Native 4k gaming at 60fps for $499.
Xbox won.
Native 4k gaming at 60fps for $499.
Xbox won.
>at 60fps
Have they improved the CPU?
Can it play scalebound?
Oh boy, even if that's true there are no games to make use of the hardware.
My only hope is that if they make it huge like they did with the Xbox One, that they go with a 3.5", 7200rpm drive instead of a 2.5", 5400rpm drive. It's fucking stupid that they use such slow drives on devices that are used for so much reading/writing.
Allegedly yes. AMD had some ad for the Scorpio up at a Ryzen press event.
>another overcosted box that plays games with slightly better graphics
oh wow cant wait to get this one
It would be a mistake to slap Ryzen in there.
They just need to up the CPU clock otherwise compatibility would be a nightmare.
It will be 4k OR 60fps unless they are dialing down the graphics to a decade old equivalent.
Why? Zen is still x86.
so uh, what games are there to play?
gen 7.1 graphics now at 4k/60fps, jump in
But does it have good games
It all depends on how Microsoft implements it I guess. But the regular Xbox One uses an x86 processor, no obscure shit like we had last generation, so compatibility should be easier to maintain going forward. And the Xbox One and PS4 both use like laptop tier CPUs by today's standards, a CPU upgrade would be appreciated.
Yeah, I bet that menu screen looks really cool in 4k.
Doesn't matter, normies already have a PS4 and so do all their friends, the ship has sailed. And I can't think of a single person who would buy this just to play slightly better looking gears and halo.
Power alone does not a genwinner make.
In all seriousness though why do people still care about the xbox? It sells okay enough I guess but the few exclusives it has are not worth owning it over say a PS4 or hell even a PC since their exclusives are playable on PC nowadays.
I own a xbox one and it was the stupidest purchase of all the current gen consoles. If you truly care about playing good games then you should have the latest playstation and nintendo console alongside a half decent PC.
i would buy an xbone if there were more compatible nip 360 games
It's not a mistake at all. Zen was explicitly designed to replace both the cat cores and construction cores in AMD's product stack. it's meant to scale from low end embedded/soc type stuff like gayme consoles all the way to high end desktop and servers.
It's not about the console it's about the network.
All my friends are PSN now and invested too much time into it to simply change now.
Maybe next gen. Not this though.
Now let me play with mouse and keyboard and i'm on board
oh yeah sure faggot
This. If Scorpio actually has a Ryzen CPU it would be an immense upgrade over the PS4 pro. Especially when developers start optimizing for it
>Upscaled 4k gaming at inconsistent 60fps for $499.
>No games
Xbox Done.
They literally aren't on par with an i3. They use budget AMD chips from when AMD was bad.
>Native 4k gaming at 60fps for $499
>Native 4k
but he's right you dumb consolefag
lol neogaf
I don't know a single person with a ps4 tho
If this does true 4K and none of the checkerboard shit Sonys pulling Microsoft would get castrated for I know a bunch of us moving over if this gen looks like it will last the next 3 years or so.
I take this as Microsoft is just going to monster Sony in specs every launch now as the winning formula, and it should work. And the surface team.
Dont you love idiots user, i know I do. Kids dont even know whats in their locked box.
It's sad to see Pro bottle necked so badly by the CPU, it has an RX 480 but performs like a RX 460
It isnt possible with any computer parts i'm aware of to get native 4k gaming at anywhere near $600
It will be hackery like checkboarding
What leak, fuckboy?
>tfw Xcucks are so desperate for information they talk shit which eventually becomes "leaks"
Fuck you nigger
I don't see it that impossible, xbox is the only console of this gen running multiplayer EXCLUSIVES at 1080 and 60FPS.
What leak?
> Xbox runs at Native 4K at 60fps
This is how I know you don't know shit about pc components.
Or the fact that no games are announced and a system isn't even an indicator of frame rate.
By the way 60fps sucks, 100fps and up all the way.
>And it should work
With what money
>Every launch
The Xbox brand is dead and there will never be another one after this.
>multiplayer EXCLUSIVES at 1080 and 60FPS
Which games?
I hope you don't mean Halo 5 because that uses dynamic resolution and it most certainly never hits 1080p in MP.
Cant wait
Does it have any games besides Halo and some racing game?
Now you can pay $500 for 4k 60fps of no games.
It's Polaris 11, so it's not 480, and it's heavily underclocked.
