Tfw you can't play on the week days

>tfw you can't play on the week days

I have a full-time job, a wife and a kid, and I still play at least 1-2 hours every single weekday. You're just being a fag.

Are you too tired to play/ don't have time? Or does your mother not allow you to play on week days?

I have free time on weekdays too after university but I am usually too tired and stressed to enjoy anything other than mindless fps or pokemon

>Too tired to play videogames when you get off work
>Spend your day off sleeping and binge eating
>tfw 60 hour workweeks

why is it called a Week?


What's wrong with calling the 7 days a Month, and calling every 30 weeks (approximately) is a Day?

>dumb frogposter posts dumb things

I'm not sure what you're asking but it seems like the most retarded question ever asked.

I... what?

Sure user, I bet your "wife" is going behind your back and you do not turn enough attention to your kid.

Really makes me think...

What did he mean by this?

>Enough time to shitpost on Sup Forums about not having enough time to play vidya

Really gets my almonds activating

i have a full-time job, a wife and a kid, two full-sized pomeranian shepherds, a turtle, and i still play at least 1-2 hours every single weekday.

>the "work means no time for vidya" meme again

I work 8 and a half hours a day, take 40 minutes to get home, and I still have around 6 hours of solid gaming time available each day, more if I'm willing to drop the recommended 8 hours sleep. Get your shit together.


>tfw climb in overwatch on weeknights

How do you not sleep? It's near impossible for me to function if I don't get my sleep and I need more than 8

This really got the ol' noggin joggin'

I didn't mean no sleep at all, I meant like 6 hours instead of 8. Also, no you don't need more than 8 hours - there is such thing as too much sleep and 8 hours is plenty.

Hmm this really activates my almonds

Not him, but different people need different amounts of sleep. And lots of things affect the need of sleep as well, such as the amount of exercise you do

>tfw spend more time on wikis and/or meta research than playing

Unemployed myself, plenty of time, but I don't feel like playing anymore, rather work on my visual novel.

I have a full time job, work long hours, go to the gym, cook my own meals and read 1-2 hours every night because I don't want to end up a fucking moron like just about every other average cunt.

I can see how it would be damn difficult for people to play regularly scheduled vidya on weekdays.

Don't do drugs, kids.

what the fuck?

I didn't think getting older was so bad, every year it gets worse and worse, I thought my life would be something more but seems like I'll just be the average joe with a shitty paying job, working my ass off for hours on end and just do the same things other people do

Humans are never satisfied. Don't think about it too much

>Spend more time on Sup Forums during work than at home
>Spend more time looking forward/planning to play something when I finish work
>Eventually finish and get home from work
>Immediately have no intention of playing said game, or any game
>Sit at PC
>Start browsing Sup Forums again
>Watch the same TV shows/movies I've watched a million times again
What is life?