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When you have to buy DLC to fix problems, maybe it's time for this industry to go.

dlc word is now on filter list

I have the game and it's just a grindy, empty space simulator.

>when you run out of cup noodles

explain first, I already have the game but i gave up on it.

What a piece of shit game.

is that a latino taking a big shit?

I just finished chapter 13 with gladio. He was pretty fun to use. Excited to play his episode when I finish the game. I might main him in comrades.

why's he so angry

Can I play as characters other than Noctis in the main story yet?

Yes gladio is playable in chapter 13. You don't need the DLC to play as him.

Why is Gladio so mad?

So angry, here have some Noodles Gladi.

Under rated.


>dramatic promo image
>it's just 30 minutes of running down a hallway with a Trump meme at the end
Sasuga SE

You're confusing the dlc and the update content. But have a (You) for trying.

No I'm not. But have a (You) for trying.

Only in one chapter?
Hopefully by the time I've finished 8-13 they'll have made this shit good.

They're planning on adding a character creation system at some point.

I have the season pass but after they made the chocobo festival time limited and the power suits where delayed I will wait till at least the next episode is released or when everything is finished and I can play the complete game with all cutscenes

>have PS4 Pro
>was good playing 1080p @ 30fps
>Square Enix release an update for "better" PS4 Pro support
>they remove the option to have it locked 1080p @ 30fps
>only options now are 1800p with terrible frame pacing so it's jittery or SILKY SMOOTH 35-45 fps @ 1080p

I basically cannot play it now, playing 30fps is tolerable for me since I'm used to playing on consoles but now the game is just a fucking mess. Literally no reason to remove the 1080/30 option

>character creation
Why? I just want to be able to play as anyone in the party, like I've been able to in every final fantasy, ever.

So we can all agree this is the new best track in XV right?

Nice one user, nice one.

How do I play Episode Gladio? If I try selecting "Downloadable content" it says "This content cannot be selected at this time." What is this? I don't get it.

What annoyed me most was the end of chapter 13 when Ardyn revealed his intent all I could hear was noctis breathing heavily as he's trying to resist the crystal.

It can't hold a steady 30 at 1800p? How bad is 4K then?

Oh, so the DLC is gonna make Altissia and Niflheim part of the open world? Because that sure as hell wasn't advertised. Rather, it was advertises as another linear dungeoncrawl.


you fucks said the same for Dark Souls 2 and that was a lie

Nope, sorry. I was barely able to keep interest in this game long enough to finish the main story. I don't know why SE thinks I'd want to pay them again months later for whatever shit they left out.

It holds a solid 30 at 1800p it's just that there's a serious issue with framepacing. It's not the hardware it's just shitty nip optimisation.

The 1800p is upscaled to 4K with the checkerboarding meme magic that allows Sony to get away with calling it a 4K console.

pls respond

>If we keep adding in more garbage, that will fix the game! - SE
I see they are taking the BvS approach

Are you in NA and playing on PS4?

Eh, I liked 15 enough to enjoy the new content and fixes that they have planned but I realize that not everyone feels this way.

They lost so much money on that shitty game, surprised they are still even alive as a company.

Yes to both.

Apparently we won't get it until midday when the PS Store updates. That's what I've been hearing.

it's more like they just didn't profited much

5 million sales on release pretty much covers the development costs but it should sell more to actually profit and the game only sold 1 million copies since then.

Nah, 10 years dev time and a full CGI movie that made 1 million back. Plus massive amounts of advertising.

The game was a massive flop, 5m sales is really not even scratching the surface of the money they had to make back.

They are hoping bucketloads of dlc and pc with mod support will bring in the money but it won't. This shit was a massive failure.

>buying this gay shitfest of a game


Have they confirmed for PC yet?

it's pretty cheap so I'm actually considering to

bullshit. you never go to space

Is the game really bad, Sup Forums? I meant to get it once I'm done playing Persona 5.

chocobo festival? Did i miss something?

It's pretty shit. Soundtrack and the photography stuff are the only good things about it.

This is a stupid way to look at things