He purposely made ME:A bad because he knew it's mostly played by white people

>He purposely made ME:A bad because he knew it's mostly played by white people.

>Hired mostly non-whites, gays, and transexuals to work on it.

>Knew EA couldn't do shit about it or they would be labelled racist, transphobic, or homophobic.

>This whole entire game was an attack on white people, it worked, and he still got paid for it.

I gotta give him credit, the guy is a genius. He played the system, and managed to piss off millions of white males.

I've never cared about Mass effect. The series, like all things EA publishes can rot.

However I do like to see snowflakes suffer, so is there any way to prove this in a legal way? I'd love to see EA take him to court for intentional sabotage.

Even if not, it's kind of funny irony considering they used gays as a shield and now they're being eaten away on the inside by these degenerates.

I personally win either way.

If they tried any sort of legal action they would be counter-sued for discrimination and lose pretty badly. They would literally be giving him free money. All they can do now is try to salvage something from the mess and never give that studio another project.

Wasn't he a gameplay designer and pretty much the only thing being praised about the game is gameplay?

I pity any white guy that was bothered by his tweets. Dude's a scum bag, whatever. Now he's out from under EA's protective wings and he's going to try to get by on his own as an indie developer.

Guy's going to be the next blunder and nobody is going to give a shit.

Discrimination suits only work when there is clear racial motivation. If race is not brought up, nor is it a stated or guided motive, this punjab's professional victim bullshit cant work. Corporations dodge claims of discrimination by these snowflakes all the time because they dont hold in the court.

even if theres bad PR, they'll just do something else to back it.

he's a code monkey, he didn't hire anyone.
EA fucked it up all by themselves, he's just part of the problem

maybe he was pushing diversity agenda.

At least he's not anthony burch

The fun thing is that he's actually responsible for the only thing this game is praised for. Combat gameplay.
>Hired mostly non-whites, gays, and transexuals to work on it.
Most of the dev theam are white guys. White guilt is way worse than some random brown guy that may actually be pretty cool IRL.

Yeah. Ironic, is it not? That poo was their best asset and they let him go. Hope he finds a better studio to apply his talents.

They didn't let him go, the game was just done and Bioware Montreal is a small C-team studio.

gameplay is not just combat, there is plenty of bad gamplay in it, also the combat is gimped by the removal of commands as well, so if that is his achievement, good riddance.

Why do you care so much about what one person thinks? Get the fuck over it you crybabies.

>the game was done
Are you sure? 'Cause there are a few things that need some work.

what a letdown

Sup Forums told me its full of transgenders and foreigners. Instead its mostly a bunch of white Sup Forumstards,neckbeards and nerds

sadly Sup Forums is getting more and more pathetic with the time

And his plan will come to a head when EA shuts them down, right?

>some random brown guy that may actually be pretty cool IRL.
If he is "pretty cool" IRL but an unhinged racist on twitter probability says that he is just holding back IRL, most likely because he is a timid asshole that cant own up to his racist beliefs.

pretty much this

>be rajesh multani singh
>have to work with cucks, sjws and trannies atleast 8 hours a day
no wonder he hates white people

>piss off

I got more entertainment out of Andromeda than ME3 and 2, and I didn't even need to buy it for it to be so.

Seems to me he made a diverse team of total losers who made a shit product, essentially showing the world where diversity gets you - below 5 userscore and a franchise driven unrecoverable into the ground.

>listening to autists and neckbeards
Thats where you went wrong user

anyone who bought ME:A deserves the shitty game they got
after countless shitshows Bioware games are still considered as a purchase?
why fuel this disaster and then cry about how horrible it is?

>essentially showing the world where diversity gets you
lol s-shut up racist

We live in a world where a poo codes better than a bunch of East Asians and whites that work for a multi-billion dollar company.


He was an idiot raciest who was fired by Bioware who couldn't be let go since he held an important position and letting him go early would cause more harm then good.
The game is shit becuase they tried way to hard to be initiative, They wanted to show off a new engine and it turned out to be shit

That's it

Its not SJW trying to trick you into buying bad games

maybe youre an idiot

well thats true, but a random dev hiring people is not.

keep on keepin on Sup Forums


>He purposely made ME:A bad
>Hired mostly non-whites, gays, and transexuals to work on it.
I like the fantasy you've created, but this dude was the gameplay director for the game. And gameplay is the one part that reviewers seem to be consistently praising, and saying it's better than previous games.
And he was still let go. Goes to show that if you spout too much shit on social media, you'll become liability to even the most progressive companies.

diversity-sympathizer nu-males are just as bad as what they support, its no skin off my teeth, the fact that in any coverage they tried to show how many women and minorities they have is more than enough for the damage to be done

>kill unknown aliens that were basically about to shoot you
>one of he first things the protagonist says is "can't blame them, we're the aliens here, we would do the same in their shoes"
it was then I knew

is the skin on your teeth a white as pure as the driven snow or do you need to gtfo my board you shitskin?

I pirate everything made by EA anyways.

