Why the fuck did Yooka Laylee censor JonTron's free speech when they're remaking a game that was actually red pilled as...

Why the fuck did Yooka Laylee censor JonTron's free speech when they're remaking a game that was actually red pilled as fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw jon was secretly fired for violating an nda
>yooka laylee is actually this century's "birth of a nation."

Just don't buy the game and ignore it. SJWs want your attention. /thread


You should go post this on the forums man, fucking fags

SHIT post em to jontrons twitter

How long did it take you to dig these up?

By playing the actual fucking game? Unlike Playtonic, apparently.

its edited, people are so guLLible

How much of the original team is there?

Are you sure user i remember some edgy shit like this from back in the day or am i being retarded

The font has less artifacting than anything else

Ayy youre right i also looked the original game text OP is a faggot as usual, still these edit are funny as shit

>If I had a button that killed a single mole when pressed I'd have pushed it six million times

Jesus Kazooie

There is nothing wrong with being black.

You know the drill.

>liberal when young
>conservative when old

>conservative when young
>liberal when old

Grant is a big cry baby now.

Thank you for these.

>Grunty not rhyming

Ya blew it

>ITT: retarded bigots


Every time.

He's right.

Normally these comics are so full of shit but this one is actually right. Even though he still sounds like a pretentious fuck boi

All of the day, bro.


Too easy.

Replace community moderator by the police and let's see how right it still sounds.

I swear to god, you can draw some long hair and blush lines on any shape and I'll jack off to it.

alcohol is awful. I don't drink it because I'm not a faggot who passive aggressively succumbs to peer pressure.

Even a swastika?

I laffed. 9/10 thread.

Alcoholic beverages are absolutely fucking delicious and you are a cuck

>I don't like alcohol so everyone who do is succumbing to peer pressure
Congratulations, you're just a contrarian faggot instead.

Sombody's private website is no the same as outside being a dick in public. Even then, the police will still admonish you for acting like a fucknut and pissing everyone off.

Hit me.

This game is fucked anyway due why nuts and bolts, grabbed by the ghoulies and every single rare game post nintendo was fucked:
Rare can't into good gameplay or level design.

Rare is great at the technical side, musical side and so so in character design, but the good gameplay of their games came from nintendo coming and giving em several tips and orders, basically sprinkling japanese magic over the game and making as good to play as it was to look.

But Yooka Laylee have no nintendo to give tips.


autistic post right here


Don't you see that they are ironizing this kind of people, making them look like stupids? It's the typical british humour. Rockstar did the same with rednecks in GTAV.

1) yes beer does taste like shit
2) drink cider or spirits instead, rather than forcing yourself to down a beer that you hate

>forcing yourself to down a beer that you hate
I don't. If you feel the need to force beer down, don't drink beer.

I was more responding to the dumb webcomic than anything
it strikes me as really weird that he starts necking the beer because of peer pressure, when in reality he could have asked for a different type of alochol

how is it being a virgin?

That's a great way to increase Sup Forums exponentially.
Just sweep the problem under the rug and hope it go away, meanwhile creating your own problems with the moderation getting increasingly more authoritarian, as they start to listen to every whiner, and shit like misspelling becomes prone of permabans.

>being a nigger
fuck off.

OP if you made more of these please post them

its cool to be an sjw

I hate xkuckcancerdowager as much as anyone but I agree

beer is awful, tastes awful, doesn't even get you blasted

I prefer brandy and gin if I want to get wasted, wine for social drinking

How exactly are they censoring his free speech?

What kind of beer have you drunk, user? Lager?

You sound like a woman

all sorts, from chad sports-fan pisswater to microbrews

stout, lager, ipa, blah blah

it's all carb water with minimal alcohol that tastes bloaty

I vastly prefer wine, maybe that's because I'm southern european, maybe it's because of my homosexual inclinations, or maybe it's because of my alcoholism and wine goes down smoother and has more ethanol by volume

So, what beer have you drunk? As in, what brewery and shit. Have you ever tried a beer based on what it tastes rather than availability? Have you ever tried a beer that's above $4?

a ton, I couldn't even list how many

Since I live in ohio great lakes is the big microbrewery, they're pretty well-reputed by beer people. Still disliked it, yet marginally less so than the bottom shelf kind.

>hear about this game because Sup Forumstards are crying their sweet little hearts out
>game actually looks good
>buying 2 copies for me and my kid

Rofl thanks for the recommendation guys.

