Mass Effect Andromeda is another failure for trans representation:

Mass Effect Andromeda is another failure for trans representation:

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wtf, i love andromeda now

who cares trump won

>make game to specifically pander to SJWs
>SJWs still complain
when will devs finally learn this lesson?
SJWs don't want justice, they just want to play the victim so they have an excuse for being shitty, non-contributing parasites, they'll never be satisfied

this desu

This. Give them nothing because it will never be enough anyway. They're a bunch of mentally ill degenerates.

>just want to play vidya
Why can't they just fucking make video games?


>inb4 it's just a marketing ploy to get normies to like it because transexuals don't like it

>Krem is voiced by someone of the wrong gender though - Jennifer Hale in this case - which does continue to play into the wrong-headed idea that a trans person is someone merely posing as the opposite gender.
There is really no pleasing these people, holy fucking shit.

It's what happens when things get too big for their own good. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry imaginable wants to contribute, even if it means lowering the quality of the playfield.
As hipster as it sounds to say this, vidya gaems need to go back to that fine line between mainstream and underground where it repels retards and encourages the people who want to make good games.

Whether or not trans representation is important though, the article at least states that even "inclusive" characters need to be good characters first before they are gay/trans/whatever characters. You need to give them a reason to be in the game outside of them being trans/gay/whatever because those things aren't personality traits.

Shadowrun Hong Kong did it right.

Pff. I can see them complaining about a male voice actor imitating a female voice just the same. What a dumb fucking argument.

Sometimes I hate being roped into the lgbt community. Like fuck, I'm just happy Bioware gave me at least one decent gay romance, they ha no obligations to do so. Trans people are especially the worst, I don't know what it is about them wanting to be represented everywhere

the "video games are art" line of thought was a fucking mistake

Ageed. Vidya make use of art, but shouldn't be considered art themselves.
They should be on the same tier as chess, the idea is to be challenging, interesting, and mentally engaging, the art is literally just a format used to spruce up the mechanics

This is why you shouldn't even bother.

All games are political, educate yourself.

This is the most retarded opinion I've ever seen.

You wanna know how you do politics in a video game well?
Deus Ex. 10/10 political commentary and way ahead of its time.
If you want to talk about mentally ill trannies go for it, but you better make it god damned interesting and not completely shoehorned in.

>Krem is voiced by someone of the wrong gender though
>Wrong gender
>It's only a social construct when WE want it to be

Was he gay or trans? I never played Hong Kong; I know that the cyborg girl in Dragonfall was supposed to be Bi, though.

I'm not gonna watch a fucking Extra Credits video, but all games being political doesn't mean you have to shoehorn in some virtue signalling bullshit

I don't know how I feel about that argument.

Now, I do think games need to be engaging and interesting, but I think you can use art as more than just set dressing. Take something like Bastion, where the mechanics are on an equal standing with the atmosphere.

That's not what that sentence means at all, you need to twist your mind even harder to comprehend it
Krem is a woman pretending to be a man, therefore her gender is male. That means her voice actor should be male because there's obviously no difference between people born male and mentally ill females!

It's not so much that, it's that their conception of what "art" is is something that deals specifically with left-wing political talking points - i.e. clumsy social commentary about race, based on some fantasy or sci-fi analog for race.

The idea that a straight up heroic narrative can also be artistic is alien to them, since they're so brainwashed they believe the term art is synonymous with left-wing political activism.

This is fucking stupid anyway. There's plenty of male and female characters who get voiced by VAs of the opposite gender just because a good VA can actually cover a pretty decent range of vocal styles.

He's gay. It's mentioned in like a single throwaway line while you're talking about your father.

>why was Dad always mad at me anyway?
>was it because you started dating so early?
>no that had nothing to do with David

or something like that.

It's not meant to be a reveal because the main character knows this so they rightfully don't draw any attention it.

>tfw straight white male ubermensch

I mean, I'm offended by Krem's VA and I'm neither a tranny nor a whiteknight
>meet the Chargers
>huh I guess Iron Bull is pretty cool even with the constant RIDE THE BULL! memes
>talk to the others
>why the fuck is this girl talking with an affected deep voice
>later, she is revealed to be a woman all along
>this is supposed to be a fucking surprise to your character
>Iron Bull is fine with it because the Stalinist Islamic Qunari just love themselves some trannies

>the common nobody

Yeah its a failure because you *trans-fer your money to another preorder.

