Mass Effect Andromeda - TB

TotalBiscuit's WTF is... clarifies a couple of things.

MOST of the conversations are not "my face is tired"-tier level of quality.

It's fun to explore.

Combat is fun.

He generally likes it apart from a few things.

Why does Sup Forums meme about a few things when the whole game is actually alright?

Other urls found in this thread:

Well I've played it and I think it sucks. What now bitch


Fuck off. TB is just a cuck that loves anything except for option menus.

The game is fucking shit and everyone agrees.

Just fuck off already.
They advertised a Mass Effect game and they made a open world shitshow instead.
Everything that makes a game Mass Effect was cut short in favor of feature creep.


I wouldn't take his opinion seriously, he always has to have a different opinion from everyone else to make himself feel special.

If Andromeda was getting 8-9/10 average he would slam the game as trash.

>Combat is fun.
Prove it.

I just spent two hours yesterday hearing my friend talk about how it was shit for about two hours. Went into detail about the pacing issues and the animations and how it was dai in space but faster because you have a car. I'm certainly not going to get it if he couldn't stand it fourty hours in.

>listening to TotalCumstain

Seriously he is just a contrarian libtard.

if its anything like inquisition then its a serviceable game that doesnt do anything especially great. thats what the issue is, if this is a soft reboot of mass effect than its a shitty one.

Dunkey said it was shit though, so it must be bad.

It has become just a thing to hate.

It's no worse than most of the games in the series. Mass Effect was never great. The animations were always bad. There has always been cringe-worthy writing.

>Le options menu and FOV man
The game's levels actually aren't terrible, generic sure but nothing bad or anything.

The combat isn't fun, it's fucking tedious and repetitive.

TB likes anything that has a gimmick and a few sliders.

Sup Forums takes shit to the extremes, even relatively good scores for games like 7/10 are heralded as "blunders of the century" on this shithole. Mass Effect Andromeda is a passable game. It's not great, it's not shit, it's just a game that's highlight will probably be known as being the game that launched in the same month and year as Nier Automata.

sounds like Sup Forums

>7/10 are heralded as "blunders of the century"
Well I mean, Zelda is trash and that got 10's. So if a game gets a 7, I mean, that's just the state of things.


Every other game in the series has over a 90 on metacritic.

EA has closed studios and killed series for games scoring as low as Andromeda.

It is a huge blunder.

A 6/10 is still an above average game, but it still is a shitty game

Eh, I could see it getting one more game at least. The Need for Speed franchise shit out a couple mediocre games over the span of a few years before getting axed by EA.

What is the enemy variety like in this?
Are there many factions like they had in me3?

the game is straight up average at the very stretched best, people really got used to this garbage level, it's easy to brainwash the masses, nu-nerds are even easier to brainwash...the game was released while still looking and feeling like a beta version, I was shocked

EA doesn't give a fuck about the game being ready to release come the launch date. If they set a deadline they will make sure something is released on said deadline. Look at how much of a clusterfuck Battlefield games have been on release in the past and how they fucked over Titanfall 2's release by putting it in between Battlefield 1 and COD.

I like the game, had plenty of fun but
Who cares?
Just fucking die already.

Why are people using the word average like it means "bad"? It means "inbetween" on the upper scale. Like it's good, but won't make you sing hallelujah.

A game can still be fun even if it doesn't do anything special. Have we really come this far that every game has to be a 10/10, and reinvent the wheel, or it's automatically shit?

there's three factions, each has 5 enemy models or so
evil alien empire
evil robots
evil outlaws (same models as good guys)

How did he find the time to play it between the cancer and yelling at his wife for not voting Hillary?

The game is decent but it feels like it should have come 3-4 years ago. Game is disappointing for a 2017 AAA game, for one time I agree with the metacritic.
Also I don't get why critics are suddenly so objective with the writing when they were fine with ME3, they should have called out Bioware about their mediocre writing way earlier.

I can't recall when was the last time I heard TB bullshit his audience so much to what was essentially "I can't talk about his game or EA will blacklist me". He pretends to not see problems happening on the very fucking screen as he's talking over it.

>characters disappear into thin when conversation ends

maybe true but the sjw pandering went through the roof in andromeda.

Everything has to be exceptional, it has to look better, play better, be bigger and have tons of innovative shit. A lot of people just can't accept average and are caught on a treadmill of looking for the best and hyping themselves up with something they thinks can offer that only to get burned time and time again. They can't take a step back and realize that if everything was a masterpiece there would be no such thing as a masterpiece. Enjoy a mediocre game every now and then, the game may have a wonky quirk, or writing so cringy and awful that it actually ends up being funny. People in this shithole need to broaden their horizons.

>Why are people using the word average like it means "bad"? It means "inbetween" on the upper scale. Like it's good, but won't make you sing hallelujah.

Same reason why no one uses the arithmetic average when scoring games. Your score should start at 5 and then move up or down depending on quality. Nowadays 7 seems to be lowest score a game can be given if there was any budget involved.

>trusting a man's opinion who only plays mobile shit and then says that combat in a real shit game is good


>TB's opinion is fact
He is such a hipster when it comes to his opinions on most video games. He literally bases his opinions on whether the majority of people like the game or not.

