Hello, my name is Roadhog. From the moment you first see me eye to eye, you have under a second to react before I press shift, stun you and instantly kill you with a single left click and a melee hit without having to bother with any aiming, the hook does bring my targets directly in front of me after all. On top of that, I'd say it's more challenging to miss a hook rather than land one on a player, even though my crosshair is nowhere near the enemy. This is because the size of my hook is actually the size of a Soldier:76, and it can still connect with people with slight horizontal misses and quite major vertical misses. Oh, and if my hook is on cooldown, I can simply right click into your general direction to deal over 400 damage instantly, without having to charge my shots like Widowmaker does or anything. What's that? I have to reload AND my hook is on cooldown? Go ahead, damage me while I reload and I will just heal that taken damage back up with an instant 300HP healing ability.
Hello, my name is Roadhog. From the moment you first see me eye to eye...
Other urls found in this thread:
get better
*pick reaper*
*teleport behind you*
*melt your health*
Heh, nothing personnel kid.
Most of the stuff you said is changed now.
They've already fixed Roadhog, don't be such a crybaby.
I can never hit with the hook should I give up? Is it really that easy?
roadhog counters reaper though
*presses E for deflect*
*stops incoming damage and prevents hook*
wow that was hard
>take roadhog
>shields shields everywhere
>can't hook or oneshot anyone
>constantly taking damage from soldier 69 anywhere i go
>ana shits on you
>dva eats your ult
>ana sleeps you
hog had a hard life
Not at 2500 mmr shitterville :^)
>Pick pharah
>Melting other team
>Your team is also getting melted by enemy pharah
>Ask s76 to do something
>He types lol
>He's level 400
>Still in platinum
>speedboost amp it up
>team doesn't move past the chokepoint
Hello. My name is Symmetra. From before you even see my turrets they are slowing you the fuck down and forcing you to turn your ass around and deal with them slowly. This gives my team ample time to kill you so I can set them up again.
What's that? You destroyed the turrets and still coming through? Don't worry, I can just hold the left click and bounce around aimlessly to melt your healthbar.
Oops, looks like my team no longer has to run back from spawn now.
Such is life in soloq
soldier can't do shit to phara
>Gays into the Auschwitz
How did Blizzard get away with this?
>he plays pharah and when sees another pharah he asks his team to do something
Nigga if you don't divebomb into the other pharah and rape her face you don't deserve to play pharah
Not op, but his hook is still occasionally going through walls and most staircases. Not to mention having the highest damage output as a 600 hp tank...
Also, there's still an annoying bug on the hook, where if the roadhog is forcibly moves, ie pharas concussion blow, the currently hooked player will be forciblynmoved the exact sqme way, which sometimes results in hilarious scenarios bwith pkaywrs getting stuck inside walls or clipping through the map. Happened to me the other day.
If you have trouble reacting to something within 250ms you have problems and shouldn't play FPS games at all.
Symmetra only has 200HP and no mobility abilities, she is an easy kill for literally anyone with the ability to track her head. Even the weakest support heroes can deal with her with little to no effort. Lucio can boop her and run away to deal with her from a distance and Mercy's pistol deals a good amount of damage if she lands her shots.
Fucking autocorrect
Fix your keyboard.
What are you on about, I regularly stomp Pharahs as soldier. All you need is half decent target leading with your helix and finish off with a few shots for a near instant kill.
Christ, learn to type.
Phone posters need to get out.
>Not to mention having the highest damage output as a 600 hp tank...
Why do retards keep bringing this up without any form of context? It means nothing.
I never said I didn't.
I was the only one that killed pharah the entire game but I was also in positions to wipe their backline which would have been much more beneficial had our soldier been focusing pharah and not reins shield.
Every time I went for pharah I'd get focused by their team's much more effective hitscan and instakilled after taking out pharah. My team was mostly useless so me being dead meant my team followed suit shortly after, every-single-time.
>character made for punishing flanking and bad positioning punishes my flanking and bad positioning
>better make a thread about it
>No context
Very high Hp
Very high damage
Easy to use, very powerful utility
Very high self heal with relatively low CD
What context do you need you retarded nigger.
>shields shields everywhere
Good thing he's one of the best shield breakers in the game too
>can't hook or oneshot anyone
if you're bad
>constantly taking damage from soldier 69 anywhere i go
That's literally everyone. Solide ris hitscan. Don't fight him at raneg lke a retard.
