Why is this game so much fun?

It's not

Also the title is dumb.

Because it is not fun?

shilly shilly

>looks like shit
>runs like shit
>le my favorite e-celeb plays this so it must be fun XD

>mfw Sup Forums contrarians say it's a flavor of the month game when it is more successful than H1Z1

Sure, 67k concurrent players because it is so unfun right?

Also don't /thread your own post, retard


Because you are 14 and your favorite twitch buddy plays it.

Since PLAYERUNKNOWN has been the original modder for Arma 3's battle royale mod, was contracted to make his gamemode in H1Z1 and is now the lead on his standalone game, the title makes sense, just like civ players know who sid meiers is.

Seems like it could be fun with friends, but I have no friends. It also seems to have the same bugs that all these types of games have. I have no idea why no one fixes them.

You can't /thread your own post you dumbfuck piss stain.

Anonymous's shilling grounds

What a dumb fucking name, at least sid Meyer and tom Clancy used their actual names. Wtf is playerunknown suppose to mean?

What the fuck is that name. PLAYERUNKNOWN is the nickname of the creator? If yes then he has some serious ego issues. Anyone who puts his name anywhere close to the name of the game is a narcissist faggot.

>people still fall for the early access multiplayer open world FFA/squad survival scam

You're right. BR games are shit and this game in particular is just a flavour of the month. It will be forgotten in three month.

>"it's popular waaaah"
>"It's early access waaahh"
>"nobody plays my favorite weeb games"
>"something about twitch streamers"

Sup Forums being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, as always

PLAYERUNKNOWN is well known for making battle royale style modes popular, just because you are stuck in your anime echo chamber doesn't make the title dumb.


>same shill posts with the same shill webms
why is this allowed
no seriously why is blatant shilling allowed

>will have sold half a million copies after a week
>"fll-flavor of the mo-month! Someone buy me honiepop!"

Because I do it for free
and for your tears and non stop whining

because you're underage twitch chatter

We don't want to buy your shit game, leave us alone



>literally shilling your game on Sup Forums


just like
dayz, whether itwas the mod through arma 2 or the standalone
The culling

fuck off

I won't even watch my favourite eceleb play this boring turd.

Why are you shilling this shitty h1z1 clone every fucking day? Everyone knows it's terrible and will be dead quicker than the culling

>Headshot on a moving vehicle at that range with a red dot sight

kys fag

Hey dev, why don't you pay streamers some more to play and advertise your garbage instead of shilling here?

God I hate this early access shit

Shrill thread #23

How do I get gud?

Exactly, Sup Forums is mostly anime collecting NEET virgins with no interest in such a normie twitch streamer game so why are you shilling it here? There is no audience for it, nothing for you to gain.

So it's for the people who can play a game for fun and not because of waifu a.

You don't like it don't post in the thread. There I just made your life more enjoyable.

yeah dude its so much fun getting OWNED by lag switching chinks

>Open world survival multiplayer simulation crafting
I'd rather kill myself than play H1Z1/DayZ/a thousand other identical shitpiles


You're playing the nexon game arnt you?

I played that for five or so hours and it was pretty fucking awful.

It's nothing like a DayZ kind of game though.

>PLAYERUNKNOWN is well known for making battle royale
never heard about him, still sounds retarded. Go shill your shit in kindergarten where your audience is.

its an acog you faggot

Who the fuck is playerunknown? some youtuber?

It's artificial fun
You think you're having a good time but you're not

>nothing like
Don't kid yourself.
There are differences but it has far too many identical qualities to all its other garbage early access kin that infest the store.

Look at ubisoft and how they advertised on v.improve

that sounds like cancer for 14y old, we are too old here

also I don't have proper friends to play games with (they only play cs online)

Pure Kino of a game. Enjoy your invisible walls and hold square to win in Nier, I'm playing a thinking man's game.

such an obnoxious FUCKINGNAME

I can't scroll through twitter WITHOUTALLCAPSPOPPINGUP

Not trying to jump on the hate bandwagon here, but holy shit that fucking tree detail shifting as you ADS. That's the worst I've ever seen.

Got my first win. Shit gets intense as FUCK.

here's your reply

so like all forms of entertainment media then.

I've won in duos and a ton in squads but only got to last three in singles. Game is fun though. Looking to sell that trenchcoat and make all my money back from buying this game.

>you think you are watching the most amazing movie but in reality YOU ARE JUST STARING AT LIFELESS BOX AND WASTING YOUR TIME!11111
i want these kind of people to kys

>thinking this is an argument
Ummmmm sweetie, that's not how it works; okay honey?