Ahhh, okay. I like it when they make "normal" gay characters. I don't get why people get so worked up when shit like that is inserted; that's the way to do it. They're normal people who happen to like dick instead of pussy. The ultracamp faglords are just the gay version of the Chad-tier dudebros like Tucker Max and both of them are annoying to see in a game.


I swear, ME:A has a Krogan with a flaming gay lisp. I hate people who talk like that, and I'm a faggot myself.

Instead of having a camp faggot or constantly pointing out a guy is guy, they should simply have him create lots of needless drama about stupid shit, like faggots usually do

It can work, if the character is written well. A gay Krogan with a lisp who still kicks massive amounts of ass and doesn't take any shit, IE still a motherfucking Krogan, could be cool. I can even see the combat banter from him. Shit would be glorious.

But since this is Bioware, I know they didn't do that.

>Big game
>Hundreds of characters to get through
>Have to have the lettuce guacamole bacon tomatoes
>No skill at subtle storytelling
>End up with characters whose entire dialogue is "HELLO I AM A HUGE FAGGOT ALSO I WAS BORN A WOMAN"
>Surprisingly, this doesn't work

It's almost like being LGBTBBQWERTY is mostly a private thing

Well... there's a fight scene.

>It's almost like being LGBTBBQWERTY is mostly a private thing
for gays maybe, but trannies can't ever shut the fuck up about a) how totally girly they are omg look at this dress so cute I'm a girl btw b) about how they perceive gender and shit
they're mentally ill, you can't expect them to be reasonable and private about it

I actually liked the way they did it in ME3

Kaiden Alenko's romance as a maleshep wasn't a big damn gays moment. It was quiet and sweet, the ultimate culmination of him learning to trust Shepard again.

Of course they fuck it up. Why wouldn't they?

Turns out that Krogan's female.

Because that's definitely how Krogan females speak.

The only trannies I know who are like that (I know about 10 trannies for some fucking reason) are the ones who never end up actually transitioning because the psychologists go "You're doing this for attention"

I mean the article is right. Looks like they gave the role of writing that character to some normie that only knows about trannies through stories of thai ladyboys, and they were specifically told to make it clear that this was a transexual.

Fuck, people on here could probably write a more convincing character.

>basing your entire perception on tumblr faggots

Lots of other trans people just want to transition and start living as their "correct" gender. If they could take a pill and have it done in a second with no way to tell, they'd take it in a second.

That's the major fuckup these studios trying to virtue-signal make. They seem to think that trans people LIKE being "trans" instead of male or female.

I think it's fine to have those stereotype characters, especially when they're played straight or for laughs. I think just in ME:A setting specifically it doesn't work because they clearly want to sell you that this a fag with depth and value.

>Somewhat mannish "female" character
>Never mentions being transgender
>Peek in their room
>Estrogen pills somewhere

>trans representation

Why is northern america SO fucked up?

Eh, we haven't seen a Krogan female before, I don't think.


>who is Eve

dumb af lel

well actually see
But yeah, save your stereotype characters for the Citadel DLC 2.0.

>we haven't seen a Krogan female before
Oh yeah she was just the focal point of the entire Tuchanka crisis and Krogan help

What's the population's share of trans people? Like 0.2%?

Yeah that's about all the vidya representation that's needed

>the Krogan female was voiced by Ivy
Damn, that was a good choice. Why couldn't they have done that again?

In my defense, I never played Mass Effect 3. I had gotten attached to the story, so when I heard what happened to it in the end I did not want to drop any money on it.

>makes the most SJW game possible
>SJW's still hate it
this is why I see women as nothing more than cum dumpsters

If only there was some way to acquire games without dropping money on them

We haven't seen a Krogan female except for the pivotal Krogan female in 3 that is relevant to one of the biggest subplots of the game and to Mordin's character.

>even wanting ME3 on your computer

Still too .much

the multiplayer was pretty fun

Gameplay is the best in the series, biotic spam is more fun than ME1 even
Story is fine until Kai Leng happens
Only way to make the Reapers beatable is with a deus ex machina, everyone should have seen that coming
I like the Omega DLC
The gameplay alone is enough to give it at least one playthrough

The thing is that SJW always complain.
They're never fucking happy, but that's their job.

The Tuchanka arc in general was the best part of that game's story

Fuck them for wanting to please these shrill, sad motherfuckers who won't ever be happy with anything.

This is the right way to do it desu. If you want anything more it is probably forced. Maybe have their voice be like a tranny voice but even that is pushing it.