TB does not understand the word "fun". I've never seen someone take video games as seriously as he does. Any opinion he gives regarding "fun" in a video game cannot be trusted, as he doesn't know what the word means.

you love to eat shit, you are clearly underage, I will gladly report your IP and get it permabanned

I tried watching his video, but ended up spinning through most of it because of how much he repeats himself. It's just 2 hours of him trying to 'justify' why he likes the game when a lot of other people don't. It just strikes me as insecure.

There are aspects to ME:A he'd normally shit on, but because he's enjoys what he's played so far, he's doing pointless mental gymnastics trying to excuse them rather than just accept that he likes the game despite those things. I guess he just doesn't want to look like a hypocrite.

Between this video and his last podcast he's now spent more time talking about ME:A and trying to justify his enjoyment of it than actually playing the thing.

Which is very amusing when you take into account all of the "ethics in video games" bullshit and complete game/developer boycotts he tries to push almost on a monthly basis.

But the combat in ME:A is actually good. Atleast the base of it is. Making it more fast paced and adding booster shit was makes it a lot more fun. Unfortuantely since you're gimped on abilities and you can't control your squadmates, that does leave a lot to be imagined about what could be. Gotta keep it playable for consoles I guess.

Rest of the game is still dogshit though. Damn near every other aspect is just amateur hour, unpolished, dogshit.

Sup Forums hates games. You should never forget that.

When is he going to die, lads?

>MOST of the conversations are not "my face is tired"-tier level of quality.

But none of them are actually good. At no point did I have a conversation with an NPC that didn't result in me mostly forgetting it 5 minutes later. The problem isn't that the dialogue is unbearably bad - it's just that it's fucking BORING.

I mean compare the shit in Andromeda to this

That's a completely irrelevant conversation in an early game mission with an unnamed NPC that you'll never see again. You talk about mostly nothing and there are no major choices. And it's still more memorable than half the shit in ME:A. Years later I still remember
>You don't have a grenade launcher, lady. Get lost.

yeah that is good and all, however I also saw crowbcat (our guy)'s video

even the reviewers whose job is to pander to normies scored it 6 or 7 on average. game is trash and it's already forgotten, the plot, the characters, nothing, nobody cares. the only thing that's gonna be remembered about this game is the incompetence of people who made it. as for those "Sup Forums is always wrong" faggots, Sup Forumsirgins predicted that battleborn, no man's sky, mafia 3, andromeda are gonna be trash, that the last guardian is gonna be nothing special, that vr is just a meme and that it's not gonna catch on, etc. all that in less than a year. not bad if you ask me. oh, and the switch, which is absolute trash if you have any standards left.

>asscancer said he likes it so clearly the game is good
fuck off


>e celebs and bioware

super cancer

>6 fair
>7 good

You are wrong. The game is not bad. It's at the very least decent.

this can apply to movies. video game reviews are screwed, every decent game getting at least 8/10

>It's fun to explore.
Yeah, big, empty, boring spaces sure are fun to explore, user.

It's so glaringly bad how melodramatic every line of dialogue is while trying to be as safe as possible. I started getting in the habit of closing my eyes during dialogue because at first I thought "maybe it's just because of how bad the animations are, that it's detracting from the VA". But nope, that doesn't change anything. I got to the part where you start reliving your dads memories, and none of them are impactful in anyway. Mom is dying, apparently dad is a distant dick, but the dev's are so incompetent at showing not telling that they resort to just saying it to your face over and over and over again. And the VA's aside from the Salarians are so stilted and boring. Scott just keeps standing around saying "yeah dad was never around much" but you don't get a sense of that in anyway from the dialogue, tone, and animations.

To sum up everything that is wrong with Nu-Biowares writing and VA direction. One of the memories has the whole Ryder clan together, autists too. And Sarah asks the mom how she is and she so monotonally replies something along the lines of "no, we are here to be a family. No questions about me. I'm fine though by the way, and I take pills to stay fine".

What the fuck was the point in any of that? What was the point of mom saying not to discuss her condition and then immediately discuss her condition? That's when I started to really noticed how characters answer they're own questions, repeat statements in sequence with a word switched around ("what happened?" "to who?
"to whom, and your god damn father"), and just ultimately progress the plot to a degree of nothing.

Also what's with all the lisps? Jesus christ every female alien has a fucking lisp.

It's a pretty good game that will soon be recommended by Sup Forums and cited as an underrated gem.

if you think that andromeda is a "decent" game then i don't have nothing more to say to you. good day.

>da:i in space
we said that after the first trailer was released, and they actually turned it into an open world game. Sup Forums is always right

He's right though

>dumb Murican can't understand that people fall into more categories than libtard and conservicuck

Every bio ware game has been written this way since after NWN. I call it Biologue.

Does it have omni shields?

Should I just buy the first trilogy with all the DLC to play again?

>he dev's are so incompetent at showing not telling that they resort to just saying it to your face over and over and over again
I think this comes from a contradiction with the character, you are meant to be able to define them however you want yet they are also sort of a character already.

Someone like Geralt gets around this cause he is a character, you just get options for what Geralt might do but he is still a character in his own right. Ryder though is 60% blank slate but still tied to many things and ideas. Same issue with Fallout 4, you are meant to be a blank slate yet have many things holding you down.

There are none AFAIK, but there is that new biotic ability Backlash, which is basically a shield

They had trash dialogue for the most part but this recent shift to autistic faggots monologuing is new. None of the voice acting feels like part of a dialogue, instead it feels like some weirdo with no friends talking to himself in the mirror. just awful