Reddit is for faggo-

>reddit is for faggo-

Other urls found in this thread:







Reddit is worse than Tumblr or here for porn if that's what you want.


She's fat. Post a qt with abs and I'll reconsider, OP.


is there a rave going on in here?


lets see you redditors cap this and post it on r/Sup Forums



user I...



How do you get so many moles?

>it has cancer

Bitch has a yeast infection, or that guy is slurping cum.

>no dick

How do black people get so tan?

put me in the screencrap

btw i am from brazil


Who is faggo-?


slut needs to get those moles removed with some lasers or something

celebs and scientists and actual successful people regularly post on reddit or say in interviews that they browse it.

even the kids working at the gas station near my house wouldnt admit to browsing Sup Forums irl


also that is the exact wrong way to eat pussy lol what kind of idiot drew this

well at least i know how to find you now

Could it be because they're getting hot upboats? Perhaps this place should have a similar system.

>Call someone a faggot on Sup Forums
>Pissing in an ocean of piss
>Get around censor to call someone a faggot on Reddit
>Get banned

Clearly it's for faggots if saying "faggot" triggers them. Forums/comments/61y2lj/virgins_share_their_thoughts_on_reddit/

Someone who doesn't eat pussy.
Everyone knows real men eat ass instead.

Implying you would not right away walk out of the room when your one night stand got this tatoo.

Seems like most celebrities are avoiding Reddit these days. There used to be a lot more than there is now, and they were of higher status.


Rate this girl.

Weren't plebbit mods/Admins caught editing peoples post recently.

Upvoted for including me in the screencap ;)

Wtf who is this meme queen?

I'd smash her (him)

Holy moly

most regular people are unoriginal, unfunny faggots who'd rather take claim of someone else's thought than have an original one themselves.

>Go on Reddit
>Get shadowbanned for not being feminist enough

There was a large thread on the Donald Trump subleddit where everyone was insulting the admin of leddit, so he eddited peoples posts to them insulting the moderators of the subleddit (Sup Forums users). He got a lot of shit for it since that's gray area legally.

>also that is the exact wrong way to eat pussy lol what kind of idiot drew this
wait what

>a phoneposter
>making a shitty unfinished word meme thread
>about reddit
>not about video games
You simply cannot fucking make this shit up.

Are we playing another exciting game of trap or real? Female.

wouldn't know you fucking faggot, i don't post there
go back

Where does this meme that Reddit is feminist come from? They unironically have more MRAs than feminists.

>since that's gray area legally.
redditors are this fucking retarded

It's same for most other places really. I remember encountering some fucking echo chamber and a lot of triggered women and a white knight when I asked what the fuck a patriarchy is, and if there's any evidence.
I then went on to play Killing Floor, cause that's what instantly popped in my mind when I heard patriarchy

they also have the largest fucking colony of whiteknights the internet has ever seen
what a coincidence!!

>touching genitalia with your mouth.

>Sup Forums is the_donald
>nu-chanology really has happened

How does this have anything to do with video games?

>I remember encountering some fucking echo chamber and a lot of triggered women and a white knight when I asked what the fuck a patriarchy is
Didn't even ask on Reddit, asked this somewhere else, bit the bullet when I kept hearing every fucking wheere about "patriarchy".

Nigger, the mods and admins of Reddit are feminists. The MRA and other subreddits only exists so they can have someone to blame.
They regularly falseflag so they can get some juicy screencaps.

go back

>celebs and scientists and actual successful people

Not anymore because Reddit became political SJW and anti-SJW shitstorm.

Pussy tastes good if it's a healthy, clean woman. It's kind of like fruit. Men are programmed to like it.

Utter degeneracy

That Roast

>It's degeneracy to be attracted to the opposite sex
I wonder who's behind this post.

Sup Forums being for faggots is why Im here.


It's degeneracy to lick genitalia.

He's memeing. The correct way to eat pussy is to flatten your tongue and lick her from below the clitoris, above her urethra, and up the clitoral hood while fingering her opening with two fingers slightly curved upwards.
And when she's getting close you push your other finger up her butt. This will condition her to associate orgasms with anal stimuli and will open her up for buttsex.

It feels good though.

check this thicc 8

inb4 London


show your workings

they said the romans considered eating pussy to be the gayest thing ever. i think the most manliest thing was forcefully putting your penis into another man's ass or something

I'm a male (Male). I like pussies. Only innies though. Roasties can fuck outta here.

>wanting anal


Whats its like to be this stupid?

It's not about manliness. It's about dominance. Eating pussy is considered very submissive, while mounting someone, man or female, is a display of power. Being mounted was the single most humiliating thing a man could experience, which is why it was an especially severe punishment.

when are you planning on losing your virginity

Hedonism is no excuse.



I don't know, man. Are you free this weekend?

licking the lips and not focusing on the clit and fingerblasting with your fingers is the scrub way

but it doesn't matter, I won't do it again unless it's with a gf (tfw no) since that oral thrush I got


>Caring about a females pleasure

Shows over once I nut you tremendous faggot

when will this nigger meme end? eating ass is disgusting

just suck cock like a normal person

They didn't think that. You just made shit up.

>Having more than one sexual partner
>Having a partner who's had more than 0 sexual partners

>not making her cum
>not having her orgasm vibrations jerk off your weiner
You've never had sex have you?

>2. Do NOT post personal information, trivial GET posts, copypasta, posts about reddit, or images unrelated to Sup Forums.
>posts about reddit

> Urethra
> clitoris
> stimuli

What are you fucking gay? Going down on a girl isn't technical fool.

buttblasted virgin who can't get laid detected

>muh purity!


>having a sexual partner.
>having ever experienced sex.

Get out, normie.

I'm not going to be butthurt that you only care about your own orgasm. I'm not having sex with you. Some basic bitch you score might though.
I like going down. I genuinely enjoy it and so does my girl. That's it.


> Forums/comments/61y2lj/virgins_share_their_thoughts_on_reddit/

upboated kind gentLEsir :^)

edit: thanks for the gold!! wow. simply amazed.

Yhat looks like a roastie
