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Fuck, is that actually true? Funny as shit if it is.
yes the game is Grisaia no Kajitsu
Is Juicy Yuuji circumcised?
I sure hope not
I like foreskin
I actually enjoy that Grisaia got a translation, because it gives English only plebeians a taste of the many, many VNs with high-quality writing. Except unlike Grisaia, they will never receive a translation.
It's like giving a child one lick of a lollipop then yanking it away
Maybe it's just me, but isn't that roughly equivalent to the way the Gestapo would arbitrarily execute Jews and then send their family a bill for disposing of the corpse?
what are you talking about, i'm over here enjoying the extremely high-quality writing in english language VNs
pic related!
>I am le alpha motherfucker and I get to live with 6 psycho hot bitches who are all over my dick
wew, such terrific writing
let me just burn all these books
The contextx/premise of Grisaia is unapologetic wish fulfillment and there's nothing wrong with that
Jesus christ the only thing good in this game was Michiru, Yuuji is one of the most unlikeable MCs in any VN, he acts in a completely unrealistic and infuriating way.
Amane you slut.
>Yuuji is one of the most unlikeable MCs in any VN, he acts in a completely unrealistic
maybe for a loser
A VN protagonist who acts 'realistically' would be really boring. Any normal man would've told these psycho whores to fuck off
> it's okay if it's satirical/self aware
>windows 7
hi Sup Forums
>I am the one deciding what is or is not acceptable
Exactly the opposite, if you ever had a girlfriend you would know that people don't act like this when talking to girls, he acts how an autistic neet thinks "cool guys" act.
He should act in a rational way, for all the time they spend saying he's a genious he sure acts like a fucking autist, anyone would have realised michiru was into him and he spends the whole route bullying going on pretend dates, he then proceeds to burry her alive, something like this would scar someone for life, not save them, he acts like a complete psycopath.
>Sup Forums
>Exactly the opposite, if you ever had a girlfriend you would know that people don't act like this when talking to girls, he acts how an autistic neet thinks "cool guys" act.
I unironically act like black sanic edgelord with girls and they love it
Someone post the light breakfast talk stitch.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums doesn't dualboot for eroge
I am sure all these nvidia vs amd threads there are about who runs best tuxracer?
I respect yuuji for being a fucking badass, only a faggot self inserts when they play games.
As en English-only plebeian, I'm pretty happy with what I get, and I know I was lucky to even get that one in the first place, so I don't feel any kind of frustration about that!
I'm glad that works for you friend, I'd rathe just bee myself
He's the biggest mary sue I've ever seen, I don't self insert, I just expect characters to act rationally, like people, and he sure as fuck doesn't, makes it hard to think of him as a believable character and not as some shitty OC. Keep in mine that out of all of the VNs I read he's the nly MC I have issues with.
VN writers tend to be nerds with little life experience. Yuuji is pure projection by the writer.
Is Amane the most tragic character in gaming?
>generic 'save the traumatized girls!' VN with a gary stu MC, endlessly drawn out common route and standard anime humor is well written
Never post again.
no, Yuuji is
I'm a diagnosed sociopath from a family of diagnosed sociopaths, Yuuji doesn't behave sociopath-esque at all. For starters, you're not unable to feel emotions, you just don't empathize, ie. you don't feel pain from others' pain like normal people do. Also sociopaths don't necessary not care for others, it's just that their caring is limited to that which is self-beneficial. For example, I'd be sad if my autistic split-personality girlfriend overdosed on drugs and got brain damage, but only because that would affect the quality of our sex, not because her suffering would hurt me too.
I know what a sociopath is, but thanks for the explanation nonetheless.
Borderline sociopathic then, he cares very little about what the other girls think or feel he's only doing what he does because his master ordered him to.
He also shows basically no emotional buildup whatsoever, and he suddenly decides he's in love with a girl, love doesn't work like this, it's subtle and takes time to develop. But maybe this last part is just bad writing on the author's part and he had no idea how to write romance.
>He also shows basically no emotional buildup whatsoever, and he suddenly decides he's in love with a girl, love doesn't work like this, it's subtle and takes time to develop
It was an attempt to make him James Bond-ish
>Japanese virgin in charge of writing a secret agent alpha dog
Wew I sure am glad we got a translation
This desu
He got fucked pretty hard, figuratively and literally
If you can't tell that Grisaia is written by a good author even through the fog of translation, you probably haven't read very much
Casino royale has much better romance than this and it doesn't take 70 hours.
