What is the best Souls game, and why is it Dark Souls 1?

What is the best Souls game, and why is it Dark Souls 1?

t'isn't m8

It is



Took me ages to get used to the faster game play of 3. No Zweihander for me =(


Rick rollin

I find it hard to decide. Das has some great bossfights and shit levels and demons has some top tier levels and shit bosses. Personally for what its worth i like bb more than both, it suffers from some shit levels but nothing nearly as bad as das, and many of the boss encounters are on another level beyond anything ive experienced in a couple decades of vidya

Dark Souls 1 would be the best in the series if they remastered it

maybe then it'd unseat king's field

Das has the best world. Only a few levels are shit. Many of BBs boss fights weren't special or memorable

Lets roll this shite

>Demon Souls is my favorite

because dark souls 1 was mysterious. now its a genre.



>Kings field is my favorite

Rollin Rollin Rollin'

roland garros

>why is it Dark Souls 1?
because I played it at a time when I had very little knowledge of the game. I knew it was considered hard. I knew no armor was often better than full armor.

Every single short cut I opened, or alternate path I found, was fucking fantastic, and nothing has compared for me personally to the feeling and challenge of traveling through DaS.

There's just something about DaS1 and I'm not even a hardcore fan of the series I've put about 60-80 hours into each game

The open world being all interwined and compact makes such a difference, DaS is pretty much a rehash of DeS but the fact that its all open and not accessed via portals brings it to life

Dark Souls 2 is the best you fucking retards.




A man of true taste

Roll, pls not magic/dex again.

really ticks my tocks

Just look at the replies OP.


DeS = DaS = BB = DaS3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS2

>why is it Dark Souls 1?
Because demon souls and bloodborne aren't on pc

Because it has the best world design.

Also rolllllll





re-roll, fuck this cancer setup

I've been playing the first one has PS3 and when I use the analog stick it changes my items and weapons around like I'm using the d-pad.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Seth freakin' Rollin'