Is this game worth $30?
Is this game worth $30?
That's still alive?
Try the f2p base game and see if you like it. The Heart of Thorn stuff won't even really be relevant until you get one character to high level anyways.
30 dollars for thousands of hours of content yes.
GW2 is pretty bad as far as a good MMO experience goes. It's kinda fun with friends due to level scaling, so you can try to get a friend to try it with you.
Don't pay 30 right away. The default game is free.
Thousands of hours of eating shit is still eating shit.
I had a huge group of friends who all loved grindy MMOs, and we still didn't get past a few hundred hours at most.
The game gets VERY repetitive very fast.
>Same attack skills you've been using since level 5 is what you use for the next 100 hours.
>No class trinity sounds ambitious on paper, but the execution sucked. You end up with everyone going full glass cannon or tanky dps.
>Every class is built in literally 2 ways in PVE, damage or dot. Melee always trumps ranged for any serious builds. Every class ends up playing the same.
Aren't mmos really subjective I don't think I've seen one mmo discussion thread with 1 mmo getting recommended by everyone.
HoT has been very polarizing. In fact, some people predict that the second expansion pack won't be anything like it.
Expansion content can get super grindy, but getting rid of F2P restrictions is nice. You should try the game with a F2P account and see if you like it enough to buy HoT.
you have to PAY ME to play that garbage.
holy shit is it just the worst thing to happen to a game next to that cluster fuck result of shit devs known as planetside 2.
Like guildwars deserved better than this sjw bullshit. THIS is real sjw lesbian/gay shoehorned trans bullshit and its in your FACE about it.
the writing is bad, the voice acting is ok, but thats what you get when you got shit script writers. The gameplay is extremely shallow, like they originally wanted to do cool shit that got canned and now you got MN9 tier shit.
Like its garbage nigga, and supporting this with your money is paying for LGBT women and their feminist agenda with their garbage quality of work.
Everything's subjective. Good games are just games that most people enjoy. No games are objective good or bad except ones with really bad glitches I guess.
GW2 is pretty universally disliked, in my experience. It was really fun and neat when it first released, because it tried so many new things (level scaling, its own way of action combat, open world events, etc).
Over time though, most GW2 players have left the game and even tried to go back in a few times just to be reminded why the game is so flawed. I still play a lot of MMOs, and I meet a lot of other players in these games that share my disappointments with GW2.
I would not recommend the game in its current stale state to anyone. It is free though, so anyone's free to try.
>GW2 is pretty universally disliked, in my experience. It was really fun and neat when it first released, because it tried so many new things (level scaling, its own way of action combat, open world events, etc).
Man I wish it was possible to take time back to 2012 and start building on the game at its "barebones" state at launch again.
It takes special sort of talent to shit on everything that made vanilla GW2 so ambitious and full of high potential.
that isn't the game. that is the xpac. if you go into it thinking that is the game and pay for it you're going to be very, very, sorry.
say white-knight in the local chat
enjoy the ban
I remember perfectly all the image macros edited to look like GW2 characters, probably /vg/'s doing.
Buy GW1 instead
You can get the Guildwars trilogy for less than $30
the xpac includes the base game.
this is a pussy's way to negotiating his shit taste and preference.
I'm here to tell you it is a game that could have lived up to being something real great while in the hands of the original devs, before they all jumped shit when it was handed over to feminists.
It is as shallow as an MMO can get, WoW was pretty shallow, this is REAL shallow.
like you cant even sit in this shallow ass kiddy pool, like a puddle of depth to it.
now see the first thing we got going on in it is that the combat is as shitty as it can get. It may seem neat at first, but once you realize how repetitively limited it is, you'll wonder what happened to all the amazing shit guildwars 1 did and how it just threw it all away.
Like honestly i dont know how to explain this shit, you gotta grasp this turd with your hands and feel how bad it is for yourself.
cucks like try to rationalize their shit eating habits
but we can tell them why they like to eat shit
its cause there aint better to play when the market lowered the bar this hard.
