>inb4 Switch xD Zeld xD
seriously, only real most obnoxious blunder.
My vote is to: [/spoiler] Mass Effect Cisdromeda
What's the blunder of 2017?
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Nintedo Switch is my vote
what am i looking at?
Unfortunately is still selling on name and marketing alone.
What is said or happens here has no relevance to what's going on in the real world.
I really think [/spoiler] ME:A is worse than Daitakana. [/spoiler]
So far Mass effect Androgynous
What the fuck is going on in your pic?
OP being a edgy virgin
>Merkel visits kebab
>kebab is beautiful
>Merkel leaves kebab shop
>The owner stores kebab next to toilet with rats
>People eat up next day and don't even notice
Youre uggo
I'm still laughing my ass over the tears of Sup Forumsfags