>No games for 15 years
>Suddenly new game and anime in the works
He's coming back?
No games for 15 years
i love how whenever anyone even so much as implies that this game is anything other than the greatest game ever played, even if all his points are valid, and he clearly indicates that this is only his opinion that the first response is to say that he never played the game.
fuck these threads and fuck the furfaggots who keep making threads for this mediocre platformer.
What the fuck, user? I just wanted to talk about the upcoming game because I thought it was pretty out of the blue.
They announced a game?
Yes, it's switch exclusive.
>No games for 15 years
He got a Wii installment.
Yeah, but there's no info on it.
No, it isn't.
Wew, I want my Sonic OC so spawn a franchise and be this sucessful
Uhhh.. the Wii came out 15 years ago user.
Yes, it is. Why are you lying, user?
Sources required.
Wii is not even a full eleven years old, remake is like eight years old.
Wii was 2006 and Klonoa Wii was 2008. It's 2017, user.
That's still a long time
I had a a girlfriend in 2008. I haven't since.
OP here. I forgot about the Wii game completely. Sorry about that.
this thread has nothing
no links, no sources, no images, not even porn dumps
>Suddenly new game
my ass
>Sonic+Kirby wannabe
klonoa thread?
Reminds me I need to finish DtP.
Nothing to talk about though, stuff is on the way and that's it. Unless you want a >Klonoa thread
Don't post porn or else you'll get reported. I fucking hate when there is no permaban for Sup Forumstards who post literal porn and rule 34 on Sup Forums.
Don't cut yourself buddy
hello fellow redditor
fk year
Everyone has a right to tout their opinion, but your opionion is a wrong.
EXPLAIN THIS HERESY, I seriously don't understand?
>Suddenly new game
Holy fuck, WHAT?