That has yet to be seen, even if your claim is true. You're gonna have a tough time convincing the majority of the market to abandon their PS4/Xbone/Xbone S to get a gaming console that has the promise that they will make every game for it compatible with the Xbone. It's equally possible that game devs will just port over their games from the PS4.
>PGR5 never ever
If the Scorpio really is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, it'll probably be able to handle 4k at 30fps with low settings. But consumers react more strongly to eye candy and buzzwords, so most games will be upscaled from a lower resolution with medium settings at 30fps.
Games nigga, games. Xbone tricked me into believing in the underdog with sleeper hits, and it never delivered. Now they are doing yet another multiplatformpiss machine with no exclusives but only pricier and with better meme resolution capabilities. I'll pass.
[citation needed.]
t be h
try harder
>40 million
>With what money?
You mean the company that could buy both Sony and Nintendo out right now and strip it to the bones if antitrust wasn't a thing?
I've heard that literally every launch since the first xbox there will be another xbox after this. Microsoft now don't give a fuck where you play their games, your buying into a constant ecosystem.
>Native 4k gaming at 60fps
Enjoy tetris.
It'll be two years of scorpio npd domination followed by 2 years of ps5 domination. The cycle will rinse and repeat.
Console manufactures use to take a loss on the hardware
>Brand was ruined in 2013
>No exclusives
>Xbox Won
My question still hasn't been answered, OP ?
>there are no games to make use of the hardware.
>two jobs
The pro isn't doing so hot, right? Do you think MS is getting cold feet with Scorpio?
Gears 4 and Forza both do, and Halo 5 at times does run at 1080, to flat out say it doesn't is a lie. Not that I can actually notice when the resolution changes.
They literally promised that every game they made would be available on the Xbone. Presuming that's the truth, it should have about as much success as the Xbone S. Which is that they just port some PS4 games over to it, and push the resolution higher.
Pro is lacking support
Bloodborne still doesn't have Pro support
I don't think that's the case but if it were, it'd be very understandable. Then again, there's no reason to even buy an X1 these days. Fucking everything is PS4 and Steam, and if it does release on Xbox, *whomp whomp* it's on PC too. I have no fucking clue what Microsoft would have to do within a practical realm for the Scorpio to make sense to anyone who isn't a retard.
I don't really trust them to bring out a good lineup of games that aren't Halo and Gear of War.
PS4 Pro will be 299 by that time. It's weaker but that high price won't do Microsoft any good either.
you'd have to be an idiot to believe this or have no knowledge of current gen computers
it's almost impossible to run current games at 60 fps consistently at 4k, and that's not even all on a hardware level, it's because even triple A games tend to be poorly optimized
but even on a hardware level, you need a several hundred dollar cpu and gpu alone to even touch 60fps at 4k reliably for any game that doesn't look like a potato
so they are either only talking about or planning about running like xbox 360 games that are upscaled and remastered or some shit, or they're talking about 'lol some shit indie games totally run at 60 fps at 4k'
i mean seriously, if the scorpio could play games like witcher 3, mgs v, or even fucking zelda botw at 60fps stready at 4k it'd literally kill pc gaming
but i can't even begin to comprehend how a system costing 499 could run 4k 60fps, even if they got some kind of huge sweetheart deal from chip companies, they'd probably be selling at a loss of 200-300 dollars at the very least
i mean i don't even think ps4 pro can run a game at decent settings upscaled from like 720 at 4k to run at 60fps, and there's no way the scorpio can blow it out of the water enough hardware wise at anywhere near 499
What are shareholders user? Microsoft shareholders loathe the Xbox division since it's inception, they will be pretty displeased with loss because of the Scorpio
Give me the fucking source, dammit!
all that matters for sales is having the best COD/FIFA/GTA(red dead) machine.
PS4 will still get those weirdo jap games.
Isn't that what you sony weirdo's want?
Or do you really care about having the best COD/FIFA box sales?
Yeah and I'm sure you know dozens of xbone owners, right?
no developer will waste resources optimizing 4-12 FPS if the install base of PS4 and XO is larger anyway
>unironically being hyped for a burger console
>muh 4k
>yet nothing to play on it
western gaming is dead, kids.
being this cuck
Someone explain to me all the hubbub about this 4k stuff. Someone told me it was a meme and unless you're sitting two feet from the TV you'll never be able to tell the difference between 4k and 1080p. I don't really follow tech so I have no idea if this is true or not.
