What is the eggs benedict equivalent of Sup Forums?

What is the eggs benedict equivalent of Sup Forums?


billy hatcher
fuk u

Hanjuku Hero


Why do girls like that so much?

You know those shits with avocados and all. It's not bad but it's nothing to rave over.

Why DO millenials love advoca so much its fucking bland

I support this thread.

Probably GTAV
>great when fresh
>best enjoyed occasionally
>gets really bad very quickly
>tangy and creamy

I love eating avocados, that being said, I'm also mexican and grew up with avocado trees around my home. Sometimes I eat them like any other fruit, just pick em and open them and eat them with a bit of salt and lime in a tortilla.

However, white people seem to have this weird fetish with avocados. Its weird

You're absolutely right my Mexican non-white friend, it's annoying how fucking overrated they are here

Nah fuck you cucks, fresh avocado is based
t. Eternal anglo

I think it's a combination of them being good, being considered exotic in a large portion of the country, and being considered a superfood of some sort.

Though I don't think I was even aware of them as a kid. I first saw them when I moved to AZ, but I see them all across the country now.

hollandaise is delicious as fuck on pizza and something something video games

I just hope these weirdos don't start going after nopales, tons of white people near me have them growing around their houses, thinking its just decorative cactus. Meanwhile I'm harvesting the fucking neighborhood like a fucking king, all these nopales with no one to pick them.

Fucking white people

Platinum Games

Nopalitos don't really do much for me. I don't dislike them, but I find them bland.

*tips fedora*

They are markedly different from the traditional diet based around corn and potatoes, yet they are very easy to get.

I fucking love that shit

When I stared into the abyss, and I realized the truth, I realized there is no God. That is when I also knew I don't care for nopales.

I never had an advocado

Explain to me the taste and structure

This is my favourite breakfast meal of all time but come on.

>no ham
>no hollandaise
>no greens
>on a tiny muffin

it's like slightly fruity butter

That's fucking impossible.

A really well cooked baked potato that tastes like sweet lettuce

1) Tomatoes
2) Bacon
3) Hash brownies
4) Ham
5) Advocada
6) Smoked salmon
7) Fruit
8) Vegetables
9) Ketchup
10) Mushrooms

that is literally hollandaise poured all over those eggs in the OP

yet yours looks like watered down yolk
get fucked

Giant power gap after 5 and it checks out.

>hash brownies

Squishy and bland, what little flavor that is there isn't great

Kek I don't know how that happened

Avocados are known for having good fat, so a lot of trendy "fitness" try-hards who sustain themselves on vegetable smoothies have to get them in there.

This right here. It's more bitter though. Not sweet fruity. Yet it's not bitter, just more so than fruit. Also not greasy like butter. It's like clean, ungreasy, fruity but slightly bitter butter that goes well with many foods in chunks (whereas butter you only spread a little bit)

high fat diet is very popular with fitness types, and avocados have a lot of good fats

Because you're cute