>using an image from over 5 years ago as an example of what Bioware Montreal's current team make-up is in 2017



This fucking poo won't stop bashing white people. This nigger doesn't give a single fuck and is gaining followers. He's like the anti-Sup Forums.

>unhinged racist on twitter probability says that he is just holding back IRL, most likely because he is a timid asshole that cant own up to his racist beliefs.
You're on Sup Forums you silly nigger.
He at least attached his name to his racism, nobody here would do the same.

>proven that the dev team is primarily white. Nu male or not.
>b-but they showed minorities and women it must be their fault

Post a recent pic

>the only decent indians are the towel-headed sikhs
>dumb trumpfags keep killing the only good indians 'cause they think they're muslims

Because we're white and thus can't get away with it.

Are you this retarded?
Yes - if you show off your token faggots to the media and then make a shitty game, why would the background-white-people be blamed?

Justl ike how they can paint them in a good light - andromeda has successfully painted them in a bad light.

I'm sorry you are brain damaged and cannot understand such a simple concept.

>some racist paki was the best dev working on ME;A

why are white leftists so incompetent?

Pajeet didn't hire anyone. He was a lowly employee, just like the rest of the dev team. He's a terrible gameplay designer, though.

It's like killing cats when you have a rat problem

So did we ever get to the bottom of why animations are so bad? Especially with Bioware claiming that cosplayer wasn't the lead animator like people thought she was?

>this is what diversity gets you

>no it just painted them in a bad light because they showed them off.

Pick one.

I don't need to, they focused on diversity pushing and made a bad game, these are all the facts anyone can see from the way bioware carries themselves.

Can tell you why the animation is bad, buy I have no idea who made the models and animated them.

some dev put out a billion tweet essay on why it's shit
it was something about them using a shitty algorithm 'cause they probably intended to animated almost all of the shit by hand, but they ran out of time and had to push out a product.

problem with sarah is her default expression is smug which is unnatural for humans and your brains it up as weird. it looks horrible when you put additional expressions and emotions on top of it.

Hello NeoGAF!

hello low-tier shitposting newfag-kun

did they re-use the same drinking animation from me2? you know, one where shepard shakes his head.

Curry nigger...lol.

That's what a guy from naughty dog guessed yeah.
Like they kept in beta placeholders and let the scope of the game go beyond what they were capable of delivering on.

The only thing he managed to prove is the incompetence of minorities and LGBT's.

>he at least attached his name to his racism
this isn't a good thing. you don't go around letting your weeb powerlevel get detected, do you? same shit

Nah, but the animation after getting drunk is way worse.

this is true because pajeets don't even play video games.

This is the most recent image I can find of the Bioware Montreal team, and unfortunately it isn't very focused.

Honestly the only real change I see is:
>more white nu-males
>a few more shitskins
>more women

...so definitely it has gotten worse, but it certainly isn't some studio composed entirely of lesbian black women in wheel chairs.

No. It's still shit, though. Meanwhile this is the animation from DX: Mankind Divided.

>he hammered the final nail into Bioware's coffin

/ourguy/ confirmed?

>may actually be pretty cool IRL.

If you spend every second of the day thinking about how much white people piss you off while living in their society then you are far from a cool guy.

People are free to be as racist as they want, but you don't see me saying how much I hate niggers and then packing my bags to move to Africa. That'd be pretty retarded, wouldn't it.

he thought those people "look interesting" so he thought they would have made the game interesting too, genius...those people only care to get noticed and stuffed in the ass, I can't stop wishing to never wake up after I go to sleep

Well technically, if there's more than one tranny or fag on the team then they're over-represented.

This was the reason given by one of the lead animators of Naughty Dog, Jonathan Cooper (he was previously the lead animator for Mass Effect 2):

>Folks have been asking so here are my thoughts on Mass Effect Andromeda’s animation. Hopefully people will better understand the process.
>First though; going after individual team members is not only despicable, but the culprits and choice of target revealed their true nature.
>Just as we credit a team, not an individual, for a game’s success, we should never single out one person for a team’s failures.
>That said, animating an RPG is a really, really big undertaking – completely different from a game like Uncharted so comparisons are unfair.
>Every encounter in Uncharted is unique & highly controlled because we create highly-authored ‘wide’ linear stories with bespoke animations.
>Conversely, RPGs offer a magnitude more volume of content and importantly, player/story choice. It’s simply a quantity vs quality tradeoff.
>In Mass Effect 1 we had over 8 hrs of facial performance. In Horizon Zero Dawn they had around 15. Player expectations have only grown.
>As such, designers (not animators) sequence pre-created animations together – like DJs with samples and tracks.
>Because time denotes not every scene is equally possible, dialogues are separated into tiered quality levels based on importance/likelihood.
>The lowest quality scenes may not even be touched by hand. To cover this, an algorithm is used to generate a baseline quality sequence.
>Mass Effect 1-3 populated default body ‘talking’ movement, lip-sync and head movement based on the dialogue text.
>The Witcher 3 added to this with randomly selected body gestures that could be regenerated to get better results.