*my partner's kid

Ya that was what blew it.

No one realised it was fake before that. Nooope.

i want americucks to leave

I think I rather play japanese games

Stop being triggered OP

the police are a government institution dipshit

beer is a meme

just like beards

lol at it being associated with manliness. Beer was literally the swill water for the proles back in medieval europe while the nobles drank wine, cider, and spirits. The beer companies have you goyim conned by associating it with manliness, when 99% of beer drinkers are fat estrogenic cuckolds with gynecomastia obsessed with bread and circus sports.

Yessss goy, spend 5 dollars a bottle on that microbrew, heh heh, it's very hoppy, got hints of a stout, and a frothy head (don't tell them it's the same as heineken)!!

>Not having a private police

>there are people who will never taste a Gulden Draak
I pity these poor souls.

>grunty not rhyming
>not going the extra mile and romhack to edit the text and make a webm

So mad.

Missing the point of the comic.

No one's free speech is being impinged, it's just Sup Forums playing the victim like a bunch of feminist sjw pussies. See



>ANOTHER jontron/yooka laylee thread

wtf? Do you get your nails done before you go out drinking too?

Gulden Draak isn't even that great. It's too sweet and lacks depth, or whatever you want to call it. It's good, but try drinking a fermented porter or meatier stout instead.

they are making fun of nationalists in this game, typical edgy leftists

I was about to say "I'm not a cuck unlike Sup Forums"

But I guess you guys can't be cucks since you never get any pussy in the first place. Damn. You sure showed me, user.

>you will never be this morally bankrupt
feels good man

i hope rudolph or eric or whatever the fuck his name is gets enriched by the very terrorist groups clinton supported

I saw that small child's cock, user.

That was the most retarded thing xkcd ever did.
Using the fucking propaganda logo.
Even the people that was going to vote for hillary that day probably felt that this was an obvious idiotic sellout.

eat de poopoo

fat numale detected

hops have the strongest plant based estrogen that mimicks real estrogen in your body and shuts down testosterone, it's proven


keep lowering your testosterone because you fell for the marketing that disgusting carb-water was 'manly'

wine, cider, and spirits are what men with taste drink

They're all shooped moron. Further proof that all the rightists and Sup Forumscucks who are mad about this don't even like Banjo Kazooie.

Now you do this again and this time properly.


I doubt you even have any friends in real life.

>not the ultimate shit

>maybe it's because of my homosexual inclinations

Enjoy your bacteria piss.

>killing yourself faster

>leftist shitheads create huge ruckus on your nazi black metal concert
yeah, they sure are the audience and not haters who are trying to kill the white man's culture

Germans love beer, anything they love is objectively good. No matter what some fedora tipping, tinfoil says.

So JT can endorse Trump but he can't endorse shillary?

he is too pussy bitch to go against antifa and beer drinkers, I bet he is a cuck too if he can even get laid

Yes. Everyone needs to agree with me or I feel challenged and fragile. But, fuck those SJWs who always use their emotional arguments! Grrr!

Yeah! That's why you love refugees, right?

Well, I have a big cock and a test level that's in the top 5%, naturally. Also in great shape and can bang out 10 pullups with 35lbs strapped to my body. Ancient greeks were bisexual and they would fuck you up. Keep thinking you're manly for drinking piss water and watching niggerball on the jewvision.

He can endorse hillary, yes.
Like make a comic making some PRO hillary arguments, like not anti trump, pro hillary.
Now just pasting literal propaganda like that, well no, it just didn't fared very well at all.

Imagine if the sony fanboys started to post with the playstation logo on every post they did, how fucking creepy it would became.

>wine, cider, and spirits are what pussies with """""""taste"""""" drink
t. Finn

I mean I get you're triggered as fuck beerbro but you can't just say some shit like that. That claim is utterly unsubstantiated. Go join your frat for a sick kegger you pleb

>Not drinking scotch or vodka instead of beer and sugary garbage
It's healthier and gets you drunk faster.

Sure user. You're an average build manchild with an average cock who drinks spirits in his room when his one friend comes over.

you have to get used to them, hangover is a bitch thought i think they should sell 1 pack pills for hangover that are benzos or some crazy government cocktail to make the pain go away

or just fucking ban it and turn first world into weed society already and be fucking healthy

If it's going to trigger little bitches like you I might as well do it.

Fucking grow up