I know this is hard to fathom user but people that buy consoles want to sit on the couch playing online with their m8s. Not on the PC and with steam.
They don't care if you buy the game on Windows store, your using their platform to do so.
I know i want my weirdo jap games. Might still buy a used xbone at some point to play Halo 2 remastered and possibly the abortions called 5 and 6.
I don't understand.
The PS4 Pro's checkerboard trick looks like 4k. But the Xbox Scorpio promises "native" which will look roughly the same as the checkerboard 4k but you get to pay 500USD instead of 300-350USD?
Even if it had support, have fun convincing people to ditch a console that can already play the same games.
HDR CAN make the purchase worth it, but there are also plenty of examples of HDR making the game look like shit. And without HDR, it really is just a resolution increase for most people, and it's not like 4k took the world by storm the way 1080p did. I still maintain that that only did what it did because of the weight/space reduction, along with LCD being much cheaper than traditional tubes.
Moar pixels are always better, but nothing can deliver stable native 4k@60fps.
Nice hardware faggot. Now what if you actually released a game for it?
what if M$ goes full weeb
You can play in PC while sitting in couch with your normie friends.
>4 times the resolution
>you can't tell the difference
Worse than the "human eye can't see past 25 fps" meme. But then, few devices actually do 4K. Netflix, Youtube (with a very high compression) and 4K Blu-ray players. PS4 Pro is 4K upscaled.
I know I'm the only Xbox fan here, been since they entered the race, but I'm excited. Hope some places have good trade up deals.
Exactly. With some luck (namely some weird rebranding) people will think that Scorpio is the Xbox 4 and upgrade from their Xbone. Other than that it's probably gonna do half as well as the Pro did.
But it doesn't have games. What's the draw? Exclusive DLC?
it makes stuff look smoother, but any game with decent anti aliasing can give you about the same look anyway
tldr version of it the 4k meme is probably like.. it can look pretty good but definitely not worth the price of a 4k compatible monitor/tv on top a 4k compatible system be it console or pc, especially when games or even movies/tv isn't even anywhere near being 4k ready
pretty hilarious thinking of people buying 4k tvs thinking it'll be CRYSTAL CLEAR QUALITY, not even realizing that like 99.9% of HD channels are just upscaled from 720, so you wouldn't even really see fuck all of an improvement over even just a regular old normal HDTV anyway
If you think your normie friends want to build a computer and set up FIFA while mapping a controller to play each other through Origin you really have 0 normie friends.
If it does I might consider buying their products.
>The switch costs too much at 299$
>I should rebuy the same console at 399$ and 499$ respectively, and use it as justification to buy a new 4K tv instead
the switch is a good console but portable, it should costs 250 or 200 to be sincere
If the xbox one scorpio can go big I'm willing to pay 499
>mapping xbawks controllers on winshit
Well take a look at Assassin's Creed IV, for example. The xbone version has a lot more going for it graphically. Much more physics-enabled plants, for example
Lets say that it works exactly like it sounds the entire Xbone catalogue becomes playable at 60FPS/4K.
So what thats about 5 games worth playing and a load of multi-plats you can play on the PC already. I mean Scorpio could be fucking amazing but theres nothing to take advantage of that, fucking Crackdown 3? Thats even if it makes it through development.
The people complaining the switch costs to much isn't the same people that are buying Pro's Scorpios and 4K TV's which literally all falls under a weeks pay.
>he thinks general people know what resolution is being displayed
nigga some people thinks the ps4 is capable of doing more than 720p
Not who you responded to, but I have a 45 inch TV in my living room. Using the charts people pass around, I think I would need to sit closer than 6 feet away from the screen in order to see the difference.
If I had a choice between an LED 4k resolution without HDR at 60hz and an OLED 1080p resolution screen at 120 hz at the same price, I would take the OLED every single time.
The resolution just isn't all that important. The color quality and screen refresh rate is more important in my opinion.
>tldr version of it the 4k meme is probably like.. it can look pretty good but definitely not worth the price of a 4k compatible monitor/tv
Don't forget a sound system that passes 4k images through its HDMI ports, because the speakers on flat screen TVs is trash.
Not OP but stop moving the fucking goalposts we all know consolefags aren't interested in the slightest in doing what your saying. They buy consoles because it's the lowest denominator and everyone has one and it just werks.