(1/2) Cont. in next post.

Did you just assume their gender?!

>>First though; going after individual team members is not only despicable, but the culprits and choice of target revealed their true nature.

stopped reading there

fucking naughty dog

Cont. from previous post.

>Andromeda seems to have lowered the quality of it’s base algorithm, resulting in the ‘My face is tired’ meme featuring nothing but lip-sync.
>This, presumably, was because they planned to hit every line by hand. But a 5-year dev cycle shows they underestimated this task.
>(All this is exacerbated by us living in an era of share buttons and youtube, getting the lowest quality out to the widest audience.)
>Were I to design a conversation system now, I’d push for a workflow based on fast and accessible face & body capture rather than algorithms.
>While it hasn’t 100% proved this method, Horizon Zero Dawn’s better scenes succeed due to a use of facial mocap.
>The one positive to come out of all this is that AAA story-heavy games can’t skimp on the animation quality with a systemic approach alone.
>The audience has grown more discerning, which makes our job more difficult but furthers animation quality (and animators) as a requirement.


Honestly, he makes some good points. My only real gripe with his rant was that he felt the need to preface it with some virtue signalling

>brown guy that may actually be pretty cool IRL.
except he's a terrible person so nah

What the fuck do you faggots expect, Sup Forums claims to be against sjw shit like this and then when you see something that makes you buttmad the thread gets spammed with
Poltard pls go
Woah how racist/sexist
I know Sup Forums is not one person but you all might as well be.

The game mocks transpeople with that awful stereotype but it's still counted as a good thing by the sjw audience. Truly an achievement

PooThunder is trolling Sup Forums. You go on his Twitter and you see him smuggly replying to a bunch of deleted twitter accounts with meme names.

He makes it sound like an excuse, when what he says is basically "they were lazy/bad at their jobs/cut corners where they could".

Its not an excuse, their games print money, maybe they could re-invest more than 5% of the income from their last title.

Looks around the same percentage + 1 black guy

>a few more shitskins
Nigga are you blind?


You can't just throw money and make a game. You either need to hire more people or extend the development process. The scope of some of these AAA games are just getting too big.

So these girls made R6Siege while white guys made AssCreed?


That is exactly what you can do, invest more and get a higher quality product.

The scope is getting big indeed but they are making them on C-teams and hired freelancing nobodies with no experience.

They are literally just too cheap to buy talent, too much in a hurry to shit out products in short dev cycles.

the fact that they are working with incompetent skeleton teams on AAA titles which bring in ridiculous money on brand recognition alone is not an excuse for this, its the very problem

Ah, so being a butthurt white hater is just ironic? Are you sure the people who actually follow him know that?

How do you know Sup Forums people aren't being ironic? The very fact that their opinions are passed down anonymously certainly lends more credibility for it to seem so.

When Sup Forums goes back to their inner lives, it could be any number of things not related to anything they do here. When PooThunder goes to his, it will always have his associated "trolling" intrinsically tied to it based on the fact he sold these "jokes" on his twitter being read by people he knows and works with.


maybe we need more women in gamedev then

>Managed to piss off millions of white males

What are you saying man, I'm not even slightly salty about this. The guy's an idiot, made a shit game, and he probably will not be given the control over another project for a long time after the disaster that is Andromeda.

>Before GayfaggotniggershitmootsuckscockGate

>video games are a waste of time
babbys first existential crisis

Any white male worth a damn gave up entirely on Mass Effect after 3, or Bioware in general after TOR or DA2.

Moreover, nobody on Sup Forums who truly belongs could possibly be so retarded as to give Bioware money in the CURRENT YEAR, but funny to see the poo got flushed.

Read the thread first.

Larger teams are prone to disaster, you just can't manage that many people without fuck ups. They should've tried to hire experienced devs instead of getting cheap or new people.

You mean its a risk - which is exactly what they are avoiding with all their power.

In any case there are no excuses here - they fucked up, they hired wrong, they managed wrong, they set their milestones wrong and so on.

They wanted to make AAA titles on peanuts to raise profits and they failed - or atleast failed in making a good game, finances wise they probably succeeded as they expected to.

Making shit games can be absolutely financially viable for them.

Somebody should post that bioware article in which they interviewed a bunch of women that by their own words were not hired based on experience

They released it for international women's day

Also that picture does not show the team that made mass effect 4

Poo is rolling in money so it doesn't matter. Maybe he'll regret it on his deathbed when his children racemix with white people and his grandson looks white.

Sup Forums are rejects and international terrorists. They live for nothing, but pepe and Trump.

Most of you fools never even played the game

That's a pretty wide generalization to make of one of the highest traffic boards of Sup Forums.

Is this the Legendary Curry Thunder?

>mfw no AAA studio will ever employ him
Hes talented but will be stuck at b tier studios, deserves him right.

Oh shit I better not discriminate! #Notall/pol/acks

>virtue signalling
This meme needs to stop.