He doesn't own a gaming router

>He doesn't own a gaming router

Stop yelling "hacks" when I've pwned you around the corner before you've even seen me thanks to superior ping, scrub.

Other urls found in this thread:


>turn on router
>it runs away

name ONE reason why you would need a router when you have a good modem

>gaming router

someone flip that Monkey Lord over


Did Nod build that?


good luck routing that internet anywhere in the room retard

> pwned you around the corner before you've even seen me
That's an effect of high ping though.

I can't believe I can't find some obnoxious red and black $100 ethernet cable to shitpost about.

Just use a cable?


>not leaping onto your face as it lays it's eggs down your stomach

there's nothing for gaming but audiophiles can get some expensive shit


>He doesn't dust his gaming rig with gaming compressed air


depends on the netcode u casual

My go to ASMR video.

get on my level


Is Wireless good enough to game on yet, or is a good cable connection still the best.

landline always best, my friend

Get on my level
>he doesn't have an extended AK-47 magazine on his Xbox

Wired beats wireless every time. It just depends on if your wireless is "good enough" for you.

>319 freedoms
>supports speeds so fast that no provider offers them
>is beautiful by objective standards
>made by asus
>form allows better heat disapation
Why don't you own two of these Sup Forums?
It's like you don't want to ledge kill people before they even know you exist in For Honor

>hardware hacking
>not hax

>smoke grenade
>breaching claymore

Anyone got an ethernet switch box to recommend?

Looking to split the ethernet that goes into my pc to go into my Switch and possibly ps4 too.

Neither do they; looks like a standard capacity AK-74 mag to me.

i got a nice tplink for like 12 burger bucks during black friday.

guaranteed for life too.

Why do people buy these things?
A vacuum cleaner works well enough

If you can actually convince your wifi drivers not to renegotiate then it's ok. A lot of awful drivers seem to just do it anyway regardless of what settings you use (and most of the time the settings aren't exposed in any user-friendly manner) so it's just a fucking nightmare.


because "gaymen culture"

2 of those antennas are redundant

For some reason that sounds more sexual than horrifying.

For some reason that sounds more sexual than horrifying.

>turns on router, it enslaves mankind

jesus christ

>he doesn't own a gaming pc

Still one Of the funniest videos


Honestly shit posting aside why does its antennas look like that and why does it have so many of them?

shhhh don't wake them up

More antennas = more power.

I believe it is for directional broadcasting so the signal is stronger.

>being autistic enough to bother with getting a gaming router

It's like I've posted in this thread before

Your legs are OK

*Teleports behind you*
Heh, nice try kid...
But...unless you have a KILLER gaming NIC....

You're too slow....
*slices you into 10 thousnad pieces with his Japanese Katana*

Nothing Personal, kid...

>putting a case on a console that already has heat issues

>not replicating and trying to wipe out the Asgard

No sweetie, just no

What kind of casual faggot games on wifi?

My gaming water gives me all the advantage i need to pwn scrubs while being hydrated to the next level.

And when a faggot wants to 1vs1 me these Chaos Cashews put the final nail in his coffin

this fucking sound effect made me shit my pants when i was younger

The one whose neighbor is paying for the internet

I game with my Lightbulb.

What kind of gaming carpet should I get?


He's got that Waardenburg syndrome.
Makes grills look like elfs.

>he doesn't have a PGM

just stop fucking posting kid.....

What does a gaming router actually do? What is wrong with the modem from my ISP?

If you're not just pretending then you should seriously consider suicide.

>Using a vacuum cleaner on your computer
Is this bait?

Same thing Chaos Cashews dew.
Its called placebo effect

Don't you have a mission to go on, O'Neill?

This kind of design actually makes sense since 2.4Ghz wavelength is about 12cm long. If those antennas are all spaced 6ish cm, you'd get peak reception everywhere

>he doesn't watercool his PSU

>get in module
>rolls into traffic

>he doesnt watercool himself


It's a meme sweetie

That's all good and well, but my gaming glasses still allow me to see you a mile away, scrub.

To use multiple devices ?!



How? You have to flip it over first

what makes this better?

The gaming air i use to dust my pc i breath it too. I got tanks of it filling my house ,heightening my senses,accelerating my brain functions making me aware of the Matrix.

I could feel your presence before you challenged me

I could feel your existence before it became

I am the alpha and the omega

I know everything that has been ,is or will be

Now prepare to vanish.

Gaming router does the same thing a regular quality router does.
Better feature set and more flexible firmware than all the cheapo cucked ISP boxes.

>What is wrong with the modem from my ISP?

Not much but you should still get your own modem. Fuck renting.

>He doesn't take liquid cooling to the next level
Sorry you can't catch up with my coolness, poorfags.

is this real?

>vacuum cleaner on electronics
Pretty funny. I heard about a guy years ago who put the wrong gas in a truck and tried to suck it out with a shop vac. Really helps to understand physics.

bro i was renting for like six years, bought my own and 2 weeks into it a fucking thunder storm zapped it. $178USD. I got a free replacement but was super fucking upset.

I had NO idea that lightning can pop a modem thru the coax cable. it had to be from that because nothing else on my surge protector, got zapped.

I got a free replacement but...fucking hell

That's some fucking shit luck, man. My sympathies.

that's a vivarium not a fish tank

yeah man i was sitting there and heard the fucking SNAP. was like awwwwww fuuuuuck.

freaked out and shut all my shit down lol

>He doesnt have sub-zero cpu temperatures and a 6+ ghz stable oc

>me thanks to superior ping
ping is a tool to measure latency
which is based on distance from the server

>If you can actually convince your wifi drivers not to renegotiate then it's ok
How about your wifi's son lollll cuck

>He doesn't have a turbo powered mouse allowing him to go from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds
Can't catch up?

that's an interesting idea,maybe I should try it considering I'm too poor for an AC

>it had to be from that because nothing else on my surge protector, got zapped.
You'd be surprised. LIghtning fried my PS3 while it was connected to a surge suppressor and UPS. Everything else plugged in was fine.

Lightning is OP.

nigga when I WASD bunnyhop you're gonna see sparks


The memes jack

Samefag gonna samefag.