Rising storm 2 is vietnam

>rising storm 2 is vietnam
>call of duty 2017 is vietnam
What a time to be a fortunate son.

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they are all shit compared to BF:Vietnam.



user ...

and I thought Battlefield 1 was a bad title

Nice bait, you actually think they would call it world war 2? It wouldn't be too on the nose?


yawn go to bed grandpa, old wars are boring lol

It's like we're living in some weird, parallel universe.

Why go through all that effort to fake something half decent only to skimp on the name?

That itself almost makes it believable. The only people stupid enough to just call it CoDWWII are the actual developers.

So wait, finally a CoD where America is the bad guys? Or is it just revisionist history again and we won't even get to play as the vietcong?

>north vietnam invades south
>not the bad guys

>people want to take back their country from a puppet regime set up by foreigners

americans should understand this

>Country has a justified civil war (Wow, almost sounds familiar doesn't it!)
>Foreigners firebomb the shit out of everything because they're pissing themselves over communism
Wew lad. Literally "it's okay when America does it"

commies want to invade the south and kill everybody against commies


it's french indochina you shitlord

>no Korean war game
>not ever


>communism is okay
tell that to cambodia

its confirmed already tho

>It ain't me starts playing
>Implying that gif is not Gimme Shelter
You uncultured piece of shit swine makes me sick

>America fucks with every country that adopts communism
Wew lad.

>communism works

tell that to east germany

>communism doesn't work
Tell that to Yugoslavia


rly meks u thicc

Works in China, works in Vietnam despite American fuckery, arguably works in Cuba despite enormous amounts of American fuckery.

You can look at any system and point at flaws. Nothing is perfect.

>china is communist

Nice meme

>works in Cuba

worked so great that many cubans fled to florida and were crying tears of happines when Castro died, who tried to murder the cuban refugees

And people danced on the street when Margaret Thatcher died, obviously this means that democracy don't work.

>new wars are just desk jockeys droning durkas then heading down to grab a mountain dew from the vending machine

Stanley Parable x Call of Duty crossover when?

it's why our boy trump won and brexit happened


>both will follow the exact fucking same shitty modern FPS trends

No thanks.

I could have been excited 15 years ago. Maybe even 10 years ago.

Not today.

>worn-out formula
shooter games need to be put to rest, at least for a couple of years.

>this means that democracy don't work.

thats true too.
communism is worse though

you mean stuffing 20 ripit cans from the dfac into their cargo pockets

I truly hope Activision isn't braindead enough to call it something so fucking redundant. There is no way they are that fucking vapid and uninformed on their own franchise.

That's like calling the next GTA "Grand Theft Auto: Car Thief"

Please let this be bullshit. I don’t want to live in a world this stupid.

rising storm is so much better than the eastern front shit. huge open maps are boring
hopefully rising storm 2 is decent. i haven't played any of the betas.

>/r/WW2 watermarks all over it

There's no way that this can be fake

vietcong multiplayer was pretty sweet. i only played the demo though. i think the full release got censored in the us, 'cause there wasn't any dismemberment in the game. guess it was too soon.

>they are unironically calling it COD WW2
This has to be the most creatively bankrupt franchise ever.
Seriously, COD WW2 is what i'd expect from some fake photoshop on deviantart.

DESU I hope it's just an HD remaster of all the WW2 Campaigns with a new multiplayer

>Waa it's all americas fault! They messed with a bloo bloo
>USSR fucks with America and capitalist nations
>They're absolutely fine

gee whizz almost like one system works better under all sorts of conditions and pressures and doesnt crumple under basic geopolitics.

>Literal foreign invasions, bribing officials and arming insurgents is "geopolitics"
My fucking sides.