Redpill me on the RPG genre

Redpill me on the RPG genre

you shouldn't say redpill user. no one's going to take you seriously.

i dont understand

You want the real shit? Here:

It means Role Playing Game

you play a role in a game

Unoriginal cliches and the worst combat gameplay of any video game genre. Also only for children because there's no way anyone that's old enough is gonna be wasting that much time for so low a reward.


We say "bogpill" now

RPG used to be about stats, numbers, strategies and game mechanics.

Now it just means playing the role of someone in a video game, now with less numbers and mechanics.

>Role-Playing Genre genre
You're beyond saving, retard. Go play your COD.

>play super mario
>ask someone if this game is an RPG
>"No, its a side scrolling platformer"

RPG stands for Role Playing Game, right? Well in super mario you play the role of a supposed itallian plumber named Mario and its a video game. so its an RPG.

My dad made this argument to me when i was younger. I could not argue against him at the time.


RPGs debunked

It is where the capability of your video game character is abstracted rather than controlled by your device, but still by utilizing interactivity. For example, in action FPS games you aim your weapon and shoot the bad guys. The success of this action is determined by your capability of aiming and firing at the right moment. In RPG's like Fallout, you don't aim the gun, but rather your character aims and shoots the gun. All you do is determining who to shoot and how much gunning skill you want your character to have.

This is why skill trees and points don't automatically make an action game an RPG. Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma aren't RPG. VATS in Fallout 3, NV, and 4 is RPG.

>combat gameplay
What an idiot.

Depends. Chess doesn't have stats and numbers, but it's totally abstracted therefore RPG.


Things have never really changed

This guy musst have been happy when BG released.

>Dragon's Dogma isn't an RPG
Nigga you what?

Ever increasing numbers and progression really.

>Role-Playing Genre Genre
What did he mean by this?

>interacting with people
>muh true rpg
This faggot truly had no understanding of what RPG is.

It's far more action than it is abstracted.

>Ever increasing numbers
So Doom is an RPG since you get better weapons and collect ammo and armor.

It's based on player skill over character skill because you can avoid damage

I mean, if you want.

The difference between Doom and traditional RPG is progression of abilities and numbers that don't exist in Doom (Like character level and stats) and UI. Doom is also relied more on by player skill than character stats, similar to Skyrim.


yeah rpgs are about romance and social justice issues


Best genre ever.

Skyrim's combat still relies on stats a lot despite of how dumbed down it is.

What I'm trying to say is numbers, progression, or UI don't make something an RPG. RPG is simply abstraction of character's abilities. Like in chess, a horse can execute an L shaped movement and the bishop can move diagonally. You can't control the movement or the combat of the horse or the bishop, but you may decide who will execute their ability next. Therefore, the role playing aspect is how your character moves by itself without your intervention. The game aspect is deciding what ability you want your character to execute and when they will do it.


>redpill me on le 8bit sprite art tbs rng rpg
well you are asking to get shit from the worst people this board has to offer. Good luck

>Skyrim's combat still relies on stats a lot despite of how dumbed down it is.

Yeah, but stats alone an RPG doesn't make.

>Therefore, the role playing aspect is how your character moves by itself without your intervention.
No, I don't think so.

wow. really makes you think

>Yeah, but stats alone an RPG doesn't make.
I mean skyrim requires less control than doom.

>No, I don't think so.