Like I'd recommend Black Desert, but thats cause I miss mabinogi and vindictus, along with a lot of other old school shit. Modern games are so shitty trying to copy WoW that you don't have much of a choice.
guild wars 1 is better
t. someone who hasn't played the game
There is virtue signaling in it but good luck finding it if you don't know where it is.
they had things like "skill and class synergy"
where one guy can throw down a skill like firebomb an area and when the ranger shoots arrows it would apply the fire effect to all his skills that pass through it.
and there are a bunch of other things they show cased early on being as a way to not only add cross class hybrids, but also make certain classes perform tag team moves.
basically they scrapped a lot of what would have been amazing for this game.
The original devs of GW1 were jumping shit one by one as the game was progressing, making me realize something must be wrong. Then you started seeing all the people who are rearing their ugly heads to being a part of the team. It was a bunch of dykes and feminists with the faggot hair and shitty opinions who like to shoe horn their gender politics into anything they can.
like you know what went wrong nigga, feminism went wrong.
no. the base game is free. and waaaaaay better than that pile of shit xpac.
Can one even play GW1 anymore? Are servers still up.
It's probably my all time favorite game with the best PvP experience up to date imo.
you must have played another game, like in some alternate dimension where the story wasnt 1 sjw topic to the next.
It was like hitting my brain with a hammer after a while.
The dungeons and the writting related to the main hero NPCs were fine, but that wasn't the meat and bones you are so adamantly ignoring.
Not. The game is slowly withering away at this point, GW2 is turning into a MMO of the last generation.
I remember how this game was being hyped up as the next step for mmos and the definitive "WoW killer"
There was this guy who made this popular video that something like "top reasons to be interested in GW2" and he spent the next year shilling the game only for it to come out, be shit and he and his channel dropped off the face of the planet
The only way for us to get a good traditional mmo would be for the industry to completely collapse and things just start over again
Oh, I didn't do the whole story lol
I played it for the map exploration and the pvp.
But sjw shit? Some of the characters in that even refer to things like quaggans and skritt as lesser races in-game. Hardly sounds like sjw shit to me
In my opinion, it's the only MMO worth playing at the minute.
I wish their was something like Black Desert that wasn't Korean grinder bullshit with ridiculously poor performance, but alas no luck for us so far.
GW2 remains the only decent MMORPG on the market.
Servers are still up and you can play it through with heroes and henchmen due to its only 2 districts active in spammadan. And thats like the only active area.
Tons of people during world events, always.
Despite what Sup Forums says, the game is far from dead.
It isn't worth $5, it's garbage. Guild Wars 2 goes on sale for %50 about once a month or some shit because they're so desperate to recruit new players, and try to get the playerbase to increase. I was very disappointed with Guild Wars 2, still remember the first time I tried playing it. Though it'd be fucking amazing, and it was shit. I think the aesthetics are nice, and I enjoyed the voice acting and environments/settings, but everything else is trash from combat to questing and plot.
Surprised it hasn't died yet, figured it was since nobody talks about it anymore. We have WoW threads all the time on Sup Forums, but it's once in a blue moon you'll see people discussing Guild Wars 2.
I thought the game would be great coming off of GW1 and having a fantastic beta weekend experience.
Boooooy though, I've never played an MMO so frontloaded. Best introduction I've ever had in an MMO, and the worst end game.
No this game is pretty much dead. It's a hot pile of shit.
>GW2 the only decent MMORPG on the market
You're not tricking me again Colin.
You can just play the base game for free and get most of whats worth it in the game. Though i havent played since the expansion came out so i dont know whats meta anymore.
guild wars 1 is a better game
OP, if you are seriously looking into HoT and GW1, I have been trying to sell my GW1 and GW2 accounts for awhile now on shitty websites like Player Auctions and im just not getting any offers whatsoever do to the mediocrity of my characters. I do have a max level GW2 character and the stone bullshit to send a character from 1 to 80 on a click.
If you're interested I'd do a little over what you'd pay for HoT for all my accounts. email my backup: [email protected]
I'll check back on this thread in the AM, it'll probably be archived, but I'll see your reply.
