Is this game actually any fun?
I've never really seen it mentioned before.
Gameplay is decent enough I guess. Its all about gear progression/loot grinding. Korean MMO levels of grinding.
>I've never really seen it mentioned before.
Then you haven't bothered to look.
Trust me you don't want to play Warframe.
Fun, but repetitive and grindy as hell and balance is all over the place. For example in some missions you easily tear through enemies with one hand behind your back while on the others you run for your life avoiding any confrontation. Special abilities are so overpowered that for fist 10 hours of the game or so most of them are basically insta-kill on group of enemies, regardless what the ability is actually supposed to do. Game isn't bad, but it takes forever to actually get interesting. Worth a try though.
It's fun, but there's a huge grind to it.
Shooting is boring and grinding is hell.
The game is shit. Dont waste your time. Lack of endgame really makes the game suck. There's hardly anything hard to do in the game once you're geared unless you find sorties fun but even then that's not really too difficult.
Yea been addicted to it last couple of weeks. They have enough stuff to mix it up from feeling too grindy.
don't play with friends that aren't the same level as you
Do players who spend money have a significant advantage, or is it mostly cosmetic stuff?
I don't really mind grinding if I can stay on a similar level as someone who spends money.
The gameplay is really fun and smooth. That's the strongest point.
The actual content is basically all grinding though. That's not to say that you can't have fun grinding. It's basically various versions of horde mode. It's fun if you like the mindless gameplay and trying out """""builds.""""""
Pretty much, you still have to level up to get access to certain weapons whether you buy them with rl money or grind for them.
It's the classic "pay to skip". Instead of grinding for that new gun, for example, a player can just buy the plat to get it instantly.
You can get everything there is in the game through grinding. So the answer is technically no, but players can certainly get "ahead" of you because of how much they can skip.
The games cooperative in nature though, so you would not mind that.
What you really want to spend your money on is warframe and equipment slots.
Rest can be grinded with relative ease (what the game is all about anyway).
If you like the gunplay and it doesn't get too repetitive quickly give the game a bash. Had fun with the game until I could destroy all content with ease and it all came down to optimizing and upgrading every last mod.
It's primarily PVE so no, aside from the fact they paid to not grind
However, you don't even need to pay to get the premium currency, it's the primary thing used in trading, so you can sell spare (good) mods and Prime weapon/frame parts to people and use that
If you DO end up trading and get some of the premium currency I highly suggest buying weapon/frame slots for it, they make more difference than you might imagine and they're not super expensive
Warframe is the best third person shooter since second Max Payne. The problem is that it's also very grindy due to its online nature.
But shooting, movement, art direction and music are top notch.
Just to clarify though, the game is all about lateral progression.
It's doesn't take much to be good enough for end game. The reason people still play after 30 hours is not to get a "better gear". You grind for different new weapons and frames to play with. It's a huge toy box that let you try different weapon and characters basically.
I'm warning you OP, don't touch this shit.
Exactly how I feel. The grindy content can definitely be a killer (along with that horrid economy) but goddamn it has a lot of perks.
Any other shooter without this game's parkour system feels incredibly slow to me now.
kind of, but let me explain
the main content of the game is aquiring gear and upgrading them, theres a pretty complex and good variety of missions to get you different resources to make your guy strong
its completely possible to get almost everything with money through trade, but at the same time, why the fuck are you playing the game if you are literally paying to get less content to do? basically, the more you pay the less reason you have to play.
if you play you should drop no more than $60 on a 75% off sale to buy some quality of life things like frame slots and maybe buy some weapon parts from other players and some cosmetics. to get to mid game faster, once you have a good start and you can farm for primes quickly you will have a lot of fun using a decently strong characters and gaining noticeable progress
I cant stop watching now.
Hahaha look at another clueless fly getting caught by flashy steam advertisements RUN
It's grindy but I didn't think it was anything too bad before last year.
>30k cryotic for a melee weapon that's most likely just used for mastery
Anyone know how I should mod my Synoid Simulor now after the changes? Or Limbo, range/duration?
Also there is a general for this game but it's mostly filled with faggots.
Let me help with that.
Is it still run by scalies?
download it for the warbutts
I guess. But you're more likely to get circlejerking and elitist comments than legit answers there.
like most generals, yes.
At least it has a semi-decent discord
The gameplay is great but it's a grindfest and can be confusing for new players because of all the mechanics. If you have a nice friend who's willing to be your teacher it's great to get into, or if you're a wiki fiend. The game does tell you quite a bit like guide you through planets, but it doesn't give you details on things like damage types and who counters what, or relic farming or anything.
The end-game is basically just leveling gear for fun and mastery, doing daily missions called sorties (unlocked later on), and then even more farming.
I played it in 2013 and stopped for other games, but I got back into it in the 2016 Christmas update. it's progressed a lot since then and there's no harm in taking breaks from the game when you get burned out because it's just a fun PvE game. There is PvP, but that is completely separated from the PvE balance-wise, even has a different division of the dev team dedicated to it. The PvP isn't as big as it could be though.
Players who spend money will be able to buy plat that can be used to buy special stuff like syndicate guns/mods (off other players who already did the grind for them) or prime parts. You still have to level the things you buy on your own, so the only real advantage is you have a shiny toy to play with without having to grind for it. Other than that, you just spend money on cosmetics.
Since Warframe's primarily a PvE game, it hardly matters who has the best gear because the missions are objective-based. With that being said, some gear is objectively better/worse for a certain mission or against a certain enemy faction, but everything requires modding to be effective.
Gear determines how long a mission will take and how long you have to hold down attack to kill something, so grinding is massively varied in terms of how fun it is to do.
