*blocks your cast*
*blocks your cast*
fuck blue
It really is unfortunate that there isn't a format where you can reasonably play a playset of counterspell, considering how iconic it is.
*Mills your deck*
sssh...nothin personnel...kid...
*le smug myr of anti-aggro*
Your move kiddo.
I wish I could counter mythics and Planeswalkers out of existence because seriously fuck that.
>I wish I could counter mythics and Planeswalkers out of existence because seriously fuck that.
Shadowmoor, actually the whole Lorwyn block was pure art
Too bad they're running it into the ground nowadays..
defend planeswalker cards
Dilutes the concept of planeswalkers
Dilutes player agency
Incredibly narrow design space
Hellish to balance, almost always never played with the occasional gamebreaking and mandatory print
Over half of them are reprints of the same characters, stifling variety
One of the main excuses for the existence of Mythic rarity, a known cancer
Relegates Legendary Creatures to EDH because all major characters now are Planeswalkers
Despite the supposed infinite variety of the multiverse they're all just humans or near-humans
Wait, did you say "defend?"
>Player calls me a tryhard and ragequits a edh 4pod because I played Force of Will.
I dont miss magic.
>playing magic since the late 90s
>never got into anything but kitchen table magic because every single gaming store is full of turbo autists bringing 2000 dollar decks to FNM
>everybody takes it super serious, no fun allowed
>like 3 decks are relevant, everything else gets fucked hard
Why can't I just be a wizard with fun spells?
the game took all the bad parts of dnd and none of the good parts
Well he's not wrong. Might as well run Baneslayer.
Pretty much why I quit. It got so bad some people actually pooled their resources to make a single deck
>like 3 decks are relevant, everything else gets fucked hard
Don't play standard then
EDH/Commander is perfect for you
>turbo autists bringing 2000 dollar decks to FNM
The only place I went to FNM for always ran drafts, so I never had an issue with this.
In general, though - playing Magic with anyone who you're not at least moderately acquainted with usually sucks ass.
Never really got into commander, seems way to expensive for a pseudo-casual format, I mainly play pauper with some friends right now
baneslayer is a waste of time in edh.
Yeah, it depends on your LGS and the people there.
Also Modern seems to be alright, deck prices vary.
You can also start with budget versions of a deck and slowly get the shit together.
Let's say you budget yourself 50-100€ per month and you should be able to get a decent deck and go do drafts which teaches a lot about deck building
>playing Magic with anyone who you're not at least moderately acquainted with usually sucks ass
That is my main complaint about the community honestly, people take that shit way to serious. I have a buddy who sometimes joins us for casual magic and he absolutely can't get over his play-to-win mindset and brings incredibly rare and expensive shit every time. Either wins in 2 turns or quits after that every game. High level magic can be great but I can't justify spending tons of money on single cards when cheap decks are just as fun with more variation
First post is consistently the best post
EDH is definitely the format for you. It's easily the cheapest format to play and more importantly, the focus is on fun, cool interactions and interesting theme decks. It doesn't matter if your deck is the weakest at the table, it's still a free-for-all game so usually you should have a decent chance to win since you won't draw as much hate.
And yes, it's a pretty cheap format to play. All my decks cost me 100-150 euros, although I could have built them for cheaper if I hadn't been such a greedy boy with a few of the more expensive cards. None of the cards really lose their value like in Standard though, if anything, most of them will just go up in value.
The only "catch" is that you need a good group for it. Some people misunderstand the format and just try their hardest to win with uninteresting tutorfest combo decks. But if you can find a casual group that has frowns upon combos then it's a hella fun format
>All my decks cost me 100-150 euros
Each, I mean
Might sound like a lot of money if you aren't a mentally MTG player but it helps when you think that you aren't really "spending" your money as much as converting its value to cards (which you may or may not be able to trade/sell later)
Thankfully, since mm17 I have had the chance to finally finish my modern burn deck.
