>escort an NPC
>NPC has 5x more health than you
>your health is 2000
Escort an NPC
>escort an NPC
>they're retarded and keep dying
>npc tells you about a quest
>doesn't help you get to the waypoint
>escort an NPC
>it can't die, it just falls on its ass for a few seconds
shut up
>NPC you're escorting is invincible and the enemies are all disinterested in capturing her despite being the most important character in the game
>walking through the world
>everyone is corpse so I cant talk to whoever I was supposed to and progress the story
>suddenly a nearby door flies open
>high level end-game random hostile mob wandered into an early game town
he seems to be suppressing laughter in this image
>escort an NPC
>you take half his HP as you clear the enemies that are swarming him
>escort an NPC
>Can get oneshotted by LITERALLY EVERYTHING
>Insists on going full Rambo to try and kill a faction leader by himself
>Armed with only a knife Vs. a few dozen enemies with chainsaws, flamethrowers and SMGs
Fuck you Ranger Andy or whatever the fuck his name was