You didn't play the game so how do you know?
Or maybe I actually read books
I am a huge weeb but everything Japanese is trash, let's face it
And yes I also read Japanese books like Haruki Murakami's books
>that last line
pretty good chuckle, Amane best girl
Yes I did what the fuck are you on about?
I'm the autist complaining about yuuji in this thread.
Well user, I'd agree with you completely. But for some reason you're making arbitrary spaces between your sentences, a writing style common with people who visit the site reddit.
>good writing
You could have used something with actually good writing like Remember11 or Dies Irae
Sorry to disappoint you but I have been here since 2008 and never made a reddiit account.
I write like this because I write a lot of formal emails at work and it sticks
The translation is actually very good.
The author is pretty good at comedy. He is god fucking awful at writing anything serious, since the VN falls to complete and utter tripe once it starts trying to be serious.
I couldn't bother to read through all of those,that shit was long as fuck
Can anyone give me the short version?
>The translation is actually very good.*
* as far as you know
It's a great translation by VN standards, of course shit compared to a book or something but you can't expect expensive translation for such a long VN
Worst part of it is the translation of Makina's accent
No, as far as I read in the Japanese version. Admittedly it wasn't very far, but far enough to get a good idea of the translation.
>retards just wait for help instead of sending at least one scouting squad
You got the nasu one about molusks? The dude sure loves sea life.
Unfortunately not.
We have to wait for a kind Samaritan
This one?
VNs have some of the worst sex scene writing. This shit belongs in the same category as 'the ram of sex'
Shit's fucking hilarious, thanks man.
>want to play for lewd
>had to suffer several hours of dogshit interactions most of the time
Dropped the VN
Shit is hot garbage
"It's like a comic book but worse"
Comic books are to VNs as pro wrestling is to MMA.
for curiosity sake, what VN user?
GOOD bait
Just go to exhentai and look at the CGs if your attention span is that weak
Visual novel
Still no kicking nuts?
spotted the VN babby
Both are fake and rigged?
no, i was asking what the VN he tried to read was called
Is this the best australian VN?
i thought australia banned VNs along with everything else fun?
Is the entirety of Japan /ourguy/?
>Is the entirety of Japan /ourguy/?
uh, yes?
do you realize Japan was Nazi and Italy allied?
Nazis are not our guys, though. They were pure evil.
reddit get out
Nazis were young people fighting for their country. They just happened to live in tough times with tough leadership.
>that art
Good lord... It could be okay, but it just looks so off
>>Nazis were young people fighting for their country. They just happened to live in tough times with tough leadership.
wtf I hate jews now?!
it's a fetish VN anyway. I have no regrets for buying it and fapping to it
>it could be okay
MEA could have been okay
>Not searching info on the VN first if it has the content that you want before getting it
Your fault.
>walk in on a naked girl
>kyaa, you saw me naked baka, now you have to go on a date with me
>awkwardly drop a reference to the jews
This game had such shitty writing, but it's no surprise people love it. The main character is an Ecstasy Darks tier badass who drops a your mom joke in the first scene and gets all smug about his cleverness. Maybe it picks up hints of irony later on, but I only made it about 10 hours in. Extremely disappointing lack of even superficial choices for a VN too.
Yeah, i guess if you're into that kind of stuff.
Bioware can never be okay
>>kyaa, you saw me naked baka, now you have to go on a date with me
what is taking responsibility?
not like a brainwashed goy like yourself would know
>high-quality wiriting
Dude come on now its embarassing. Take your (You) and get lost.
damn nigga you're good
it is starless indeed
it was disappointing for what it promised
Too much Mitarai, not enough everyone else.
No it just keeps getting worse, you did good
>Yuuji is one of the most unlikeable MCs in any VN
He's the best protagonist of all time though
>Play best girls route first
>Go on to next route
>Feel bad
>Next route
>Feel worse
>Finally get to the last route
>I feel like shit
Fuck VNs
dare I ask what Type B is?
>Complain about beta protag
>Complain alpha protag
You should try the sequel, it will make you feel better I swear
I heard the translator took a lot of liberties.
Starts with rape but she eventually cheats of her own volition. Type A she's willing from the start. Basically type B is ntr + mindbreak