>Emulating JPEGs with fast-forward

Truly there is no better way to play them.

Just play Chrono Cross
it gives you an option to fast-forward in the original game.

Well I mean if you really want to go through that slog then yeah, you're right.


I can think of a better way.

Download a 100% save that is in front of the boss and then walk all the way back to your starting village.

I don't get people like this. Is this ADHD that makes you say such nonsense or something else?
ATB makes you lose time when you're selecting moves from the list, while the AI acts the millisecond its gauge fills. Why would you willingly gimp yourself by speeding up the game further?

Do I look like I know what a JPEG is?

a) the games that use ATB are a minority
b) the games with ATB let you pause time when you're in menus through their settings

You're a fucking moron. You see a picture of FF6 and you base your entire argument around that. Are you sure you're not the one with ADHD?

>emulates JPEGs
>posts PNGs

>nuh-uh I wasn't talking about the game I posted the screen from
Yeah, pretty sure you're the one with ADHD.

>fast-forwarding a static image

Jrpgs were good for a time where the internet wasn't part of the majority in gaming market and everything wasn't half assed dependent on dlc.
In fact you could say that for everything prior to 2006.
Just Wikipedia jrpgs and move on.

I'm not OP. And point b) still applies. You don't know shit about games.

Because the gaming is literally wasting my time on waiting.

>ATB makes you lose time when you're selecting moves from the list
Never heard of the WAIT mode?

Fast forwarding killed and saved emulation for me.

I almost do it for everything now.

It's not always an option.
And even when it is, it usually only works in the submenus, so you're still put at disadvantage when selecting the action.

True. I don't think I would have got through Persona 3 and 4 without fast forward for grinding and state saves for bullshit.
That said, I've had no problems with SMT4 on actual hardware. I guess it does have an auto button anyway.

Fact: Pokemon is almost unplayable without fast forwarding.

the one thing that ruined everything was the invention of the smartphone senpai. There were normies using computers before but now everyone and their mother is on the internet and they are the target demographic for everything

I don't fast forward until I get to the grind part of the game.

The best is when a game has a fast-forward option built in because then it doesn't fuck up the music.

>I don't think I would have got through Persona without state saves for bullshit.
>being THIS bad at JPEGs

>even nintendo put it in pokemon stadium's emulator
>with two speeds
jesus christ how unbearable are the 3DS titles

I don't want to have to replay hours of shit for random unpredictable dungeon wipes.

Why is that even the fans of these games consider the combat to be tedious? Why does anyone play them?

For me it's not the combat that's tedious, it's walking around.

Tedious is the wrong word. It's more time-consuming, but still really simplistic.

Just turn off the animations.

That said, pretty much every turn based RPG needs to pull a Metal Saga and make a shoulder button be the designated fast-forward.
If a no-budget game on the PS2 could do it, you have no excuse anymore.

What about games that have the fast forward build in like Bravely Default

So save before going into the dungeon.

The only issue I usually have is speed itself. A good game will have snappy animations and smooth menus to begin with, but there are many that don't.

In fact, there are more JRPGs I've played with action systems or "hybrid" systems than strictly turn-based systems that end up mechanically tedious and repetitive.

I could be hours into the dungeon and lose that progress due to one wipe.


>emulating JPEGs
>posts PNG


>not how to disarm someone using a knife

Ignoring all the other arguments against your post, you forgot that gimping yourself to be at a disadvantage doesn't matter because JRPGs are incredibly easy.

Persona 3 is only playable in any way emulated with savestate scumming and fastforward.