Who is in the right in this fucking mess?
Hax vs Hitbox
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Both sides are faggots
I am right
Fact: Meleefags can't adapt
That's why they'll never truly be a part of the FGC
>waaaah stop having precise inputs while I'm waggling my kiddie shit
and this clown
Ain't gonna bother watching or reading any of this shit but will assume it's some autistic screeching by kids because of what kind of "games" this is all about.
The only thing that was ever considered cheating about hitboxes were the ability to hold two directions at once, but hitbox have fixed that in the hardware
All the hitbox is is something that lets you input directions and buttons faster i.e. a better controller.
Smashfags only argument literally boils down to giving up their muscle memory and learning something new which they aren't prepared to do, so it's easier to call it cheating and disallow other people the benefit of a better controller
Since the hardware fix not allowing the double direction input the rest of the FGC doesn't care if you use a hitbox, funny how a bunch of manchildren in 1(one) game are so rabid defending the status quo of the "top" players.
hax is a major faggot but hitbox could have done with better PR
So one smashfag wanted to work with hitbox, then fucked them around and decided to make his own thing and this makes hitbox the bad guys?
Pretty much. Hax was pissy that they wouldn't do every change he came up with and wanted 20% cut of profits when he was just supposed to be someone who played around with the controler and wasn't ever supposed have ownership in the company.
Do you think hax stole the layouts?
So it's not actually about smashbox but about who made what shitty design? Still think smashbox or equivalent should be standarized.
No it's Smashbox getting butthurt because their product is inferior to Hax's.
not video games
inferior how?
I don't get it. The Smashbox allows for better inputs than a regular GC controller. This means being able to avoid certain combos and surviving longer. That's reason enough for a ban. If they set the sensitivity down just a tiny amount, I can't see why it wouldn't be tourney legal.
Why should it be banned for being a better controller? That makes no sense
It isn't even like GC controllers used are completely standardised, even on brand ones aren't which causes good players to search through many to find the good ones.
Nobody wants to be a part of the FGC.
Smash bros players being huge babies? What else is new?
Because it's a third-party controller that gives a mechanical advantage over other controllers.
Yeah dude, everyone's having a great time with ELeague and SFV. Everyone wants to be part of that or complete poverty.
Because Melee doesn't natively support digital inputs. It's not just a 'better' controller, it's an entirely different type of input. It would be like playing soccer with your hands basically.
The people still playing on controllers have nothing to gain by letting hit boxes be legal and everything to lose, so their screaming bloody murder over them.
My buddy who plays a lot of SF5 thinks they should be allowed but he thinks it is a little sketch that a hit box can do a dash forward -> 720 command where a fight stick (probably) can't, so he thinks that much is a little iffy
Advantage available to everyone, again GC controllers even on brand aren't standardised with some having better parts than others
And the rule set saying you can never use digital inputs ever comes from where? Oh right no where, this is a thing people only started moaning about when the smashbox came around.
This does not break the break the game, this will not send nobodies to top 8 out of nowhere.
But, it's not the same. Fighting games like SFV deal with digital inputs, but for Melee it's analog. Having the analog stick translated into digital means you'll be able to push a button and perform basically perfect dashes/SDI that normal GC controllers can not do.
A regular hitbox offers no advantage over a fightstick, because the inputs are the same. It may make things easier, but if you press left you get left nonetheless.
>forward -> 720 command where a fight stick (probably) can't
it can, not even hard that is the most standard way of buffering one
>smashfags butthurt they don't have any money
>basically perfect dashes/SDI that normal GC controllers can not do.
You can do them, it makes them easier which isn't a bad thing.
who the fuck wants to be part of FGC, it's became a scam like the rest of "esports". grassroots ftw
No, you literally cannot do them. Do some research. youtube.com
Hax just wants the absolute best controller possible. If that means splitting off and making his own, so be it. Competing products is better for the community anyways.
You're what's wrong with the FGC.
>Smashfags aren't destitute.
>again GC controllers even on brand aren't standardised with some having better parts than others
This is true, but the best GC controller still can't survive a Fox usmash on DL at 73%, while a Smashbox can.
It's a fault of the GC design I guess. I'm honestly not sure about this issue, but I'm leaning towards legalization. Players shouldn't be held back by bad controller designs.
most top players and TOs are fine with boxes tho
stay mad tho
I really want a Hitbox, they seem so nice.
At least I'm part of it you pathetic smasher
I have an easier solution than having autistic kids do youtube videos.
Remove smash.
1st party controllers come with advantages over other 1st party controllers.
>developer intent
>meaning anything
you're a retard
Epic lies my friend!
I don't know but he did take their time and resources and just jumped into another team with the knowledge he gained from the Hitbox team to make a competitor.
He even said he didn't wanna burn the bridge with Hitbox initially in case the two engineering students didn't work out so he wanted them as a backup.
But he also tried to play it off saying that if Hitbox didn't make the controller he would have thought of it on his own anyway.
It's mostly Capcbros who bitch about Smash anyway. Just ignore them. The argument is so old and so stale.
If you think every game below Smash money is unplayable, it invalidates every single fighting game except SFV and NRS games.
Why the fuck don't they just make one with an analogue stick?
I thought someone already had.
This, it's the same as RTS fags who shitpost all over the internet about assfaggots for the death of their genre.
Okay... What's your point exactly?
Surely that's the best way forward then, there can't be any legal issues?
