M/f Sup Forums?

m/f Sup Forums?

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He's worthless even as a motorcycle kickstand.

based brianna
keep on destroying those alt-right racists!

>be a mentally imbalanced piece of shit in college
>call staff towelheads and niggers
>transitioning somehow atones for this

>posting trannies

>not posting trannies
What are you gay?

did you just fucking mansplain to based Brianna?

What a very clever and original thread, OP. Never seen this one done before. Very nice. You deserve a pat on the back. Welcome to club Sup Forums. You finally fit in. Congratulations. You must've been lurking Sup Forums for years soaking up all the board culture to post this magnum opus. Don't worry, your efforts aren't lost on me.

Before this thread gets gassed, give it to me straight: does he still have his dick and balls?


I was called a moron by neogaf for saying that this person was an attention seeking idiot

3 year later, i'm still fucking mad

haha transmisogyny so funi!
imma repost this on /r/Sup Forums for epic narwhal bacons!


>she fought the alt-right and won

D-did I miss something?

>walk around town with my dad
>see faggot with the biggest manjaw wearing tights and a dress
>my dad and look at each other with the biggest shit eating grin you can imagine
>can't contain laughter
>he has no social media to retort
>just keeps on walking in shame


I respect women the same I do men, and I don't wanna put my dick anywhere near brianna either way.

so sure, brianna can be a woman, it makes no difference to me.

You're not a moron. You're 100% correct.


user, you shouldn't bully mentally handicapped people.

XY = it's a guy

At least the kickstand isn't made by Nintendo

>what is she gonna do? Use gamergate to publicize her next game, you are just victim blaming
>does that in order to start a political career

>Literally Chris-Chan but with loads of mommy and daddy money.

i dont think i need to explain that trannies are delusional do i?

You're a moron for posting on NeoFAG.

>deluded Sup Forumstards still asserting muh chromosomes against all evidence


Ok dude, set me straight then.

Can i donate if I'm not from the us?

I usually don't pay any attention the rare times I see these mutants but my dads reaction just made me crack up, afterwards he said to me
>you know, I'm sure a lot of people would call us intolerant right now but in my opinion that's just being sick in the head
based dad

We can do this NeoGAF, we must be tolerant and support her to congress!