>ana shits on you
>ana sleeps you
If you ever 1v1 ana as a hog and don't shit on her you need to off yourself. Espeically now that her damage was nerfed.
>dva eats your ult
>ultingdva in mech
>not just hooking her massive fucking mech and killing it for free
>I am a 'tank' whose only method of protecting or aiding the rest of my team is soaking up bullets with my fat fucking face
>My sustain ability is reactionary so shields will forever be more useful
>The pinnacle of my worth is the occasional wombo combo which against a decent player will just force a defensive or mobility cooldown
This is why Roadhog will never progress past pub stomping, and why OP will forever be said pub. However Blizzard will probably nerf him again because they are grossly incompetent.
>Only tank with no shield ability
>No armor
>Reload every 4 shots
Hook + m1 + melee is annoying as fuck I'll give you that buy the character having high output is not a problem, he's definitely balanced
>t. Silver
Literally everyone out ranges and shits on her in a 1v1.
If you're getting flanked by sym you're complete, irredeemable ass.
Has zero damage mitigation
Has zero movement abilities
Has a massive hitbox
All these things taken together with his self-heal mean he feeds the enemy team ult constantly.
Also learn to stand behind Rein's shield, dumbass.
>I can't prove you wrong so I'll just call you a low-ranked player!
I'm GM btw
He's the only tank with no damage mitigation, which means his HP gets burned down ridiculously quickly, he has the damage of a wet baby fart beyond incredibly close range, and his utility outside of the hook is jack shit. He exists for one purpose: to punish retards to don't play with their team, including retards who play Roadhog away from their team. Outside of that role he's outclassed in literally everything else.
>This is why Roadhog will never progress past pub stomping
Hi there. Have a hook for me? Fortify. Have another? Let me take your huge ass from out of your hooks range. Trying to pull me into Well? Not if I can Halt you and your three teammates into the hole. Your ult tosses away my entire team? Fortify, walk right up to you while you're stuck in your ult.
Fair enough, I forgot the entire OW community is one huge pub
Hello I am Orisa, you do not have to worry about me because chances are I disintegrated the second I entered your line of sight
You do have to aim after hooking. It's quite easy for characters over 150hp to survive if the shot isn't directly over the head
I lost so many games to good pharas. She is solo carry. Her rockets don't have damage fall off, you can spam them from greater distances where soldier can't even scratch you. If you have pocket mercy you are pretty much unstoppable.
>Your ult tosses away my entire team? Fortify, walk right up to you while you're stuck in your ult.
Literally the single most retarded thing you could possibly do in that situation.
Hog's ult will absolutely dissolve fortified orisia at close range.
>its my team fault
I found out why you're in plat
>in grandmaster
>still complaining about roadhog
it's a sin to lie, user
>it's always the Junkrat's fault
Soldier is not an end all to Pharah. He still needs his team to protect him while he aims straight up and deals with Pharah. A mercy boosting him or a Zen to discord the Pharah also helps tremendously.
Soldier is not an end all to Pharah. The trickas it is with all characters including Roadhog is teamwork.
Feel free to post your own profile Mr. TheLegend27
I'm interested to see what a self proclaimed elder god of video games plays like.
I meant when you shoot them after reeling them in
And without the knockback Orisa can easily plug away at his huge head while he's laughing.
What the fuck. Doesn't work for me ever. Even if i pixel away to the left or right it doesn't hook.
>I still have no actual counterargument so I'm going to stick to my rank-accusations
Why do you think Roadhog has such a high pickrate in each division? It's because he is broken.
for the .5 seconds she's alive, yes.
Hog's ult has the absolute highest damage on any ult in the game. It's only survivable 90% of the time because the knockback pushes people out of it.
I don't think you understand how much damage Whole Hog does when you're absorbing it with your face from two inches away. 50% damage resist doesn't mean shit when you're taking 800 damage a second.
I don't know how anyone couldn't understand that at this point. If he ults point-blank at Rein's shield be burns it down in about a second.
that's probably since this image is hundreds of years old
its one of the first pictures on google if you google roadhog with that filename
>be rein
>hog starts his ult right next to my shield
>angle it down slightly and hop
>soar across the whole fucking map
I can never resist doing it
That image is from near when the game came out
mfw curving the hook around so they land in the well or off the corner
>Play the game of my life as Junkrat
>3 golds
>play Zenyatta or Lucio mediocrely
>bronze damage maybe
>get carried to victory
I guess I'm not cut out for DPS.
