Dark souls 3: the ringed city


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what ending?

Torrent link to the dlc only update anyone?

why does it run like ass

like I don't understand, the rest of the game is pretty smooth

>Dude what if Old Monk had adds :) haha epic

how the fuck are you guys beating Gael on your first try

I beat Nameless King and Soul of Cinder in under 3 tries but I'm already up to 10 on Gael

Works on my machine :^)

Is there anything else to the ending besides giving the little girl(?) some blood? Did the Lord of Hollows ending after beating it, aint shit different.


Eat shit Dark Soul fags, this is two shitty DLC's you've gotten in a row but I bet you faggots are going to still eat up whatever shit Dark Souls gives you next. Just admit it, Dark Souls III was trash, and it's DLC's are even worse. MMMMM THAT'S SOME TASTE SHIT THAT YOU PAID MONEY FOR, ISN'T IT? YUMMY YUMMY IN MY TUMMY!!! I KNOW, WHY DON'T WE START A FIRE AND THROW ARE MONEY INTO IT!! I THINK THAT WOULD BE A SPLENDID IDEA!

You mean Slave knight "My attacks are so telegraphed that i could be privatized by the government and sold as a telecommunications company" Gael?
I didnt beat him on my first try due to dodging the wrong way in his third phase but second try. He's not dissapointing but he really just doesnt do anything.

the dlc area sucks it's just areas for you to rush through instead of exploring it's like playing sonic instead of mario


I just got to the second area and I'm fucking loving it, it's literally the only section in Dark Souls 3 that actually reminds me of the first game.

Fuck you, it's great. I expected it to suck just as much as AoA did and I was pleasantly surprised.

The twin demons are such bullshit, not because their attacks are very hard or anything, but because they take up the whole damn screen. You cant even see the other one jamming its claw into your ass from inside its brother until its already happened. And the multi stage bossfight is really getting old, just make one good boss that doesnt need to turn into a fucking megazord after the first phase

>fight last boss
>take off 25% hp
>surprise a cutscene
>quit, uninstall, call the cops

This DLC just continues the trend of DS3 in being hackneyed and uninspired. Don't even get me started on the two demon's boss arena. What a fucking joke.

No one's even talking about the living mk1000 panzer dragon tank

Just pull one to one side of the arena, land a couple of combos, then sprint to the other side even if you're not sure whether the second demon's closed in.

I don't even know if I want to download this DLC.

If you like ds3 you'll like it dw
I'm just sad it wasnt better imo
I mean it kind of is the last dlc for the last ds game

From went for the co-op audience. The Ringed City especially is an atrocious cock gauntlet of bullshit the likes of which haven't been seen since the DS2 co-op areas. Not difficult but very, very god damned tedious if you're the type that likes to look around and not just run past everything. And they waste the first area on revisiting the Earthen Peak of all places, topped off by an unrelated and basic as fuck boss. The last boss was pretty good but it's abundantly clear that no one at From gives a single fuck about Dark Souls anymore.

So now that the last piece of dark souls content has ever been produced, do we know the answers to any of the following questions?

>What are the primordial serpents and why do they have their specific motives?
>What happened to Gwynevere?
>What happened to the bearer of the curse?
>What relation does Manus have to the Furtive Pygmy?
>What are the 'Pus of man'?
>What is the Deep?
>Who was Prince Lothric's teacher?
>What happened to Aldia?
>What happened to the Emerald Herald?
>What happened to the kingdom of Drangleic?
>Is the entire world held up by trees with clouds for leaves like in Ash Lake?
>Who really is Yorskha?
>What happened to Ornstein?
>What is the Profaned Flame?
>What happened to the Profaned Capital?
>What happened to the Abyss?
>What are the angels?
>Why do the pilgrims turn into butterfly dragons?
>Why does the sun turn into a darksign when you make it to the Grand Archives in DS3?
>What are the angels in DS3?
>Who is the Queen of Lothric?
>What land did the Giants come from?
>What did the Giants have that made Nashandra who was really Manus want?
>What is the Throne of Want?
>How did those fat Lothric knights ascend to become angels?
>Why are there statues in Lothric Castle depicting a primordial serpent?

