Redpill me on VTMB Bloodlines

Redpill me on VTMB Bloodlines

Vampire Pussy


Open it

don't put much stock in hearsay


Does gameplay and mechanics hold up in 2017 or is it just waifubait for desperate Sup Forumsirgins?


Just pirate it and see for yourself.

Not really, but they're also not completely broken or anything. There still hasn't been a game quite like it, and nostalgia.

If playing Morrowind doesn't make you want to eat the barrel of a gun, it holds water pretty well.

It is manageable.
How the game plays out heavily depends on the clan you choose though.
Playing Tremere is basically just running around and making everyone puke blood until they die for example.

its a pretty unique experience, and while it has some waifus its pretty damn far from what I would call "waifubait"

Can I play a slutty girl(male)?

Yes, you can play as a toreador.

Every year I start up a new game, get to Holly wood I think, and do the quest where you meet the corpse eater, then I stop playing.

Been doing this for 5 years now.

people try to blame the game's numerous shortcomings on executive meddling and the game being rushed but since every other troika game was a buggy, unbalanced, poorly-designed mess it's unlikely the game would have turned out any better.

the game is decent until you leave santa monica after which it becomes hot garbage

Only the first half is good. Stop playing when you hit Chinatown

Damsel best girl

>Redpill me
you need to go back.

If you unironically use terms like redpill, you're going to hate it. You might as well try it to give you more shitpost fodder, though.