Sorry I tricked you, but thanks for clearing out the Geckos. Now I can get to that New Vegas Thread up there...after I deal with you.
Sorry I tricked you, but thanks for clearing out the Geckos. Now I can get to that New Vegas Thread up there...
Dont think that we forgot the fuckup last time you tried this
Fuck, I thought I had deselected that.
I fucked up again.
Come on down to the Atomic Wrangler, we got dogs filled with cats.
Why does Sup Forums love new vegas so much more than 3?
The main quest and the music were better in 3.
>the main quest and music were better in 3
And the enemy scaling was better.
Fuck off back to your containment board, cuck.
I have reaction pics too.
>The main quest was better in 3
Depends on what you consider the main quest. What's great about NV is that just about every single quest you do plays into building the holistic story of the Mojave conflict and the various factions vying for power. Anything you stumble into can be connected back to the overarching plot in some way, no matter how small.
3 is built like a theme park where there are some areas and quests related to each other, but most of the things you find are just isolated things that are WACKY or COOL. The DC area is just a hodgepodge of random things to explore scattered evenly around the map while NV feels like a cohesive world.
>The main quest of Fallout 3
>Even remotely decent
>Better than big iron and jingle jangle
>The main quest and the music were better in 3.
>finding your deadbeat dad is more interesting than deciding fate of an entire region
i find a quest to find my father much better than lol slots
>nigger no dads detected
>waifufaggotry and Fallout 4
Yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah cunt
Big Iron is fucking garbage and nearly ruined the whole game.
I can do this too.
>finding a poker chip is more interesting than deciding fate of an entire region
It's the other way around.
3fag's dads run away.
Couriers can decide whether or not they had a father.
i assume only nigs can relate to the MQ since they can self insert as they look for dad
Since this is now a fallout 3 thread.
What the fuck was her problem?
The fate of the region is set in stone in 3 if you ever want to play your "continue playing after the end" DLC.
Fuck off Todd
but what do the people of the capital wasteland eat? if i'm meant to give a shit about having fresh water, why don't they ever bring up what they eat? i cleaned out the supermarket of all of its food, so they can't be eating that. there's hardly any vegetation so they aren't eating that. there's hardly any fauna around, but hardly enough for whole settlements to sustain themselves with. so what do they eat?
Nice ancient debunked image.
Why do people always quote a line from the game and then spoiler 'new Vegas thread'?
Why is this the convention for the game on this forum?
That's not really fair because Bethesda made the blueprint for 3d fallout.
ur mom
There really should be a New Vegas general since /fog/ is literally just 4 and waifus. Or how about have west coast Fallout and east coast as separate generals?
>Please return to return.
There used to be /cfog/, Classic Fallout General. I have no idea what happened to it, though.
post couriers
his name is kane, a guy who's good with guns and fixing shit
it died almost a week after it being made
Did they make the blueprint for storytelling, world building and dialogue in video games?
Ive only beaten NV not FO3. I found the story in FO3 to be too boring for me, and I disliked both factions.
NV was cool, you've got many chances to jump from faction to faction, to betray, to obliterate the faction etc. I wish they made a game as good as that. Can you imagine a game with NV's depth but looking like FO4? Seriously, why is FO4 so shit? I hated the Americunt feel. The games before didnt have that and were based on similar locations. I wish FO4 had at least delivered on the whole "new old political conflict" and revived it a little, instead of "yeah uh-uh, this happened in Boston 200 hundred years ago."
Uhhh no, but that's all Obsidian had to focus on so that image is dumb because they used the same gameplay and didn't have to make it from scratch.
>New Vegas thread
>this is a fallout 3 thread.
You're damn right it is. Finding the real Fallout 3, that's not the challenge. It's letting go.
She had a very tough decision to make. If you stayed in the Vault, it would cause lots of trouble since it is still split politically. You saved the vault, but you'll kill the vault. You're a hero... but you have to leave.
Obsidrones don't know good writing when they hear it.
The image doesn't even mention gameplay you mong, just story, factions, characters, and content.
Jesus Christ, you are stupid.
Don't reply to my posts or anyone elses again.
>Obsidrones don't know good writing
The Lone Wanderer's exile was just ripped off from the Vault Dweller's exile in Fallout 1.
[Intelligence] So, you're defending Fallout 3?
>N-no! You're stupid! Stop it!
How did you first hear about the Fallout series?
Ctrl Alt Del in 2004.
Lucky Duke. A 10 luck sharpshooter who likes his whiskey and gambling. Master at Caravan and constantly drunk.
Your taste in music is objectively shit.
>forgot pic
Well, couriers, my SLP is getting a bit high, I'm going to bed. Do look out for Todd and Pete, they might get hurt trying to join in.