Fuck the current standard and all of its bullshit story and lore, fuck veichles and fuck copy cat. Playing modern is the most fun I've had in magic for years and I don't see my opinion changing any time soon.
If I wanted a story, I'd play a videogame or watch a movie.
is this fucking real
Post your commander
being a kid is thinking blue is the best color
being an adult is realizing red is the best color
>shuffles library at instant speed
Now what?
Hope you have removal in all the worst removal colors
this is my most recent one and i love him
remember to pay ur taxes senpai
Sounds good on paper but doesn't work really well
Because people never have duplicates in their deck, right?
Combos are good to an extent. It makes games faster and forces people to run interaction instead of just ramping and bouncing haymakers into each other for hours. I agree consistent turn 4 win decks are cancer though. My personal rule of thumb for a combo win is either a three card combo, or a two card combo you can't tutor for. If it costs 7 or more mana (DEN, tooth and nail etc) it's fair game too since that's about the time someone needs to be winning the game, and it's the group's fault if they let it get that far without holding interaction.
commander sets were all a mistake except maybe the most recent one
Agreed. The ones that interact with the command zone are the worst by far.
How does MtG as "investment" even work?
I mean some cards don't loose any value at all. The only way I see them losing value is when MtG dies and I doubt that's going to happen out of the blue
Never bothered with EDH but if I ever stop being lazy I'm gonna do whatever it takes to build some bullshit around pic related.
There were some mistakes in the newest one, too. This affecting planeswalkers is back-breaking.
You don't know what EDH is do you
it's the Craw Wurm.dec containment format, but it somehow became competitive anyway
At least it's not a format warping piece of shit like True-Name Nemesis.
That's because planeswalkers were a mistake though
*uses savage summoning and deploys steel hellkite at your end phase
it's just supply and demand
demand goes up when people want the card, like if a new card is printed that interacts with something else. if there is a limited supply of the card, like there typically is when the card isn't in print, the price will go up.
supply goes up (and therefore the price will go down) when the card is reprinted. some cards will most likely never be reprinted because they don't really fit into any future set, like pic related.
it doesn't work at all. I have fucking beta and revised cards in good condition I've been trying to sell for months now that I had in storage. eBay is a rip off, craigslist people only seem to buy discount card lots, and places like channel fireball offer you roughly 25% of your cards' actual value, and that's assuming they'll even buy it at all.
MTG cards are not an investment you retarded faggots, they're for playing MTG and that's it.
Hey dude, this awesome combo that you should totally impress your friends with wouldn't exist without commander sets.
>he's never had to play against derevi stax
I envy you. I was only able to cast one spell that entire game.
magic card market?
Stifle would work on that since it's not a mana ability
you re way too late to the party. When the Type 1 format exploded, so did the P9 price, and then it happened again with cubes/edh/commanders. Now it's too late.
Then you've got to run this bad boy.
Also Godo, Bandit Warlord with Blade of Selves
>still dies to board wipes and edicts like the bitch he is
>next set is Egyptian themed
>ayo hol up
>get the day off and plan to go to three prereleases
how autistic are regular magic players? considering i'm gonna be there for ~7 hours I hope they at least wear deodorant
Mindlock Orb exists already though
You can play the 'my card beats your card' game literally forever and it won't prove anything.
>Counter target spell
That doesn't make any sense.
It should be like this.
>Target 1 spell card on the field when your opponent activates it; Negate its activation and if you do, destroy it
Black/white master race
oh darn, if only my animar deck played some other creatures to sac to it. Too bad he's the premier instant and sorcery card.
Epic card disadvantage, bro
No. Please learn the rules before arguing about them.
>>how autistic are regular magic players? considering i'm gonna be there for ~7 hours I hope they at least wear deodorant
it's typically a 50% split between normie nerds and sweaty smelly mega-autismo nerds
Some cards are only good because they're good in the limited domain of the standard format. After they rotate out of standard, their price drops because it's not a good card in eternal formats.
Additionally, some other cards are seen as so format-warping that they get banned and/or restricted, which causes their value to suddenly drop like a hot rock.
