Chad friend at work bought Nier Automata because of the ass memes

>chad friend at work bought Nier Automata because of the ass memes
>he finished it last night
>he said ending E was the first time a video game has made him genuinely cry.

>he finished it last night
Was he playing on PS4? I just started route B.
Honestly, I'm not impressed so far. I hope C/D/E will deliver.

Why is the English end song so awful. What were they thinking?

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's nice that he enjoyed the game, and maybe his range of tastes will widen after playing a game he otherwise might not have played.

They thought they had to translate these japanese lyrics into something comprehensible in english and do the best what they could

>Stories that didnt happen

A normie would never bother playing the same game TWICE let alone a shitty Yoko Taro game.

>This is muh redemption song
>None of the echoy shit that made it ethereal
>Low gospel singing
>Singer doesn't even break into tears
They could have at least stuck with Emi Evans

>he doubts ass posting

What is this "EBCDEDFGASGJX ending" meme I keep seeing? I HATE games where you have to replay the same shit again just because the first ending was "just a prank bro xD" and having to sit 10+ hours just to get a slightly different cutscene at the end, I'm a fucking adult I have shit to do.

Should i avoid this game?

I know a chad who said Lost Odyssei on 360 made him cry multiple times. It happens.

I don't get why. The only 'sad' moment in the game is the 2A route due to Pascal. The rest is pretty dry compared to Nier's emotionally destroying plot and characters.

I think a lot of people here never really had much interaction with the "Chad" types. Most Chads aren't against more weeb-related things, they're just not personally interested most of the time. Get them interested and they'll give it a fair shot. Back when I was in high school I was always a turbo nerd but I had Chad friends too.

Yes. Avoid at all costs.

Casuals get out. Even a Chad is better than you.

You read game guides and plan like an autist while Chad finishes the game in one sitting and fucks 2B

"Chad" is just a stupid meme, I don't know how it is in America, but here you can be both "cool" and have autistic hobbies, you just don't sperg out about them around people who don't care.

People who see me on the street or meet me at a party or something would never guess that I spend a huge part of my free time playing grand strategy and weebshit games. And a friend of mine who was always a pretty stereotypical popular guy back in school, has also pretty much always been the best FPS player I've know, and he plays most games that come out, like anybody here.

People need to understand that vidya is a hobby, not a lifestyle, for most people.

Do you retarded weeaboos not realize that all versions of all the music were made by the same team?

Also with that song in particular the japanese and english lyrics are completely different, because it's not meant to be the exact same song.

Being made by the same team doesn't mean anything when that team doesn't speak a word of English. The nigresses performance was beyond shit in every song she ruined, but the ending song would have been trash no matter what with those machine translation tier lyrics.

This here. Ironically the only people super against weeb stuff and "hardcore" games are try hard wanna be normies that try to shit on autists who they see as lower.

I've talked to chads before and have chad friends and they don't give a fuck. If they aren't interested they aren't, if they are they will give it a shot. They don't waste time to get autistically angry about things they don't like they have girls they could be fucking. Chads don't do the whole "stop liking what I don't like" thing they are generally live and let live type of people. Might call you a name or something if you really push it on them though or act like a total loser like trying to cosplay around them but generally they are cool though.

Chads also don't know enough about vidya/anime to know what's cool or hardcore or normie either. They just get what looks cool to them they don't give a fuck. So sometimes they end up getting some obscure niche/weeb game and enjoying the fuck out of it by accident.

Emi Evans knows Japanese English and French you retarded sperglord. It's not unsafe to assume more than just her knows english either.
There was no fucking machine translation involved. You're just channeling your inner Sup Forums after finding out the other singer is a nog.

Did Emi Evans write the fucking song? She's a singer, you complete moron.

If you seriously think anyone in charge of decision making knew a lick of English, you might actually be braindead. Explain to me how every single line sounding stilted and awkward was just artistic direction.

Ah okay, you're actually just functionally retarded then.
It's okay if you didn't like the song, I understand that. But saying the team didn't know what the fuck they were doing with it is factually wrong.

I think you niggers are confusing normies with Chad, Chad is the top percentage of normie males and do not play any video games at all, maybe the occaisional sport game at a party.

Honestly, what planet are you on? Nips have always been bad at English, and the ending song is a prime example of Engrish tier lyrics. Nobody who knew English would write lines like those.

It checks out. The so called "chads" are the people who just like what they're doing and has no fucks given about whether what they like is shit or not. One of the chad that I know got into TW games and Mountain Blade. Another chad that I know of got super into Doom wads after I introduce Doom 2 to him.

Ironically, the memester hardcore gamers that I know of are the entry level pleb ass babbys, who kept spewing shit like reddit memes or pc gayman memes yet they only play shit like Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, and Diablo.

Now you're just confirming you haven't actually looked at the lyrics or even listened to the song.

>chad friend
But user, you are the normies. And then user was the normies.

How fucked would I be if I picked up Automata despite knowing very little and caring even less about Nier and the Drakengard series? I just want more Platinum goodness.

>Ironically, the memester hardcore gamers that I know of are the entry level pleb ass babbys, who kept spewing shit like reddit memes or pc gayman memes yet they only play shit like Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, and Diablo.

This is always the case, and it's so weird to me. Video games are all you do and you don't even do it.