If I pulled that of, would he die?
>Gave myself a .44 Magnum with one bullet in the beginning of the game
>Did not use that gun or bullet until catching up with Benny
The run just kind of ended there.
Nope, sorry it's you faggot and I can actually prove it.
Then do.
wha? I dunno... *hic*
Fuck off, Todd, and take your 50's fetish with you.
No one cares about your gay video game company rivalries you fucking dork.
Fallout has always had a huge 1950's influence. New Vegas forgot its roots and ditched it in favor of weird sci fi shit
God I used to like /fog/ but after FO4 it turned into /tesg/ because the only thing that game could deliver was big titted ugly waifus
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfag. Do yourself a favor and lurk moar.
This thread turned from a New Vegas thread to a Fallout 3 thread to a "ITT: Things that never happened" -thread.
No, the original Fallouts were also sci-fi and the 50's aspect was found only in remnants of the old world. Bethesda then forgot that cultural evolution exists and post-war America became locked in the 50's.
This post reads like it's your first day and you're trying really hard to fit in.
It always was sci fi
>N-no, you're new!
Please stop making NV thread, I don't want to reinstall the game and mod it again, too much of a hassle.
>Americunt feel
Fallout is always about a retro-futurist Americana based society.
Did you even play the games?
I've got 600 hours unmodded
>Not always keeping a modded install around
>replay F:NV after years
>everything is done in the game, time to do the Lonesome Road before the dam battle
>remember Ulysses being some cool ass motherfucker
>play the DLC
>he is just an overly theatrical, cryptic and a huge hypocrite asshole who is obsessed with the courier for little reason to the point of being creepy as fucking hell
>"hurrr you are the very most responsible person for my favorite new town gettin rekt, the beaaaaaar, the bullllll, durrr."
Ulysses is a mediocre character at best if not outright bad. Discuss.
Every time I replay Lonesome Road it gets worse. Every time replay Dead Money it gets better.
R u ok?
I keep it professional.
Ch n ak?
Any non eye-raping enbs you guys suggest?
why doesn't it appear in any other game
i thought america was invaded
shouldn't the shi have them???
>Not using the mod that let's you use the bullet he shot you with
I've never understood the idea that America was invaded by the people who then showered it with nukes? Communists may be deluded but they're not stupid. There's no reason to send your brave patriots to a place you're going to turn into glass. Based on the amount of Chinese ak's in Fallout 3 there must have been quite a few. And if China came through Alaska, why would tons of their guns end up on the East Coast?
Let me guess: It just works?
I just assumed they were captured and shipped to the east coast for testing and shit
I got a new PC and just started playing Fallout 4, and I am astounded by how much the game insults my intelligence. Just so many tiny details are irritating me, and it feels like Bethesda was almost resentful of New Vegas.
Things like ghouls having hair or skin that's not patchy, the fact that my character thinks that no time has passed at all between his first unthawing and second unthawing, and Bethesda trying to make me the leader of every faction, without actually giving me perks.
I feel like I'm walking around a theme park, instead of a well-crafted world.
It died because the people making these threads didn't migrate like they were supposed to.
Fuck these threads, and fuck OP.
is john the colored kid or the white kid bullying the colored one
What are fags even talking about by this point
You sure you're not yet reaching the Katawa Shoujo threads quality of discussions?
Actually, they explained this and it's not utterly retarded. There were very few Chinese soldiers in DC, and they were mostly concentrated in that bread factory or whatever. China somehow smuggled the troops in there before the war. That's why you don't see thousands of Chinese troop ghouls and stuff.
Doesn't explain the tons of officer swords and Chinese rifles, though, but at least they were aware of how dumb it was.
I thought that they are just soviet AKs which Russia sold for years to US for criminals and such.
>I can't kill a few geckos
>but I can kill the guy who easily took out those geckos!
Video game writing is a fucking joke profession. A monkey could do it.
Who else here is addicted to Dixon's shit? His whisky tastes like shit but I can't quit... I feel like I'm going to die.
Hey, New Vegas at least has mods and replayability, unlike something such as Life is Strange which has 485 consecutive threads.
In Sawyer's mod he has a plasma pistol. High damage, but expensive ammo. Plus he's the kind of guy who'd kill you anyway for loot. This way, you do dirty work, and when you come back exhausted he delivers the killing blow.
He could have taken the geckos, but why risk injury? Send some dumb stranger to do it, let them get fucked up in the fight, finish them off and take their stuff.
>mfw smashed this idiot's face open with my tire iron
Shut up and fix the water pump already you god damn junkie
>wearing a stuffy uncomfortable suit in the blistering nevada heat
youre fucking crazy