You can't name a more attractive vidya female

You can't name a more attractive vidya female

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Any major female character in a Wii U game.

Have she been on cover of Playboy? Lara Croft and BloodRayne were.

>Wii U



>that leg clipping
wut this is what capcom is doing with sony money

That pic is not from a game.

She looks plastic anyway and the wig is of low quality.





Pretty much anyone else is more attractive than SFV Chun


I mean, when you think about it, Wii U is home to the best girls is vidya.
Wonder Pink
BotW Zelda


I agree but let's use her in game art

Chun is the whole curvaceous package

The size of her head makes me think she has downs

Lara is about as good as it gets. Close runner up is Elena

I don't recall there being a Black Lagoon game.


This is the only character posted in this thread that isn't more attractive than Chun Li.

Super Sonico.

As an aside, as a man who loves thighs, Chun-Li's are fucking horrid.


Shame that she didnt have any revealing clothing available, then again I kinda have to applaud the devs for that since shes in the Siberia of all places.

Women in video games are a waste of funding and dev time. They're pointless.

So was a Templar from Hellgate London and Alicia from bulletwitch. what's your point?



You're right. She's literal perfection

that's not nyotengu

what do I win?

? Is this a bad joke

Great Scott! That's a huge list!

Not even the most attractive in her own game.

Nothing, since Miranda's face is hideous.

Mika>Chun-li, sorry user.

>model your character off her extremely attractive VA
>make her looks like she's had a stroke and is the long lost daughter of Michael Jackson
>call her "genetically perfect"

Sheva Alomar

But Bayonetta and Shantae are on other platforms




Bayonetta wasn't even on wii until 4 years after it was released on 360 and ps3

god damn it i mean judgement blade, holy sword is the name of all of the artes

disgusting characters and artstyle

Before I realised Agrias was pregnant I was trying to figure out which one of their dicks was holding up her clothes.

>There will never be game where you can romance the chivalrous and cute captain of the royal knights

I can't even jerk it to Agrias porn since I respect her so much.

Shani is the purest

i have never seen agrias porn, but i love the original FFT art style so much. honestly the preggers picture doesn't do it for me because it's not in the original style, but the idea was novel enough so i saved it.

>shani the BBC addict

Is this a photo or a screenshot?

That's what I was thinking too


What the fuck, this is the first time a video game character has looked exactly like me. It's eerie af.

there are only so many of the best


Her girlfriend is better

I love Reisen!


fuck off retard

Is this why he faked his death?

The cutest

Chill, user. ;)

Yennefer's a personal fave of mine.



Even from the same series



Juri is awful.

Good taste.

How so?

Agreed. Still the best.

Nigger are you serious?


Ugly dyke.

Fuck you she is straight.

Muh dick


Didn't dispute the ugly part, I see.

>ITT children

Totori is the sexiest.


Fuck you Jack is best waifu and you know it. You just cant handle her.

She's not even the most attractive Capcom girl.

I wouldn't want to handle her, because she's hideous and mentally unstable.


You like them, don't you?

Yourself included clearly, because once you grow up you'll understand who the real best DoA girl is.

Pussy faggot, I bet you like Miranda

>Complain about a girl being ugly
>"I bet you like this other ugly girl!"
Flawless logic.
Tali is the only good ME waifu.

literally saved it because there is so few Agrias art.


>marie rose
i cant believe someone who has taste this terrible has the audacity to talk down to anyone

>ywn be juri's slave

why live

>faggots ITT posting anime shit

I will give you a pass on that user, Tali is second only to Jack.

>didnt recognize her from the thumbnail
>was going to post her in this thread without even looking at OP pic

I'm sorry, is it Good-Taste o'clock already?