You don't pirate games do you Sup Forums?

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I do, whats wrong with being able to play offline.

Download a bunch of games and then I'm off to work with trusty laptop filled with games.

5 months without internet, firewatching, playing games and just being with the nature.
Its great, you should try user.

Not my fault that I live in a third world shithole and an AAA game costs me 1/5 of my income

tell more about your job

You know firewatching?
Making sure no forrest fire occurs, and if one does it needs to be watched and reported. Its a summer job.

You get left on the tower with whatever you bring with yourself abd get checked on once in 2 weeks. Food is brought then.

Some places don't have electricity even. So i have portable solar panel to charge the laptop. To be honest its the comfiest job ever. Work during Summer out in the wilderness, come home and stay in your comfy home for the winter.

Google it.

Have you ever played firewatch while firewatching?

Had to search it up.
The answer is no

that does sound comfy

how is this a job

it's so comfy

>no electricity
Am I the only same man left?

Like I wrote already, it's comfy.

Rain sucks sometimes, when you have to do shit during it.

But if not, you can listen to rain pouring on the roof while you stay in bed, as no watching is required and you still get paid.

The only problem is, sometimes some towers are badly maintained. So you have to pressure management ti come out and fix the tower. But otherwise it's comfy as fuck.

look at your webm you just did it yourself.

Yes its comfy. It depends on location, some have electricity some don't.

Thats why I have Solar panel with battery, for places without electricity.

I used to pirate all the time as a NEET but I stopped once I got a job. I can easily afford to pay now, and if I think a game doesn't look good enough to pay for then it's not good enough for my reduced free time.

In my country being firewatcher is voluntary, nobody gets paid for it so there are very few of them and during summer there are a hell lot of fires

That sucks. Here in Canada you get paid, and we have a lot of forests.

How does one even get a job like this???

You are a lucky man. I am jealous of your comfy lifestyle.

Just apply online like any other job user.

It is a job, not somekind of club

What shit do you have to do while raining?

Here in spain the law is so stupid that you can build over burned ground even if it wasnt allowed before so no politic wanted to change a thing. Even the fire truck we use have more than 40 years so i saw once one so rusty it broke the axis in the middle of a stone road 200 metters from a large fire

Only movies, music and old games.

USA website example

I pirate usually to benchmark games or when I want to play particularly overpriced games. Sometimes I pirate cheap games when I don't have the money, but when I like them I usually buy the game anyways afterwards to support the devs.

I feel as if supporting devs is something most pirates should do when they pirate a game they really like. Game development is harder than you think so every copy purchased is always appreciated. I'm not telling you to go be a shill or buy everything you see, but remember that if you liked a game and want more stuff like it, your best bet is to buy it so the devs can understand that this type of stuff sells.



Who doesn't download pirated media these days?

Had to quickly repair a leaking roof.
It rarely happens, i was the lucky one
Wow, that's bad. Move to Canada, i hear Trudeau is seeking refugees. I hate him

Yeah i pirate AAA and indie titles.
I also buy AAA and indie titles.
AND i even donate to devs of free games or games in development.
We have the option to do what we want as digital media consumers at CURRENT YEAR so you would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

doesn't look like i could do it without some specialized experience. i have experience in archaeology, but seems they want more farm and nature science people

I might look into this. Sounds like fun.

Thats true. But if you have archaeology degree why aren't you digging up bones in syberia?

Or is it social archaeology, where you have to go out and meet shitskins?

>it's another job related thread

What are some underrated, comfy ass job? I know being a garbage man is one of them.

dishwasher is nice depending on the restaurant

once you get good at your job you just get to chill with mexicans and eat free food/unlimited soda fountain access

Yeah depending on the restaurant

A fast food chain is a nightmare to work at

ended up sticking to bones, 'cause i didn't have to interact with as many people. never went further with it outside of school though. just stuck with tech jobs. looking for another job right now, so something like firewatch would have been cool. crm archaeology scheduling is unpredictable, so you never know when you're going to work or not, and pay isn't great if you don't have a masters or doctorate.

I like testing games before I buy them, because publishers those days plain lie about the content, quality, direction and performances of their releases. So yes, I pirate them to see whether they're worthy of being bought or not.

You don't lie to your customers, do you OP?

>no electricity
>NOT comfy
It's the ultimate comfyness, you double faggot. By not having an electricity, you will care nothing.

Not having things makes you appreciate things more

How do you get wifi out there?

yeah always stay mom and pop/family owned business

there's no wifi in nature buddy

Well the pay isnt great here either. 15/hr is average when I started.
It went down to 14/hr recently.

If you don't mind me asking, which tech job were you working at? If you liked it why not move that direction?
There are a tins of tech jobs. QA, programming, technicians, security consultant, etc.

No wifi or cell out there, unless you're a rich bastard who is willing to haul over satellite equipment no internet for you.

To firewatch user: What do you do if you finish all games on your laptop and still have months to spare?

Alright I'm off to bed.


Make something out of wood, start making NWN mods, or read a book.

so that how that enormous total-conversion mods are born..

Why buy something that you can get for free?

>Making NWN mods
Why not pick up Skyrim or Fallout 4 modding? I bet you could make some amazing stuff out there. You'd probably need to download or print a guide on using Papyrus.

Too much rigging qnd external libraries needed if you want to make s good mod

Crappy mods are easy to make
Never released my mods

Alright I'm seriously tired.
If anyone has more questions Google.
Tons of interviews about the job. Thats what got me here in first place

Fuck, I wish this was a thing in the UK

If the game is on Steam, I'll buy it.
But if It's an older game, or a game only found on some copycat software like Orion etc. then I'll pirate it without a second thought.

All the games I play are pirated.
>buy game on steam
>never play it
>pirate game
>play it every waking second and 100% it

How do you wash? I can't even get up without a shower. Feel uncomfortable the whole day