Do any Military dudebro shooters offer RPG elements, such as marriage between two consenting adults, as according to US law?
Do any military shooters offer marriage options?
Fuck this i'm on Reddit with my fucking hands up, i'm not starting my fucking self. You fucking stupid bitch, this stupid shitposting all fucking karmawhoring fucking FAGGOT, OP is doing this shit. You fucking FAGGOT, I swear to fucking god i'm gonna - Yo, everybody type in the chat OP is a stupid faggot, just type in the chat OP is a stupid faggot. Fuck him, fuck him.
HAHAHAHAHA good one Sup Forums! You made a thread blatantly to rant about gays and apple products and military and Americans and pretending it was about video games!
Bravo! So creative!
Why is he dressed in a military outfit?
Why in an apple store?
Why does the guy he's proposing to look 13?
not Sup Forums I legit can't think of a single military shooter that offers marriage options or rpg elements at all.
Is that gay soldier really proposing in the middle of an apple store?
That face of the elderly woman in the background says it all.
>Why is he dressed in a military outfit?
He's in the military
>Why in an apple store?
Gays love apple stores
>Why does the guy he's proposing to look 13?
Momma didn't give a shit about feeding him the right nourishment and he probably never got the proper exercise.
XD it's really happening Sup Forums, you've done it! Quick, post infographs and trump memes! No video games on Sup Forums, only the red pill!
who does a shooter need RPG elements? TF2 is definitely not a dudebro shooter but there IS a $100 diamond ring accessory that you can gift to another player that gives you a matching set
Also that kid has a huge head and leglets. Holy shit
OP is a stupid f-faggot.
A extremely modded fallout game might
u mad
>im old and out of touch with reality. these young people will inherit the earth when i die
followed by this, so I get the last laugh
This is a very weird thread.
It's like asking why don't any chess games have marriage options between players. What does war have to do with marriage?
Sure am glad that US army instead of being a place of strong men in top mental and physical condition fighting for their country became a safe space daycare with fun exercise and activities for women, minorities and homosexuals.
After all, when fighting against Al Quaeda it's important to know the premise of intersectional feminism.
PTSD rates is army's fault for not preparing soldiers for anything.
They send weak, unprepared people who become traumatized wrecks after 1 IED lying on the road.
How many layers of Autism are you on due to Sup Forums my friend
3/10 bait
So much triggering going on. I can see posts typed by frothing, and huffy limp wrists.
Really? I see the opposite. OP wanted to get a reaction out of Sup Forums but they are mild at best.
its actually better to know each others genders so we don't offend one another
no they are pretty in touch with it
and their reaction is not only suitable but warranted
has there ever been a civilization built entirely on homosexuality that survived the test of time?
no and any attempt to do so, even in a vacuum would end up failing because it would based entirely around degenerate life styles
feel free to prove me wrong