The third person shooting is really mediocre, like spraying pez pellets at a horde of tanky as fuck piles of random scrap. The exceptions are meta, things like bows that punch through a whole line of enemies.
The worst part about the game, gameplay wise, is it would benefit MASSIVELY if it was FPS and FPS oriented. There's no reason why it has to be TPS since stealth doesn't work (unless you're one of the designated frames like Loki, then it's too easy) except to look at waifuframes (which by the way, this game has the absolute worst art style for desu). There's clear examples where you need first person including using a weapon like a bow, especially when wall hanging, because YOUR FRAME TAKES UP THE ENTIRE SCREEN WHILE YOU AIM.
Been wanting to try this out too. The amount of people saying "It's fun, grindy but fun." and peopel saying "AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS." is crazy. This is probably the most polarized game I've come across. It's confusing.
They usually say avoid it because it is grindy. You'll maybe feel kind of inadequate if you run into players who've been playing for a while and have cool weapons too, but all it means is they're better at killing enemies, which isn't the main goal most of the time.
You actually get more exp for assists than kills, so kill-stealing doesn't even matter in the game either since so many enemies can pop up and are killed.
>It's fun, grindy but fun
Sub 30h playtime greenies that barely escaped with their lives
over 300h and still falling down into the abyss
The grind is beyond ridiculous but if you enjoy going fast and slaying countless AI enemies it's worth the try I guess. If you don't have several hundred dollars to drop don't expect to get BiS stuff
t. someone with 800 hours in and still missing one of the core DPS upgrades
It's kinda interesting for a bit to play with friends going through and unlocking places.
Once you unlocked places, it gets boring IMMEDIATELY.
Grinding is not fun in this game unless your brain is hanging out of your skull, either you are severely underpowered even with friends (either period or grinding gear you need to level but you don't have any mods for it so it's a massive piece of shit)
You play pub and the pubbers literally melt everything JUST MOVING AROUND, guns that aim themselves and ignore all defenses, frames that have 4x more health/shield than you, to the point you just die and inconvenience the other players (And then you STAY DEAD AND COMPLETE THE MISSION IN SPECTATOR, WOW)
Also even just progressing through the map screen and unlocking nodes is pretty bad in some spots, namely dealing with bosses. Tyrel on Neptune is a clear bullshit spike because he refuses to stop teleporting and has insane damage resistance, with an immunity to corrosive iirc. It's entirely possible to do 0 damage without appropriate gear. I straight up had to beg someone I had on my friends list to carry me and a friend through it, simply because you can't get shit till end game and are expected to beat a boss you need end game gear for.
>If you don't have several hundred dollars to drop don't expect to get BiS stuff
You can get literally everything without money except for some cosmetic crap and the very first prime to be made (Excalibur prime). You can even trade shit for the premium currency. The thing is it requires more effort to get there, but you can. I bought Excal prime access years ago and spent the plat on just a bunch of slots and color palettes, so I was basically just as good as a new player still. I haven't spent money since and have OP gear/frame combos.
>riven mods for every weapon now
god fuck this
Any opinions on Dragkoon? I used to cheese the game with Mirage & Simulor but simulor got changed. Or if anyone can recommend other weapons for Mirage or generally, I'd apprevciate it.
Dragkoon? Isn't it that shotgun/charge railgun? My friends say it's crap, but the Zarr is amazing (I think that's what you can use it to build?). Don't know what to get on Mirage to cheese, I don't see how the Simulor change makes it impossible to use that with her, you simply have to keep detonating, right?
Just get the Zarr and enjoy dying in a fuckton of smoke and explosions.
Well generals are pretty much containment threads for faggots and idiots. They somewhat serve a purpose at least.
I'm basically missing heavy cal and whatever the pistol variant is. Spent so much time grinding those piece of shit vaults and just can't roll it and focused doing prime mods instead because that was the hot shot at the time. Then I got bored of the powercreep again and quit for the longest time since launch. I tried fishing for one from the trade as well but goyim dont actually play the game so basically no sellers for those mods
Zarr seems pretty good. I hear they buffed Ogris too so I'm gonna have to check that out.
the first 10-15 hours is great because you can go fast, slaying shit left and right while jumping everywhere and doing the storyline
then afterwards you realize it's a grinding game, where grinding opens up more grinding
play until you get tired and leave
I dropped 45€ on it after returning after 2 years. This got me enough plat to get all the good, OP high end shit.
Now I just do quests or whatever I feel like, no pressure anymore.
Getting 1 good frame and 1 good set of weapons, all maxed out isn't too expensive or difficult. The grind is only for variety.
I went there with a question a little while back, starting out by admitting I was still a scrub at the game, and after a little back and forth someone asked me to post my build. It was about 50/50 people shitting on me, and people telling me how I should do to fix/upgrade my build. They ended up arguing among themselves about helping new players for the next half hour or so.
I did end up getting three separate people willing to give me some mods. So not only did they answer all my questions, I got some free shit out of it, and otherwise optimized my frame much better than I had before. As long as you're willing to take a few barbs, they are a good source of information. They are a bunch of faggots, but some of them are alright.
There's not even a way to finish the story in 10-15 hours, especially since crafting things requires time to craft for some missions.
And basically this. Warframe's a sandbox game. The PvE is running missions for resources to get the things you WANT because the gun-play, movement and characters are what matters in the long run. The PvP is just your typical PvP modes with the gun-play and parkour people play the game for.
I used to think it was stupid to play because of the 'repetitiveness' but then I realized that basically all multiplayer games are you doing the same thing over and over, so this isn't much different.