Redpill me on Fable 1

Redpill me on Fable 1

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It was alright when it came out, horribly dated today, do not recomend

You can't do anything.

Your character turns into an old man half way through the game while everyone else remains the same age.

A huge disappointment upon release. Heavily criticized for failing to fulfill it's promises, generic story, and casual difficulty. There was a meme back in the day about what the game over screen looked like as presumably no one ever died. The first game I ever saw referred to as "baby's first rpg."

Looking back, it at least had a vibrant world and a great soundtrack. If you decide to play it, play The Lost Chapters version and not Anniversary.

Good rpg at the time for 10 year olds, I doubt anyone would enjoy it now beyond nostalgia

I'll be really alternative and say this is like my fave game
the combat is great fun with all the spells,
the comedy elements are funny along with the voice acting
the story and missions are good, too easy and short though
deffo worth a play as the extended is like less than 15 hours to complete

Faggots in this thread don't know what they are talking about.

I play this game at least once every year, it's probably my favourite game ever. Great story, greant combat especially the magic, tons of customization, marriage, property ownership, have kids and shit tons more.

It is truly amazing and it kills me the LionHead ended the way it did, you would be doing yourself a disservice if you never play this game.

The best OST in any game ever imo.

t. someone who was 10 when they played it


I was around 13 when I played it and really enjoyed it.

Hero, your will power is low. What's that!?

Have you got any potions, or food?

Kill the sister and take the sword. There now you don't have to

>Hero, your will power is low. What's that!?

He says "watch that"


how was Fable 2?

Try to get your combat multiplier even higher.

Fable 2 was pretty good but definitely not as great as 1, 3 was a shambles especially the late game. Shame we will never get to see number 4 made by the main devs of number 1 with all the same timeline and all.

Fable 1 + Gothic 2 are my favorite RPGs, their charm will never be beaten desu.

>Redpill me
chicken chaser is code for bush did 911

Fable 3 was a disappointment on all levels.

Very fun action/adventure/rpg with some of the best visuals of the time and a nice, vibrant world. It's very easy though.