at any graphs, just sit down and mouse around a bit and you'll be able to tell.

logitech M100 master race

G403 is nearly the same body as the mx518, just slightly longer and the end is flared

>wow this is an expensive mouse, sure it MUST be better than a cheap one
It's called placebo effect.

>It's called placebo effect.
this is what brainlets actually believe

acutally i did buy a razer mouse because tasteless said I had to

advertising works

yes and no. sensors can be inaccurate and bad, most cheap mice have awful sensors and it's very obvious. It only wouldn't be obvious to people who don't play fps much or just casually.

Ye but we only need a controller to play. You need a $60 mouse and a $150 mechanical keyboard.

Wtf an I looking at this picture is so fucking small
Fuck u op u dumb faggot

I have an EC2-a

Its pretty good when it actually tracks, but it refuses to track properly on 90% of surfaces and is dodgy even on their own mousepads.

I'm using an $8 Dell Keyboard (kb212b) and a $15 Dell mouse (wm326) with my $500 Dell monitor (s2716dg). Nobody is more Dell than me.

Also a mouse can have the same sensor as another mouse, but shittier performance due to worse drivers.

The Razer Deathadder Elite actually has a brand new sensor created just for it (PMW3389), but the G403 (PMW3366) has 8ms better latency.

deathadder is a great mouse and the one good product razer makes.

>deathadder is a great mouse

That's not what the data in says

>the unilateral phase detractor is better in my mouse than in your mouse

thoughts on the finalmouse scream?

it has only 1ms click latency and the best sensor on the market rn, but it's 70 bucks (razer and zowie are only marginally less and it looks like they track poorly and have more latency)

I have a Razor anaga i like having all the buttons on the side but goddamn it feels like a cheap piece of shit sometimes. Im on my 3rd one and the all seem to die fairly quickly compared to other cheaper brands of mice ive used in the past.

I can't believe there are people this ignorant

I don't know what any of this shit means. Can someone translate?

I'm also having issues with it. My sister bought me a Razer Deathadder Elite for Christmas, and I'm having issues with it. Up until now I'd just use the cheapest logitech mouse at Best Buy or Microcenter and never had any issues ever. This thing I have now keeps randomly skipping across half the screen and I don't know whats going on. Apparently there are drivers I can install to do... something? I really don't like installing unnecessary shit for my peripherals. Will the drivers fix this issue or is this just a crappy piece of hardware?

buy logitech g300s

Who /NetScroll 120/ here?

>logitech g300s

not my kind of hand shape, I prefer an intellimouse/kinzu type shape

>unnecessary shit

My G510s never needed them. All my other mice never needed them. My headphones don't need them. Fuck, my god damn phone doesn't need them, it syncs up and transfers files just fine.

My experience with past peripherals that need special drivers for even basic functionality end up being bonified pieces of shit, as the drivers always end up fucking with other functionality of your computer.

Do the mouse buttons still start double/triple clicking after only a year of use?

They are different but the autists on here think they are at a level where it matters

Did bst die? His supposedly godlike mouse ended up more bloated than the plug and play >zowie. Also production and quality control problems all around

>Also production and quality control problems all around

Story of every small mouse company. Finalmouse is a fucking joke too. Here's a Finalmouse rebounce error losing an Overwatch team a tournament.


Razer is to computers what Madcatz was to consoles. Gimmick shitty designed cheaply made garbage.

What exactly happened there? When exactly?

I like my Orbweaver. Not much space on my desk so it does good.

I always end up going back to my lachesis.

Shits old and worn, a little bit dirty but it still works great.


He hit his mouse on the mousepad, and because Finalmouse is a dogshit company, the mouse clicked.

I would have really felt bad had they been playing reflex/cpma/quake3/quakelive/ut99/ut2k4/ut4/tribes 2/cs1.6/css/csgo, but they're fucking playing >overwatch. Serves them right for playing a trash game.

Wow holy shit.