Gwynevere confirmed egg layer, and future spin offs will take place in painted worlds. There's your lore.

its souls bitch i aint gotta explain shit

>What are the primordial serpents and why do they have their specific motives?
If a statue is correct, they're trees.
>What relation does Manus have to the Furtive Pygmy?
He was the Pygmy. Also, Pygmy is a race and some are born immortal kings, see: Crucifix of the Mad King
>Who was Prince Lothric's teacher?
>What happened to the kingdom of Drangleic?
Became part of the Dreg Heap
>Is the entire world held up by trees with clouds for leaves like in Ash Lake?
Nope. It's all collapsing into the dreg leap. You advance very, very far into the future and it is one of nothing but sand and ruin.
>What are the angels?
Pilgrims turned into butterfly creatures.
>What did the Giants have that made Nashandra who was really Manus want?
Revenge for their stolen people and their Kinship.

The rest is not explained


"And the furtive Pygmy... So easily forgotten."

>He was the Pygmy.




>Became part of the Dreg Heap


>Pilgrims turned into butterfly creatures.


Just treat dark souls 1 as the only canon lore and everything after as spinoff shit. They didnt even really care after ds1 anyways

I don't care what people say about this fight. It was fucking great.


>base game is trash
>first DLC is trash
>second DLC is trash

Hackazaki microcockgobblers BTFO.

They stopped caring halfway through 1 as well.

This DLC is the final ending to the Souls series. That's it, the story is over.

what statue? WHAT STATUE?!!?!?!?!?!

i hate their style in the sequels of just not confirming or denying virtually anything from ds 1 and leaving it almost entirely up to speculation
the games feel so disconnected from eachother that i feel really unmotivated from even attempting to understand them at all

DS3 is fucking great. Can someone explain to me this meme that its bad? Its by far much better than 2.

People were expecting closure for this piece of shit.

>play caster
>OP af
>feel like im missing out because all the boss fights are easy as fuck and i can literally just run past all enemies if i want to
>dont have enough free time to play the game again

Because sad no life faggots seem to get enjoyment over wanting everything to be shit because their life is miserable and pathetic and they don't want to see anything be good.

Aha, nice meme.

post your specs, faggot

i5 3570k
gtx 660

but as I said, all the game ran fine, this is the only area in the game that goes sub 30 fps

2 is the best one in the series
Go eat a dick

DS1 - Poorly thought out mess of a map, aged like piss and only enjoyed through rose tinted goggles for the 'lel so hurd' crowd

DS3 - Lets cash in on the success of the series, lol infinite stamina rolly polly olly
No, please dont explore or enjoy choices
Just walk in this line and spam r1

DS2 - Refined, thought out combat
Choices on how to approach
Choices on how to build your character
Best bosses

Prove me wrong cucks

>boss fights are easy


You left out 2 games

>run around
>run around
>run around
>boss does some dramatic super time consuming thingy
>cast big spell
>drink ES

>Play with my friend
>kill boss faster than a normal ass enemy
>take no damage myself

I got stuck on Gael, gave up for now.

Does From even understand what people liked about Dark Souls? Because they seem to be emphasizing the worst parts of it. Almost nothing in this DLC is coherent. The story has no closure. I'm actually a bit shocked at how this was the grand finale of Dark Souls, a battle with a senile buff Santa Claus over the Dark Soul(Trade marked).

What a fucking joke. Also the bosses have FAR too much health

What I meant was the bosses in the DLC aren't easy (alone). Especially Midir if you're a caster.

Console fags piss off

alright, havent gotten around to the DLC yet

I thought about buying the complete edition of DS3 in april. Should I just buy the vanilla version?

I remember getting the season pass but I just can't bring myself to get to the DLC's beat the game once and deleted characters as I picked it up again here and there. There's just something about this game that makes it really unrewarding, I dunno what it is.

Why would you not buy the complete version? Because some memeing autistic faggot on Sup Forums told you the DLC was shit?

Its a big area, on those specs its to be expected

What did you expect? He ate all the humans so he could get his dark soul. He only needed yours to be complete.

Just retarded shitposters. They shit on 2 and 3 because they're autistic fucks. Both are great though. 3 is the best in the trilogy.


I gotta say the best bosses are in 3. The princes, as well as nameless king, Lord of cinder is far better than Nashandra. 2 has some really awesome weapons like the double edged rust sword. That thing is fucking amazing and I'm going to replay it simply to tear shit up with it sometime soon. 2 starts good, dips in the middle, then manages to get better in the last quarter. Also DaS1 is better, even with all its flaws it still is.