>whats meta
In pve just like before. Zerks and viper condi (viper is new though) and they buffed the fuck out of rangers recently so they are fucking everywhere
combo's are in the game though
the hell are you talking about
Don't think I'd be interested in the PvE anymore. Are people still playing HA / GvG?
Did you miss the two lesbians that is now part of the "main crew"? Did you miss that one of them was supposed to die, but the LGBT "community" would've thrown a fit if she did. Did you miss the same LGBT community throw a fit when the lesbians in question were joked about being lesbians, and it turns out they are lesbians, and the LGBT community praised the devs for being "progressive". Then there is my mary sue plant girl that is super cool and awesome. Although she isn't sjw related, she's still shit.
>GW2 is pretty universally disliked, in my experience.
Except that the game is the most popular MMO in the western world, behind WoW.
How do revisionist morons like yourself honestly expect to get away with blatant bullshit on a forum full of autists, given the truth is a quick google search away?
once again, saying how you "avoided" content doesn't suddenly mean it was good content.
its like how fags say, "If you ignore all the bad! You will see that it is good!"
well GEE faggot im sure glad if i ignore all the shit on my plate i can eat the corn out of it!
This is blatantly false, FFXIV is more popular.
Cant answer that due to I always did pve content and barely touched the pvp except for luxon/kurzick things which I enjoyed
I just started playing (level 8 thief) with some friends, can you suggest an MMO which is better? Looking for one to play with my friends. We can't afford games who have payments for servers.
Black Desert had some potential then it decided it wanted to crash into the ground and burn.
if they are i imagine its incredibly hard to break into at this point. i doubt theres more than a few hundred people total in the game.
This is just sad.
Damn, you missd out a lot my friend. I mean I probably spent just as much time farming my way through the continents, if not more, but what really made this game shine was the excellent PvP. It was basically League or Dota in good.
combos like the assassin class?
that aint the same thing as the class synergy they talked about.
Right now an elementalist can give you a frozen weapon to temporarily use, I don't think you can even enchant or buff people temporarily with things in the way they talked about. You have pretty much very little interaction between other players and classes.
You dont even need a healer! It is all DPS classes with little need for teamwork.
Yeah, that's what I figured. It's a shame really, but I guess you have to ultimately let go at some point. Maybe some day a competent developer will catch up on the multiplayer mechanics.
>you dont need a healer
>what is high level fractals, raids, challenge modes
If you have a fire wall and shoot through it, there will be fire arrows. Same with poison, shadow, and basically every AoE effect.
Still doesn't make the game good, but it's in there.
You don't hate Nagas? I prefer Shirohebi personally.
you said a ranger firing arrows through fire will make fire arrows. stuff like that is definitely in the game. though only water and fire stuff is super important (for healing and might)
I'm still baffled no one just cashed in on even a mediocre GW1 clone. Like, I know WoW was the big game but GW1 managed to survive and prosper where other games got devoured by WoW. It didn't even die unpopular, it was killed by the developer.
It just seems like an obvious idea to make some cheap chinese knock-off of the game.
>buying dead games
hated they got rid of player to player trading, all to get rid of gold sellers which is think is a joke cause money is easy to come by as it is.
outside of that its doing well, the whining for the p2w meme was stupid cause people would argue if owning a pet or using a booster is p2w.
Real p2w is what destroyed archeage, it was a good MMO, but it had a shit publisher hosting it, and that publisher loves to really make shit extremely p2w.
like grab you by the legs and shake you upside down type shit.
>bringing up SJW writing
>in an mmo of all places
there's a whole bunch of shit wrong with GW2 and this is all you can latch on to? Fucking kill yourself
It always annoys me that people have friends who have the capacity to give a damn and would invest time and attention span to doing things like playing an MMO together while my own friends can't fucking commit to ANYTHING, and would never even attempt something like this. You guys are lucky
The state of gaming everybody.
the problem i have with gw2 is they keep putting time into making new systems and then scrapping them or replacing them instead of just sticking with something, also hate the direction they took with WvW, could of been amazing but they didn't put enough resources into keeping it alive and polishing it up in the first year so it took heavy population loss and never recovered well.