Right now you either play CSGO or Overwatch if you wanna make money in FPS, and Overwatch is less boring

I use a razer naga because I got it half off like 3 years ago, and I played a bit of wow
I don't really play that many games that require a mouse anymore, I just use a controller mostly

Maybe they should have gotten a real career instead of playing >competetive overwatch
Or got good enough at csgo to earn money

Getting $5000/month just from sponsors is pretty firmly 'real career' status

I bought razer chroma to use macros with mouse, shits just way too light

Is this 2002

These little shits are making a lot of moni playing games.

More like $40-80 unless you rice it up

Playing shit games
That's tantamount to being a fucking sellout

Not him but can you point me out to that $40 mechanical keyboard that isn't designed by gooks?

I'm poor but I can afford it if it's only $40. If it doesn't break in 3 months.

>My headphones don't need them. Fuck, my god damn phone doesn't need them, it syncs up and transfers files just fine.

>Some kids making cash playing vidya

Are you fucking kidding me

$70 is the best I know of


I had this, it works fine other than some very rare key rollover issues (ie. if you're pressing 6+ buttons at once, some buttons might not work)

I am devout cpma player and I like overwatch

stop memeing you faggot,


stupid faggot ass poser tf2 autist trying to fit in.

Fuck off joomla

What is a joomla

I guess I'm not hip enough these days


>get ducky secret mouse because its shell is PBT
>left and right buttons still not shiny after a year of use
>only downside is no pinky rest
Dear logitech pls make a large mouse with pinky rest, PBT shell and no LEDs i will buy 5

Both tf2 and overwatch are shit games that are raping the future of fps/team games.

>high TTK, high movement FPS games

You mistook 'raping' for 'saving'

that clipping distortion

>high movement

you're retarded

>but shittier performance due to worse drivers.

Most likely not, since if that was the case you would see a latency difference with drivers installed and not installed.

It's more likely that the hardware processing the signals and converting them to USB output is causing the lag.

Can we just take a moment to laugh at the poorfags who proudly boast about their shitty 10$ mouse being as good as 50$ mice with proper sensors? It's not like there aren't plenty of easy to read graphs for them to see the difference in sensor and it's not like you don't feel a difference either.

Why are they so delusional?

That's not a Razer specific issue since pretty much the entire industry is using the same switches. I have replaced a bunch of Omron D2FC-F-7N switches that were worn out in various gaming mice with the D2FC-F-7N(10M) version.

There is no way that rocket was intentional

>Most likely not, since if that was the case you would see a latency difference with drivers installed and not installed.

Here is what you would notice with drivers not installed: the mouse not working.

>not shoplifting your peripherals

Higher than CSGO anyway.

Atleast older Razer mice work with the default USB HID driver that comes with Windows without installation of Razers own drivers or software.

You'd have to be an idiot to use generic USB drivers

If you're afraid of bloatware download the driver itself

But you could use that to test the latency difference if it's caused by drivers or hardware.

Generic will have higher latency and generally worse performance, there's a reason oems make hardware specific drivers fambone. There is no one-size-fits-all driver for 500+ different optical, laser and trackball sensors.

This will just be some anecdotal evidence but:

I have 3 friends who all have $40+ mice/keyboards. I always do better than them in games. Always.

I use a $25 combo deal of mouse/keyboard I bought at a best buy once; I think it's just best buys brand too. Them having better equipment than me has never made the difference in the game. I'm not saying I could beat pros or something, but I am saying that getting more expensive equipment doesn't mean fuck all.

Zowie is some meme tier shit, too. My ECA-2 has terrible liftoff and the mouse freezes up randomly unless you pick it up and shake it. I tried to RMA it, as it had only been a month, and they told me tough shit, as it was a "feature."

No shit, a better mouse isn't going to make up for a lack of skill, but there is no denying there are better mice sensors that have more precise tracking than others. They'll help you but if you need to be really close in skill to your opponent to make a proper difference.

i have a razer mouse and keyboard, both are shit,
>mouse lazer keeps fucking up
>wheel stops responding sometimes
>mouse 3 diddnt work for half a year untill i cleaned it

>There is no one-size-fits-all driver for 500+ different optical, laser and trackball sensors.

At this point I'm pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or how USB works and what word "standard" means.