It's very stand alone but with some references to nier the gameplay really isn't the best from platinum butt it's a massive step up from the rest of the Taroverse games.

It's a good introduction considering its his worst title, might as well start at the bottom.

You'll miss a ton of references and background information shown to you will casually spoil Nier's twists.
Drakengard is only very loosely related.

If you're only in it for Platinum then you're going to be disappointed. It's good, but not nierly as in depth as something like Bayonetta. It's an RPG first and action second.

Everything past Ending E are basically unique game overs/joke endings.

>but not nierly as in depth

you think you're so clever

but really I don't need Bayo-level platinum. I loved games like MGR and Transformers Devastation. When I say "platinum goodness" I mainly mean I wanna have a good time with an action game that I'll inevitably replay a dozen times back to back since I haven't had one of those in like a year now.

There's some room to have fun with the system, but again if you're only in it for Platinum you'll be walking away disappointed.

Yeah exactly, people who are pretty normal and just treat vidya like a hobby often have better taste than the turbospergs raging on about them on forum.

Most actual austist and other social deviants on my Steam friendslist clearly just play the same couple of game all the fucking time, and it's often completely casual garbage.

Yeah, it's really weird to me too. For another example of those hardcore gamurs, one of them has this top tier PC and has so many games in it, usually AAA games. He kept showing and recommended me these new games everytime I went to his apartment. But when I did play one of his recommendation and try to make a discussion of it, he acts like he almost never played the game before. It almost like he only played it for 5 minutes and move on to the next game.

While the Doom chad, he finished Doom 1 & 2 so many times, finished Doom 3 once, and even got PS4 just to finished Doom 4. I think by this point he knows Doom more than I do.

I have more respects with these chads because they have an integrity, especially compared to the gaymers fags. God, I hate the gamers crowd.

>bought weeb game because of ass memes
pick one

If he didn't play Chex Quest during his wad hunts then he doesn't know jack shit about DOOM

Post-ironic faggotry is so strong that the OP is highly accurate of today's climate.

I did just that, I longed for some fast action and Tobbie butt. While the gameplay isn't the best action gameplay out there, it certainly is solid enough to hold your interest for an extremely long time, considering the genre.

But the game also has an amazing soundtrack, atmosphere and world. It has also got a good story and some good characters.

I've never played Neir or Drakengard, and I didn't feel like it would've been needed, though naturally you will miss out on a few references and feels, but that's it.

All-in-all, I'd definitely recommend to anyone who likes action and has an open mind about strange game design.

You can definitely play it but some references will be lost and you won't realize certain story elements like the fact that humanity is extinct until later

>crying over a video game
you sure he isn't a woman?

Stay virgin.

>thinks japanese musicians don't know english
lol, they are like the only people outside of language recurring field that know english generally well because they are fan of english music

you totally showed me :^)
did you cry when king kong died too, bitch?

And in my country the chads are pretty hardcore on only playing sports games and they don't give a fuck about YOU if you seem to be a virgin/loser/not them.

Maybe you are good looking so they don't shit on you.

t. virgin

I bought Nier for ass memes and love for action games (a la platinum).
So I was not disappointed.

>I loved games like MGR and Transformers Devastation

I haven't played Tranformers but MGR's combat is leagues above this and the difficulties are completely fucked and range from piss easy button mashing to fuck you everything kills you in one hit with none of the balancing and progression you'd expect from a Platinum game.

don't bother, weebs never matured, they're as emotional as a 12 year old

My mom said I was special ok?
So shut the fuck up.

Partially correct. I'm the one who posted this I haven't cried in at least 5 years. I think only virgin manchildren like me think not crying is a virtue or something.

>Maybe you are good looking so they don't shit on you
Do you walk around in a pony-tail with some vidya related t-shirt, or what? Are you still in school?

Which country are you from?

God id give anything to fuck that slut.

You haven't realised it yet but you have hit the jackpot, you can hang this over him for the rest of his life, make him into your boyslut now

it gets pretty great at route C

last time someone used virgin as an insult on me was in highschool so yeah

Don't worry, they won't doubt yur power when you a wizard

The prophecies are true after all.
Introduce your friend to many story games, as he plays more he will get less fit as he binges on his new found addiction. You will usurp his throne and rise up as a Chad to fill in the power balance. You may not be strong but you will outsmart the other Chads and become the one true Chad and rule over your city, and pussy would deliver itself to you even from Antarctica.

>Ironically, the memester hardcore gamers that I know of are the entry level pleb ass babbys,

Fucking this.

Every "gaymhurr nurd" I met in uni or work has been a fucking pleb that only plays the most casual stuff, yet they look like a complete dweeb, where vidya shirts, have vidya iconography, tell me about how they bought cosplay for casual as fuck games and how they buy vidya merc. Yet they all just have the latest consoles, don't know shit about anything PS2 or earlier, call stuff like Doom and Quake so old and shit and haven't even heard of modern games that aren't AAA. Had to describe Nier Automata to a guy the other day who had a neckbeard and a video games t shirt. He'd never even heard of it or Nier 1 before, yet he was passionately hating on COD for being "too easy mainstream shit" like 5 minutes earlier while telling me about his hardcore Destiny and Horizon Zero Dawn games and thinking of buying a Switch lol.

Chads are ironically probably more hardcore than the visible nerds you see walking around looking like autists in public.