Does anybody have a complete save file before the ringed city? I fucked up the last time i played the game because i started new game plus and now i would have to finish the dlc or finish the whole game again just to play the ringed city and it feels like a hassle

fox grapes etc

Get vanilla when its cheap. The base game has some redeeming features, my general impression is that the developers were somewhat motivated when they first approached the game, but that withered away to nothing about half way through. The DLC is largely forgettable crap outside of the last bosses. If you can hold off until the end of the year the complete edition should be fuck cheap anyway if you still want to check it out.

Objectively the best DLC in the series.

Yesterday, it was Shulva. This makes shulva look like Lords of the Fallen.

It blows my fucking mind how there are people out there that LEGIT love Dark Souls 3. I wanted to like it, but it is such a failure of a game
>reuse a LOT of shit from the predecessors
>boring ideas
>boring armor sets
>fast weapons are way more viable
>no poise

The only good thing about DS3 is the soundtrack.

>even worse than ariandel
>dex is now ruined and gimped because of whining scrubs

after I finish this POS I'm done

they had the hype, the money, yet it was even SHORTER than AoA and worse? LOL

Switched to Exile Curved Greatsword meme build so I could actually get some damage out in this dlc. Fucking 40int/40fth Onyx Greatsword +5 was only doing like 120 damage per hit to gael and midir

Killed gael, closest I got midir down to was around 15%

>a boss that is mainly pvp
>get nothing but complete meme oneshot builds 10+ times in a row
>have to go into offline mode to beat it

Heavy armor fags get fucked and stay salty

>What are the primordial serpents and why do they have their specific motives?
They just like to have fun (and set reality in motion)
>What happened to Gwynevere?
Became the slug lady
>What happened to the bearer of the curse?
He's sat with Aldia in a pub somewhere playing chess.
>What relation does Manus have to the Furtive Pygmy?
they're dark
>What are the 'Pus of man'?
the inner self that's quite negative
>What is the Deep?
the abyss
>Who was Prince Lothric's teacher?
>What happened to Aldia?
He's sat with the bearer of the curse in a pub somewhere playing chass
>What happened to the Emerald Herald?
She's sat with aldia and the bearer of the curse in a pub somewhere drinking mead and watching the other two play chess
>What happened to the kingdom of Drangleic?
it doesn't exist anymore
>Is the entire world held up by trees with clouds for leaves like in Ash Lake?
>Who really is Yorskha?
a failed experiment of Oceiros
>What happened to Ornstein?
he became a dragon
>What is the Profaned Flame?
another failed attempt at relighting the flame like the chaos flame
>What happened to the Profaned Capital?
It got burned
>What happened to the Abyss?
>What are the angels?
The serpents (unless you mean the tree angel things in lothric castle, they're like the pus of man but different because the flame's going out)
>Why do the pilgrims turn into butterfly dragons?
because they're men
>Why does the sun turn into a darksign
because it looks cool
>What land did the Giants come from?
anor londo, Vendrick stole the flame under nashandra's orders so the giants invaded
>What did the Giants have that made Nashandra who was really Manus want?
the first flame
>What is the Throne of Want?
a kiln-like structure to contain the flame
>How did those fat Lothric knights ascend to become angels?
>Why are there statues in Lothric Castle depicting a primordial serpent?
it looks cool

Holy shit what a piece of shit DLC, swamps swamps and more swamps

Literally how could you spend more time on AoA than this?

Did you have a stroke halfway through?

I didn't even play it yet, I'm just going by what Sup Forums said (lol)

anyway friede was by far the hardest souls boss for me ever, eclipsing nameless king and allant by leaps and bounds, probably took me like 30-40 tries

This thread reminds me why I stopped giving a shit about DS.

Literal autism and/or PvPfags

AoA had
>cliffside/dogman boss
>bug church and endboss

Ringed has
>earthen peak swamp
>ringed township
>ringed swamp
And all of those areas are significantly larger then areas in AoA