The sensors in the mice are in no way visible to your computer nor require any drivers from your PC. The sensor and buttons in your mice are connected to microprocessor which has it's own firmware and handles converting the sensor input into standard USB traffic.

What the drivers in your computer can do is talk to the microprocessor and change some settings (polling rate, DPI, that kind of generic shit) in it's memory and do some filtering (which is not preferred as you want accurate raw input). The drivers in your computer don't even have a way to know what sensor your mouse has beyond detecting device ID or talk to the sensor directly in any way.

Exactly, and when you're playing online where peoples skills are going to vary greatly between each other in the match (unless you are specifically playing in a premade game against another premade of all similar skill levels or something like a clan match) than it doesn't matter fuck all.

A person can buy a good mouse and keyboard all they want; but most of the time, it's just a waste of money.

Using generic USB drivers on any modern (ie. PMW3360 or later) mouse is a great way to accidentally give your zero-smoothing gaming mouse smoothing

but why don't they just use the better version to begin with

G403 is absolutely nothing like the mx500/g400 shell.
It's closer to a Deathadder than it is a mx518.

The closest match to the mx518 currently is the Roccat Kone.
The Kone EMP is the only one with a 3360 available right now.
Kone Pure is due to release in something like a month, which is just a lighter, smaller version without the lighting elements

If you don't mind a heavier mouse, the g502 is a similar shape as well.

Basically, the MX500 shell has some very specific design features:
-Thumb indentation and side button ledge
-Front-Right ridge for lifting
-Convex buttons

The g403 has none of those things on top of extremely widespread quality control issues.
Unless you love the shape and don't mind opening the mouse to correct the quality issues, I recommend just about any other Logitech mouse right now.
That and the cable is shit.

I'm not sure how long the 10M model has been out. Now they have 20M model which is used in newest gaming mice on the market.

The cost difference between the switch types is negligible so it's most likely not the reason why some use the older switch versions.

I got a flawless G403, really happy with it. Super lightweight vessel for the best sensor on the market.

It actually has nothing to do with the drivers, or something Razer can't fix.

They specifically set the response rate to 8ms as part of a method to supposedly eliminate double clicking.
It is possible it has been this way in all Deathadders, however the latest release is the first time they specifically mentioned it.

I think DAs are a bit more prone to multi-clicks because the button can be pressed down significantly further than the actual microswitch actuation point.
After using mice that stop immediately after the click, I can't really go back to those that don't.

tfw no hyperglides yet

why does it take them like 6 months to cut out new templates

This is incorrect.
You just cannot adjust anything without Synapse installed.

The latency has nothing to do with the software.

Why must a mouse that has only lclick, rclick, mclick, scrup, scrdn and has a perfect sensor, perfect cable, weighs less than 80g and lasts a lifetime of use and abuse so dfficult for manufacturers to make? Or if they get to be made, they get bloated with rgb lighting shit and sidebuttons, then charge 60+ kikemoneys for it?

I had a bit of a different scenario.
I went through 2 returns with Amazon and an RMA with Logitech before I decided to simply fix the problems myself.
They were not minor issues.
One even had significant sensor rattle all the way down to minimum DPI.

The difference between the sensor lens or the scroll wheel significantly rattling or not is basically a few micrometers.
A piece or two of low-friction tape is all it takes to correct the problem in most cases.

Once Hyperglides are available and I debraid the cable, I should be able to use it as my default mouse.

It's just that with their manufacturing and design methods lately, getting a good g403, 403, or Pro is basically a coin flip...
Actually, I think you have significantly worse odds than a coin flip from what I've personally seen.

Great mouse if you're going to take it apart anyway, but otherwise wait until Logitech gets their shit together again.

>that isn't designed by gooks?
Well I guess that rules out you getting a keyboard entirely.

My headphones are USB, not 3.5mm.

>lasts a lifetime of use and abuse
Why the fuck would any manufacturer of goods make it so you'll never buy another one?

I'm still using a second gen G400. When this mouse dies I'm going to hang myself with the cable because there's no goddamn perfect replacement available now.