This is Lara Croft
Says something nice about her
This is Lara Croft
Says something nice about her
Watch all these obese neckbeards ITT pretend like they wouldn't dick her if given the chance
>I market for women I have never even met
2 cents have been deposited in your account
If I went to McDonalds and they gave me a lopsized cheeseburger I'd still eat it and find it delicious
If I went to the Museum Of Gastronomy and they had an exhibition for the same cheeseburger, I'd think it's incredibly subpar
Honest to god, she looks awful. Jolie pulled the look off much better.
Yeah, her face had the same amount of polygons
>says something nice about her
Well what nice thing does she say about herself?
>small tits
Maybe it was the lack of a fivehead and actual attractive features that made her a more suitable candidate.