Even funnier when you consider smash was not meant to be a competitive game and the meta where it is was certainly not planned.
I don't think I've ever seen other esports or sports in general ban an item for being too good. At best they do if it was not available to everyone, the smashbox would be and with the price melee is getting to anyway the poorfag argument doesn't fly
that you don't have one
>Not trusting HaX$
>The hero of Melee who broke his hands for the love of the game
He just wants what's optimal. What's best. Why settle for anything less?
People would just come up with a new reason it isn't allowed
The box wasn't rejected for a solid reason, it was rejected and then they looked for reasons to do so
Are turbo controllers allowed in Street Fighter?
>Even funnier when you consider smash was not meant to be a competitive game
Most competitive games weren't. In fact traditional FG are the only high skill ceiling games I can think of that are intended to be competitive from the ground up.
someone give me a quick rundown
It wouldn't help you so I don't think anyone cares, you'll just end up whiffing the same button 5 times.
>it was rejected and then they looked for reasons to do so
It was rejected because there was no proper information about it. You can't just allow things before testing it out thoroughly.
I think the box will be legal as soon as people realise that it's just another controller.
I disagree. Who exactly banned boxes anyway? because i've seen them numerous times on streams already, in tournament
Just look at the Smashbox. They just lazily spread out the buttons from a regular controller.
99% of playing Melee is wiggling the control stick back and forth really fast, try doing that shit for 5 minutes with a fightstick-sized stick.
I forgot to mention even sf2 was unintended to be so competitive
I have no idea what this is about but I'm all for Smashfags getting BTFO
People come up with an alternative to the GC controller based on the Hitbox design. People get up in arms whether it provides a mechanical advantage(allowing for different inputs than a GC) and a huge debate ensues whether it should be allowed in tournaments.
My point was Smashfags are destitute.
You're a retard that instead made up an imaginary argument to refute.
My point still stands.
Things I don't like are imaginary too.
Depends on what you call competitive, but I'd say most racing games are designed from the ground up to be competitive. Doesn't mean they want it played at a huge stage in front of thousands of viewers, but there is an obvious intention for players to compete for best times and such.
None of you go to locals fuc off to r/kappa and r/smash bros
Hitbox wanted to make a fight stick for Melee and got a retired player who quit because of hand problems to test it. He said the design was shit, they decided to stick with it anyway. Guy then went and made a fighstick of his own with the layout he wanted.
Now they're accusing each other of stealing ideas etc.
r/kappa is based doe.....
Sup Forumsirgins aren't nearly good enough at fighting games to go to locals. They'd get the shit smacked out of them and they can't call them autistic if they lose.
It was literally an imaginary argument that had no bearing on the statement I made, but please stay retarded and mad.
I have a qanba q4 and a white gc controller sitting next to me right now.
You really don't move the stick any more in melee than in a game of 3rd strike. Maybe you do but it's not noticeable because fight sticks are way comfier anyway.
I've even played melee with my fightstick and it was really good and better for your hands than the controller. It just sucks because no analogue.
>actually playing fighting games
Hax money fucking destroying these guys.
What is actually different about this compared to a normal PC keyboard?
"N-no! You're just retarded! And mad too!"
>heh, nothing personal, kid
it's just porn
it's not bad, just not video games
Just like r/kappa and r/smash.
Wish this place worked like miiverse where you had to prove you owned the games you talked about.
>stay retarded and mad.
You're the one shitposting in a thread you don't like user.
Practically nothing except comfort. You have some larger buttons that are placed wider apart, which makes it a lot more comfortable to press them. They also provide less physical feedback, I suppose.
Playing melee with a fightstick isn't completely unheard, just not popular
Smashbox has just sort of caused this fanaticism over the GC controller to grow bigger
Shit I thought it was hax vs H-box
Who gives a flying fuck about the hit box especially hax since he sucks at melee.
>Wish this place worked like miiverse where you had to prove you owned the games you talked about.
This would be the death of Sup Forums as we know it, but if there was a secondary board dedicated solely to video games and nothing but video games, I can see it being an idea.
desu, I'm really surprised a place like you're describing doesn't exist yet. I'd be all for it.
I wish I could get the hand of hitbox. I like the idea of it but the amount of practise I need to get use to one is a pain
>I'd say most racing games are designed from the ground up to be competitive
Only really sims, and even then the developers don't know what they're doing because they don't know how to implement proper netcode.
>played at a huge stage in front of thousands of viewers
Most games that have this aren't even competitive, just marketing shams. All the best comp games that take the most skill have tiny dedicated scenes.
show me your RCs in CvS2 faggot
I really wish there was an alternative to Sup Forums that was this, but also no images. Just text based board with no bullshit.
Hax is a whiny bitch who fucked up his hands playing melee with shitty posture.
Who are you quoting?
text boards do exist user
Name me one popular text-only board similar to Sup Forums in terms of layout, culture and rules.
Maybe you'd be better suited to reddit
Go home Dustin.
literally what? who the fuck cares about this drama?
Popular as in relatively. Not a 6 persons userbase.
lol im watching the dustin video as we speak and he is equally retarded.
hax broke his hands playing melee, and made it his life goal to re-enter the scene by mutilating the tendons inside his hand.
Which by the way, was to play a game which is already on a steady decline, and unless you are top 5 (which he never will be) there is no future in it. He's a retard, sorry to say