Threadly reminder:
>Dark Souls 3
>shortest game
>bonfires out the ass
>filled to the brim with shitty references
>massive amounts of on-disc cut content that will be sold as DLC
>rehashed areas in an already short game
>the worst, newbie/scrub favoring invasion system yet
>no arena
>Heavy armor sucks
>Armor variety is less than DS2 BASE game, despite copypasting a 3rd of the armors from previous games
>Magic needs 2-3 ring slots just to dish out melee level damage
>Magic itself does reduced damage for PvP
>removes a shit ton of spells from the previous game
>awful scaling balance
>FP is the most awful casting management system introduced yet (worse than DeS mana, which had better regen options and more efficient)
>FP horribly ineffiecent with damage, ends up causing everyone to use 1 or 2 FP efficient spell like Great Heavy Soul Arrow
>Miracles awful, best and most viable one locked behind the final boss
>bland NG+
>awful covenants
>no blue eye orb
>blue sentinels and darkmoons the exact same
>left hand weapons no longer have full movesets
>dual wield weapons are gimmicks
>boss weapons can’t be infused
>Straight Swords and Curved Sword are as fast as daggers
>Great Weapons are slower than previous games, and costs more stamina, while barely doing more damage
>1-2 Weapons ALWAYS the best in class, no redeeming qualitys for special weapons resulting in less weapon variety than BB
>very little moveset variation
>WA are mostly shit or copypasted powerstance moves
>No backstep i-frame
>rolls have too much i-frames and cost too little stamina
>bloodborne enemies catered to R1 spam from ss and cs
>hexes gone and dark magic is shit
>shittiest dragon form
>no dragon covenant
>refined/hollow completely dominates
>DLC has so far been shit
>19 bosses, a good chunk being gimmicks
>linear level design, less branching options than DeS, DS2, and even BB
>b-but the DLC will save it!
>b-but other games have faults!

>I didn't even play it yet

I don't know what else I expected from a salty shitposter on v

>there is no new ending
>the existiing endings are unchanged
>final boss is literally artorias and orphan of kos
>answers pretty much nothing about the lore
why did i think it was going to be different

Where do I go after Gael? I thought there was a dragon boss?

If you are talking about RoidStein, then yeah he was the hardest """boss""" in this DLC

When was the last time you left your basement.

>dark souls lore questions

>dark souls lore

>dark souls

The dlc won't even load for me. Anyone else on the PS4?

>Because they seem to be emphasizing the worst parts of it.
Unfortunately this is my conclusion as well so far, parts are like a case study on how to not design things. There were a lot of things I liked about DkS3 but they aren't here. Instead it's like every little thing that occasionally annoyed me about From's content design, all coalesced into one place.
I really wanted to like it and figured the shitposters were just shitposting. Hell, I even liked AoA.
>Almost nothing in this DLC is coherent.
It's a fucking trainwreck of incoherent design. I feel like some higher-up at From was like "here, go make this incoherent mess because lol randum xD" and the devs said fuck it and didn't care much.

what did he mean by this

the music was fucking great

The worst part about all of this is that the dlc genuinely had potential. What a mess.

Darks Souls ended with fighting Solaire as the final boss, literally who as the first dlc boss, and a comically buff santa in the last dlc.

Half the weapons and armors are shit too. How can they be this out of ideas, why not just reuse your best items from the last games instead of giving us a Halloween mask and a terrible ruin sentinel set. Good lord.

DaS had the best bosses.

>nameless king
>that big tree
>cinder best final boss
>ABYSS WATCHERS #1 in series

>asspull profaned flame that isnt even explained
>call the abyss "the deep"
>rehash everything from ds1
>ignore ds2 completely

"the deep" refers to a vision that aldrich had where the entire world would have to be flooded to contain the abyss

It's because the game isn't designed around western soul level pvp meta.

>Refined, thought out combat
Back to the iron keep bridge.
The only thing that das2 does better than other souls games is fashion.

Only thing missing from the DLC was an ending cutscene to wrap things up. It made sense all the way through though.

>Where did the giants come from?

If it was a rehash of DS1 it would have at least explained some things, if only by accident. It seems like he got half way through his idea for explaining shit and then went out to buy some smokes and never came back.

The story of Gael fighting for hundred of years until the end of time and you time traveling here and fighting him is the coolest of the DLC.

Too bad literally everything else does not make sense.

You forgot no powerstancing.
Why the fuck did they have to ignore all the things DaS2 did right just because it did so much wrong.

>want to know what happened to aldia? well, you won't
>want to know what happened to the bearer of the curse? well, you won't
>hey let's include a painting with two figures killing primordial serpents but never elaborate on it
>dude cryptic endings lmao why do you want to know what you are doing
>you don't even know how previous paintings were made
>most anticlimatic dlc "ending" ever

I think we know where the giants really came from.

Why does Gael have so much health? It took me like 30 minutes to kill him with Profaned UGS

I looked up another guy fighting him and he was doing stupid amounts of damage with a straight sword. Are UGS just trash?

yes. DS3 killed heavy armor, GS and UGS

>Are UGS just trash?

it's a major flaw with ds3 in that straight swords are strictly better than other weapons

>want to know what happened to the bearer of the curse
What happened was the exact same thing as all the other bearer of the curses that came before and after him.