>This is the standard of writing in a AAA headline title in 2017
What went wrong here?
>This is the standard of writing in a AAA headline title in 2017
What went wrong here?
what game?
it's another "libtards attempt to depict their ideological opponents as caricatures, but instead they end up looking like ones" episode
Horizon Zero Dawn
why do tumblrites misuse this word so much?
So the female prime minister straight from Everyday Feminism school of writing is less of an intentional caricature than "take it or fuck off?" Nigel?
The emphatic use is fine, it's been used this way for literally hundreds of years
I'm impressed they used that many words to convey absolutely nothing
Modern liberals don't understand the difference between facts and opinions.
They have different beliefs, which is fine, but they're under the impression that the things they believe are objective facts rather than opinions. In their worldview there is no room for disagreement, because they are describing reality and anyone who disagrees with it is either a hateful bigot or an uneducated moron.
Despite having been fairly liberal my whole life this is primarily why I've started distancing myself from the left in the last couple years. Conservatives may be assholes sometimes, but at the very least they're willing to have a rational conversation and listen to your piece when you disagree.
I have conservative friends and when we go out for a pint we can talk about stuff we don't agree on. We're respectful and mature. With my really liberal friends it's talking to a wall. If you disagree with their dogma they get fucking crazy in seconds and will browbeat you until you admit that they're correct or leave in a huff and puff if you don't back down before shit-talking you to everyone they know.
God, what the fuck has happened to liberalism.
Anyone got that drawing of Tim Buckley with ham hands? I think it's applicable here
Probably mass effect andromeda.
*blocks your path*
This so fucking much.
Has society degraded that much 50 years from now that even the Prime Minister talks like a teen girl?
>we totally need this
>it was really bad
Come on
>Horizon Zero Dawn isn't SJW trash they said
I'll make sure to pick this up used if at all.
Why is this happened? It's not like they were less educated than rightists.
Echo chamber, their ideas weren't challanged in school or in their personal lives.
It seems to be an issue of extremes on both sides. Anything that doesnt match up with what they believe gets rejected.
You decided to still play AAA games after witcher 3?
It's Horizon.
100 hours and I never found that, guess it's not that big a deal
They said the same damn thing about watchdogs 2.
>15 minutes into game
>"uh hello, it's [current year] binary gender pronouns are so..."
And now I don't trust any these faggots. If someonel flippantly tells me a new game is full of sjw shit I'm going to take that comment at face value.
>hey we should research how Iranians look
>nah just take a nigger model and trow a Hijab on it
>what they endured was really bad
>The Great Die-Off
>the text file gets corrupted halfway through, something that wouldn't even display the entire text if it was corrupted
This shit is so terrible.
>is a liberated woman
>uses cloth invented by man to repress them
Curious, I've never had any problems with leftist friends, not even those studying women's studies and shit like that. I was genuinely surprised when they just politely listened and actually respected my views.
Maybe it's worse in the US with the two party system and all?
>standard of writing
>shitty flavor text that only 1 in 10 people find all of the pieces of
git my booner woogan
I'm fine with mentioning climate refugees because that can be a real problem in the future, but holy shit is this badly written or what.
you don't know...you're not in the future
/qa/dditor detected
go back gooncuck
>50 years from now is literally now.
>b-but you are as bad us
Every time
Does the idiot who wrote this seriously think sea levels are gonna rise in a tsunami like fashion?
>a refugee-pandering tumblrina becomes PM
>then the robot apocalypse happens
Is Horizon the most red-pilled game of all time?
>New Tehran
Like, why is a New Tehran? the old one is at a higher elevation that London, so if London is fine, Tehran should be just as fine.
>climate refugees
>real problem
Yeah the 5° increase totally justifies letting in hordes of shitskins.
>Implying it isn't built on the smouldering ashes of Israel
>world ends because of FUCKING WHITE MALE
>a band of strong multicultural womyn come together to create an AI to rebuild the earth
>the white male destroys all the stored knowledge making so everyone restarts as cavemen
>the white male builds his own AI to purge all lesser forms of life
>you beat the AI that is gassing all the minorities and everyone lives happily ever after
Dude I just want the west to burn fucking SJWs have ruined everything so it's better to nuke it so I can rebuild it in my image and also I hate niggers
Is that actually the story of the game or are you just being a memer.
No Berlin after Germany converted to the religion of peace?
>in the future
I'm talking about rising ocean levels becoming a real concern in the Pacific island states, not the Syrians or Somalis etc. Completely different topic.
>refugees generously taken in
>they complain and destroy shit because it isn't a five star hotel with complimentary white pussy
Just like real life
Its very bad in the US. I'm legit expecting a civil war in my lifetime.
>the great Die-off
who writes this trash
>Sea level rise refugees
>Azores refugees in London instead of Portugal
Explain this
It is. You can tell it's written for looks and for a simpler audience, since the speech is isolated to a completely new sentence and to the start of paragraphs. Reminds me of when I was a young lad once. I gave my english professor a paper like that and he told me to never write like that again.
Portugal doesn't have as good benefits?
>still playing AAA games
>5°c more
I live in southern germany and our summer is like 35°c - 38°c every year, those +5°c would fucking kill me especially since AC isn't as culturally established here as in the US. Almost nobody here has AC.
My American conservatard uncle thinks the Canadian PM is a Muslim, so no, a lack of understanding between facts and opinions is not exclusive to liberals.
According to muslims he did convert
Yep its true
The human race is extinct, humans are just robots that have their perception warped to think they are human.
You get the choice to let mechanical life continue or destroy it all and give biological life a chance again
>prime minister sounds like a valley girl
Fuck those trucks are great
This is not what happens.
>Try to escape
>These folks block your path
Well, listen to how Trump talks.
>it's a le trump analogy
how much are you paid to shill for Horizon: Zero Sales?
are you frustrated by how ineffective your efforts are?