It's a fucking f2p online game that's not Runescape/Maplestory tier, of course it would have a fuck ton of useless shit like you playing it.
Even so, it's still low on player number, and its players are dropping like flies. What does that say about the game?
When I said universally disliked, I obviously are not talking about people who are still playing the fucking game because they can't afford anything better.
When games that requires money like ESO and FFXIV are catching up or surpassing GW2 in player numbers, you know you done fucked up.
MMO is a dying genre right now anyways, so people don't have a lot of options.
They added druid to half ass "we have a healing class now!" shit then shoved a bunch of need for this half ass healing.
It's still not teamwork like every other cookie cutter MMO's trinity system is. You go into a generic MMO that use the copy paste tank, dps, healer system and you still find more teamwork there.
You can deny it all you want, but GW2 is just everyone dps as hard as we can and stack on each other while spamming beneficial buffs/heals. You move out of red aoes here and there, that's about it.
Raids added slightly more, but it was too little too late and not enough to patch up the giant holes sinking the whole ship.
>play Trove
>chill as fuck
>suddenly update
>Classes which used to all be free with login tokens now cost real money only.
I don't know either, but it probably is very much work to balance the system in any way. I remember the devs being pretty lost in trying to balance the meta, while the big Guilds like rawr and KMD basically always run circles around the devs.
the game wasn't mean't to have a healer it was mean't for you to work together to maximise damage and survivability through group buffing and combo-ing, but the new audience wasn't that hardcore so you hardly saw it ever realized except for fixed groups in dedicated scenarios like pvp/wvw/dungeon speed runs.
The game does have dedicated healers now though through the ranger druid and some other classes are close to being able to be full healers as well. Combos and multi-player buffs have been in the game since the start in the form of things like warrior banners or ranger traits for simple stat boosts and there is quite a number of ways to share boons to others.
I realized that the original guild wars gave me a fetish for building teams in rpg's. literally just sit in town coming up with vanquish teams and shit.
Now this what you just wrote I can agree with. Most of the pve is avoid attacks and stack buffs but at the same time.. which mmo doesnt do that?
Raids are still the only thing I come back to once a week and the story every 2-3 months due to Ive enjoyed season 3 so far.
I lead a 400+ player guild in gw2. It is still very much alive and the pve raiding scene is enjoyable. And small group pve like dungeon and fractals are fun. I dont pvp at all, and only wvw from time to time. The base game is free so i recommend playing that for free to see if you like it till you hit level 80. There is always something to do and they are releasing story updates and expansions to the open world in quarterly updates. The hardest part is getting the direction to get there.
It's a state we deserve as a whole.
thats fine, except if the combat is gonna suck too then why bother?
should have been like vindictus rather than this 1-6 face roll spam of attacks.
you know it would have been better being a game that utilizes combos instead using the right and left mouse click and shit.
They needed to make game more reliant on combos but i think they made the game easy enough to solo that people didn't need to use combos or bother with them which is why a year after the game you still saw people only just realizing how a combo field worked its retarded.
Haven't played vindictus but it looks like an eastern game which i never get into those since they always feel dead to me. but the gw2 combat is fine to me, they just need to make combos stronger and more reliant for completing content so the game feels more active.
I liked it, sadly I see no reason to play it with my backlog and now my guild has dispersed
There's no need to be so butthurt that I avoided a shitty mmo storyline that you didn't. lol calm down
Do you like modern singleplayer "MMOs"?
It plays pretty much like FF14. It's a terrible guild wars sequel either way
Nah, fuck you.
>Horse armor DLC
>Day one DLC
>On disc DLC
>Pre-order bonuses
>Copy paste formula games
>WoW clones
>Early Access
>Cut content
>Gratuitous amounts of censorship
No one deserves this crap. Nobody.
I've not played too many MMOs recently. However, even in the most basic set up, the fact that tank draws aggro, healers manage everyone's health exclusively, and dps manage damage and CC create a lot more teamwork than GW2's "everyone does damage and move out of red stuff". The classes usually feel more unique, and each player feels more useful to the team because of specialization.