They're not trying to please trannies, they're trying to please tumblr sjws. There's a difference unlike Sup Forums would like you to believe

So trans people in real life are voiced incorrectly, then?

>shooter game
>squadmate gets kicked hard in the groin
>no sell
>shoots the guy who did the kick
>MC comments that he knew that would come in handy some day

yes I know women getting kicked in the crotch hurt like hell too, but ~comedy~

They should be ashamed of themselves.

You will never appease the SJW; nothing is never enough

It's oppression, plain and simple.

is the writer a tranny or what?

>tumblr sjws
>shrill, sad motherfuckers
looks like the same folks to me, mate.

>far flung future where people fuck aliens on the regular & transhumanism is real

>look at me i'm wearing womans clothes

Would have a sensible chuckle at that, not bad. Either way the point is that trannies don't really seek attention with their transness from what I've seen of actual transfolk. I have never seen a tranny be like the mass effect caricature, hell not even on tumblr.

If you go to /lgbt/ right now it's full of trumpets and Sup Forums frequenters

What if you have a feminine voice

Doesn't matter
Men don't need to have any of the physical characteristics of men you shitlord

vidya is art, but that doesnt make it fine art.
a bigger issue is the modern art cult built on political statement, egocentrism and the celebration of ugliness.

I bet gender transitions are almost perfect in the future, down to the molecular level

Why would you even bother telling people you used to be the other gender

>eurogamer is a good site which has good articles
>publishes this shit

What I mean is that there wouldn't be any men in dresses prancing about showcasing their mental illness, unless they're really poor perhaps

How would people know what a brave little snowflake you are then?

Because for tumblr being trans is just an identity politics thing, not an actual medical condition

Most human technology seen in ME is recycled from Prothean tech and terminal diseases are still incurable

Well, I probably should have read the article before I posted. They actually make a good point.

>Elsewhere in video games there isn't exactly a great deal of trans representation but there is one excellent example I'd like to mention. A character you might not even be aware is written as trans.

>Arkane Studio's Dishonored 2 includes Mindy Blanchard, whom appears early in the game and provides the player with an involving side-mission. Crucially, at no point does she state that she is transgender and the fact is only implied in notes the player can discover. If it weren't for lead designer Harvey Smith's admission online, it would only exist as a valid interpretation of the character rather than explicit fact.

The only good representation is a representation so vague that it has to be confirmed by the devs to count at all? Ok, fine. Maybe all video game characters are great trans representations who are just so great at being trans it's impossible to tell they are trans.

Vidya was the true Social Justice all along.

Anyone else find it really bizarre that gaming has somehow become the breeding ground for hyper left-wing online activism?

Like, really? Gaming? I would've laughed at you a few years ago for suggesting something like that because otherwise vidya was super crass and unpolitical for a really long time.

It's like when people complain about there not being enough gays or lesbians in any setting that doesn't revolve around hundreds of characters gangbanging each other

How do you know? To them, 5% of all characters have to be easily identifiable gays prancing about waving rainbow flags and dildos screaming "HEY I'M GAAAYY" or it's not properly diverse

They are contradicting their own stance on stereotyping

This. It is a real disorder that is heavily linked with actual suicide and shit. We don't have a great treatment so the only treatment is to help the person with the disorder to be somewhat comfortable. Somehow SJWs have decided fighting to make a disorder that causes people to get amputations be seen as normal is the next civil rights battle.

Social justice has nothing to do with representing minorities right or helping oppressed groups. It's just a massive circlejerk of appearing superior to others.

How bad do you think will be the first week sales? Reminder that EA expected 3+ million first week at some point.

"Give me attention for my self-labeled, self-diagnosed mental illness. Oh and it's also special so you need to give me respect for nothing."

That's why.

It's annoying as fuck to a faggot like me, don't need to tell me about the representation yelling idiots.

Why dat frog man sound like a faggot?

Because apparently it's female.

Its fucking emberassing how few games get it right. New vegas does it pretty much perfectly with Arcade, because he's an interesting character who also happens to be gay. They seem to skip the whole interesting character part these days.

>Most egregious of all is that Hainly willingly offers the name she was given before her transition. This is often referred to as a trans person's "dead-name" and the severity of that title should give anyone a fair idea of what it means. It is intimately tied to a period of their life filled with great distress and can be a painful reminder of that. Their dead-name is often used by those who wish to undermine their gender identity. Most trans people would not offer this former name to anyone, let alone a stranger.
This person would make a great writer in future bioware games. This literally sounds like they copies it from a Bioware game.