Sorry. You will need waifus in your game to advertise it successfully on Sup Forums

just look at how hard you are trying

I thought blatant shilling threads were against the rules. I mean, I get such a generic garbage need constant reminding that it exists, among all the other generic garbage identical to it, but there's reddit and other such places for that.

Fuck off back to nigger twitter/tumblr you shit eating utter fucking cunt.

oh look, another shill thread for that shitty DayZ rip off

also sage.

What can you buy with that currency, just character customization stuff?
How long is the average match?

>it's popular so it's good

Buying 12 copies at the Gamestop I work at and making sure to tell customers that Nier is defective

both ark and h1z1 still have a very active playerbase, calling it flavor of the month if fucking stupid

Stop fucking shilling

it's shills 3 days ago these threads starting poping up on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Sid Meier only put his name on the game because Robin Williams told him to.

This is just a publicity stunt to give his brand more recognition

So funny, Sup Forums is almost crying because their favorite anime games don't stand a chance against this awesome game

Its incredible

>its flavor of the month
>waaah, but it sold so many copies in a week
user, do you know what flavour of the month is?

You buy loot boxes that offer very minimal mostly cosmetic effects. Dont neglect armor though a trechcoat CAN AND WILL save your life. Damage is locational so anything that covers your hands arms and legs are required since armor only blocks chest hits. The neck and front of the face is most vulnerable. Nothing covers the neck and only tier three helmets cover the face.

Average match is anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. Ive been killed right after touchdown sometimes. DON'T NEGLECT FISTFIGHTS. If someone ruins to a gun punch them to death they will die before they can load the thing.

I only play solo. I tried squad but no mics and poor teamwork got annoying. I average 1 in 4 games getting top 10. I rarely win because i almost always get zeroed in and cant move as the safe zone gets smaller and smaller. I either make a run for it and get shot or die to the forcefeild.

>Literal who
>Well known

Want to know the best thing about early access? If the developer bails or the community dies get a refund. They are covered under preorders you can have 400 hours and still get a full refund.

>it's another early access open world survival thing

So this is the power of PC gaming... WOAH

10 days. I'm being very generous here, 10 days and this will be forgotten about like every other meme of the week. The streamers will get bored and so will the PC kukz because they daren't play anything their favorite streamer isn't playing.

10 days we will never see this again.

>Sid Meier only put his name on the game because Robin Williams told him to.

I'll make a new thread with this screencapped in 10 days

When i watch on stream it looks kinda fun early on but then it devolves into camping and using 3rd person view to see over things without exposing yourself. Which is really stupid and is 99% of the game after the initial drop

certified meme game

Yeah its pretty bad. I always carry a red dot and a scope. Sometimes I'll spot someone but the scope will load the foliage and I cant see them but the Retdot is fine and I can make the kill.

BR shooters are boring long as deathmatches.

This is an artificial post. You think you are posting it but you are not.

>don't stand a chance against this awesome game
>awesome game
how long before the streamers and normies move on? tick tock :^)
i give it about a month, if that

>buying it now when it will be the same buggy mess when it goes on sale a few months from now

These games are shameless cash grabs. Streamers hype it up, get kids to buy it on the off chance they can play with their favorite streamer

Then it's dead in 3 months because there will be zero support from the devs

Twitch is literal cancer.


There is no crafting though. And you shouldn't really scavenge past the 10 minute mark unless you have to. Houses are risky as fuck since its easy to make it look like no one has been there then blow your head off with a shotgun when you open the door.

kys jew

Shill thread. Sage.

Oh look another h1z1 clone game. Literally who gives a fuck. Only twitch streamers play this kind of games just to fill streaming time.

>67k peak
>only streamers

honeymoon period.

In 2 months the playerbase will stop playing and move back to h1z1 or whatever has more advertising/twitch viewers

nobody wants to buy your game
stop making this shit thread every day

Okay. Twitch streamers and their audience.

animee kiddies delusions

Thats when you get a refund bro.


Tom Clancy doesn't even write most of his books

I wanted to buy this game but after all of your shilling im not going to. Thanks for putting me off, faggot.

This game is shit.
After 12 hours i have 12 kills and countless death.
This game is shit.

Lol they will flock to the next game.

My friends been begging me to buy this game but he always falls for these overworld multiplayer survival meme games..

It's a 37 dollar early access H1Z1 game -w-

I enjoyed rust though for a bit

sound like you suck
you can only refund when the game is officially finished

Oh look it's another survival early access game.

Wow there hasn't been a new one of these for 3 months!

Let's buy this shit that will never get finished anyway.

NO thnaks.

Not much fun playing with less than 30 fps, fuck this game

This only applies if they go out of early access. If they don't, they don't have to refund anything.

Its not a fucking survival game