Then there are more modern games that add interesting interactions. GW2's dungeons were ahead of their time in some of the mechanics, but the lack of evolution and content over the years make the game feels very dated and behind today. Modern dungeons add even more layers of player interaction that GW2 really doesn't have.
>Tank gets locked down by 2 shadows and will instantly die unless the 2 dps interrupt them.
>Healer needs to carry poison to the pool or else the boss stays immune. Dps needs to kill npc on the side to release beast, tank needs to draw invulnerable boss away from the healer in the mean time.
Differentiation and specialization make players feel useful and encourages teamwork because players have to rely on each other. GW2 really lacks that in group content.
>It plays pretty much like FF14
FFXIV has great gameplay, at least at high levels. Guild Wars 2 is a weird combination of simple and clusterfuck all the way through
Dont pay vindictus, its dead, but the combat was good. Was a superior warframe that died to its very poor design decisions in content implementation.
>argues his point acting like he isn't proving me right in the process
>GW2 plays like FFXIV
>FFXIV has great gameplay
Look motherfucker I know people said wasted potential but HOLY LEE SHIT. No need to talk about living corpses. Motherfucking Grand Lich and shit.
clickbait youtuber
Here's the problem with this game. MMO by definition is unique from other game types because it allows huge number of players to work together to achieve awesome things. I can't speak for the PVP side of things, but I can tell you why the PVE side of GW2 is a huge mess.
Most MMOs prepare players for group content with 4 or 5 man dungeons early on. Players start to learn the roles they are interested in playing. As contents get harder, each roles do their part better but also do the other parts worse. For example, early on, most tanks do similar damage to dps. As they get higher level, tanks get way better at surviving, but dps do a lot more damage.
The idea that players need to rely on each other is the draw of the genre. It not only encourages teamwork, but it forces it.
Now let's look at GW2. Everybody has their own heal, everybody worries about their own survival, and everybody needs to do their own part of leet-dps. Yes, they added a "support" ish class, but it's just another berserker in disguise. The design of the game encourages mindless zergs, and that's why the game ends up so unsatisfying.
This would be okay if GW2 is a sandbox MMO like Runescape, Black Desert or whatever, because there's a market for "immersive MMOs". However, it's also not that. GW2 ends up being this shadow shell of a great idea that never got the time to grow or develop, and the game's current playerbase is mostly there because the game is free to play.
I mostly meant the focus on randomly occurring events on the map, running around solo for all but raids, etc.
FF14 at least has a more complex class and skill system
I don't see the point mentioning the old GW2 dungeons, they're dead and best forgotten, fractals on the other hand are so much better now it's a shame it took so long.
Also, every example you mentioned is a raid mechanic at some point in GW2.
Raids are the best PvE content right now.
To be fair, i quit ages ago after being disappointed coming from GW1
The very limited amount of skills per weapon will most likely bore you quickly.
this is the part of the problem but its also what would stop me from playing the game, they just needed a way to make you rely on others without forcing people to be shoehorned into 1 use roles.
Why play gw2, if you can go and play ESO. Which is way better especially after "one" Update. Running around and stealing shit is fun!
I think that's the problem. Hate on the trinity if you like, but some of the modern take on it is actually quite fun to play.
GW2 set out to get rid of the trinity, but it failed pretty miserably. I'm not a game designer, but maybe somebody can figure out a way to do it better one day.
I have tens of thousands of hours in MMOs over the last 17 years, I've subbed to games so awful you wouldn't play them if you were paid to. GW2 ranks in my top 3 worst MMOs.
those are dead and forgotten simply because they actually rewarded the player. they got nerfed that hard that no one was willing to do them, after said nerfs.
they were a good source of gold/silver, anet couldn't have that.
Yes, HoT in itself is disappointing but the content that came after it but needs HoT is good.
I know it's strange to see this game going well 5 years after most people here said that it would be dead in some months.
Second expansion soon.