Prices can also rise rather than fall, when an unexpected synergy emerges.
For example, during the year running up to the Battle for Zendikar block, Eye of Ugin was $5 because all Eldrazi creatures had ridiculously high mana costs and reducing them by 2 didn't do too much at all.
However, in the Battle For Zendikar block, small Eldrazi creatures were revealed and reducing the mana cost of small Eldrazi by 2 suddenly makes those small Eldrazi a lot more viable. In fact, it fucking breaks them.
This led to a period known as the Eldrazi Winter, a period lasting from January 2016 to April 2016 where Eldrazi decks were Tier 0 in every non-Standard format.
By the time it had ended and Eye of Ugin was banned, Eye of Ugin's price had shot up from $5 to $60. These days, it's somewhere between $10 and $15, since I imagine some people are trying to make their money back and some people still want it for EDH.
So yeah, prices fall and prices rise in MtG. It's a game of investment.
Fuck this card
and fuck storm decks
Oh hey, a yu-gi-oh expert.
Can you give me a quick rundown on what this card does?
>I hope they at least wear deodorant
No, unless your LGS enforces rules about hygiene the smell is gonna be pretty bad
Last one I went to was god fucking awful
>Journey into Nyx
>Summertime heat
>Cramped fucking space packed with 40+ fuckers
>A/C barely fucking worked
I swear some of the fatter pricks smelt like rotten ham and onions.
Hey man, sometimes the tempo is worth the card disadvantage.
It's the entire reason why fucking Force of Will gets played.
This is the sort of shit you'll have to deal with.
In my experience, cringe is going to be as much of a problem as smell.
Target your main deck and upon being resolved draw the first two cards from the top. Do not show the cards to your opponent and you can play the drawn cards the same turn. Do not skip your Main Phase 2
force of will is still incredibly cheap, even with the 1 card discard
the cost of drawing 1 card in a blue deck is about 2 mana. force of will discards 1 card and costs 0 mana otherwise. so it's really a 2 mana counterspell that you don't need to leave mana up for.
also i'm not an expert on formats like vintage, but it is my understanding that "losing tempo" doesn't really matter when the alternative is losing
Any deck running stuff like Grave Pact, Dictate of Erebos, Fleshbag Marauder or Merciless Executioner should be able to do it multiple times a turn through tokens, reanimation and/or flicker.
Or just throw down a board wipe which literally every EDH deck worth its salt runs in multiples.
>nerd fedorlord card game for the stinky metal neckbeard
>"video games"
Why? Go back to Sup Forums or wherever you discuss this kind of childish activity.
So Magic: the Gathering at it's core
and expect to see alot of children
like, actual children, fucking 10 year olds are so annoying
fuck mtg, dont flush your money down the toilet
>This ban killed my friend's Modern blue/white Tron deck via collateral damage.
RIP in peace
Its that time again, Sup Forums!
>prefered format
>favorite combo
>favorite card
>favorite art
For me it is
>pic related (guess what kind of deck I play)
>Land Tax or Sundering Titan, can't decide
>Hanna, Ship's Navigator (Therese Nielsen is a goddess)
why is MTGO such shit?
New set comes out with new dual lands.
You buy a few playsets of each the moment you see them in modern/legacy decks.
You keep an eye out for rumours and sets where Wizards may reprint these lands.
You sell the lands sometime before spoiler season for that set begins.
Right now, for example, enemy fetchland prices went down a bit due to MM3. I don't see them being reprinted in the next year or two, so it's a safe profit, even if not always the biggest one.
The smell in there must be horrible
Thank you for this, I needed a good chuckle and a reminder why I really dislike that game.
>Mikaeus the Unhallowed and Triskellion
>Captain of the Watch
>pic related
>fuck combos
>living death
>pic, used to have him as my commander but then my group cried extremely hard and i had to take him apart. i'm considering rebuilding the deck because lmao fuck those guys
And then this guy got banned for a couple of years from playing in tournaments because this counts as harassment.