>Character made to punish flanking.
>Almost exclusively used to flank with impunity and gain cheap kills.
He needs less health and a much shorter hook range, then to be shifted to defense.
>teammate gets hooked
>fly behind as D.Va, block Hog's shot with matrix
>tell them "I'm saving you"
>they stand still because they were expecting a kill already
>playing a worse version of Roadgod
Buff junkrat blizzard reeeeee. I want to play him in competitive.
>land hook on Ching-chong KOTH bridge
>hand spasms and I jerk my view to the left
>this drags the Zarya I hooked right off the side of the bridge
>"what the fuck hog"
Felt cool.
Literally git gud, I recently played with a Junkrat on Volskaya offense who was the only one not bitching and simultaneously the only player making shit happen. The nigger could even kill Pharahs for fuck's sake.
My Hog maining friend gets so many kills with this tech.
Higher hook draw distance is like a buff to him.
First post best post
I never thought of that strat
>tfw paladins did a better roadhog than roadhog
They had probably already given up on winning because their team has a fucking D.va.
I'd say Junkrat is okay the way he is now, but certainly needs a projectile speed buff to make landing direct hits easier. At the moment they feel too floaty and slow that they are only really effective at super close range. If I wanted to direct hit with explosives, I'd just play Pharah instead.
Yes, because a ranged tank needs to be right in front of Hog to shoot him.
>play ana
>sleep the hog as he hooks our mercy
>save her ass but she just stands there
> -1 grenade per magazine
> +30% projectile speed
Fucking please Blizzard, this is all he needs.
Recent buff actually helped a lot, but his ult is still pretty weak.
>going anywhere near the objective without some kind of barrier to protect you from instant death is considered bad positioning to roadhog mains
Wew. Anyways, this character (along with a few other obnoxious things that will never be fixed) are one of the main reasons I've gotten bored of this game after only 200 hours.
There are tons of ways to save people from getting hooked, and there's even a delay between the hook landing and them getting pulled to let you execute them.
>Dva matrix
>Zarya bubble
>Ana sleep dart
>McCree flashbang
Even Pharah and Lucio's knockbacks and disrupt the shot and save the victim.
>Make a new tank
>Specifically announce t hat you built her to push Roadhog out of a lot of team comps
>Proceed to make it so Roadhog can oneshot her
What the fuck were they thinking?
Im not here to argue with you im here to tease you for being bad enough to have troubles with roadhog, stop being so autistic
a character can be good without being broken
just hit shift nigga
I miss when McCree was this game's 1v1 God, at least he is a squishy.
If you're close enough to be shooting him reliably as Orisa, you're taking damage from whole hog at a much faster rate. You might as well just play Widow or Hanzo, stay ten miles away, and snipe him when he ults.
just hit shift so he can take 70% of your health in one shot instead of dying instantly because that's any better xd
His ult is fine, considering how quickly you get it back. The tire is almost always a guaranteed kill, and has the potential to kill multiple enemies or even teamwipe.
And he casually waits for it to ware off while you cant kill him during that time frame. He can also easily take out your shield solo and reload before it recharges so he can deal with both your abilities solo and then hook and one shot you.
Now extrapolate that into a full team game where you as a tank are in front also being targeted by others on the enemy team.
They built her as a substitute for Rein, not Hog. And she's shit at that too, because of her 900 HP, non-mobile shield. She's just bad all around.
>Even Pharah and Lucio's knockbacks
You have to be careful with that, if you knock them back while Hog drags them, they will just fly together with Hog.
Also good Mei walls counter hook attempts.
Come on, D.Va is not that bad.
Nice. Another reason to have a reinhardt on your team. Blizzard should go ahead with the hero retirement shit. They knew they fucked up with their kit designs.
>really want to play Zenyatta
>have like 20 more hours on Zenyatta than Lucio
>can still barely justify playing him because I almost get as many elims playing as Lucio and getting cheap-ass boop kills or chasing down damaged targets because nobody in this game can hit anything that's going even slightly faster than base speed
I wish I was gud.
If you can't kill a waddling unarmored fatass at close range then that's your problem for being retarded.
He moves at the same speed as every other character that isn't tracer or ganjo
Just because he doesn't have armor doesn't mean he's squishy, he still has 600 hp and a half self heal, while you have a shitty projectile minigun that does less damage than mercy's pistol and a giant hitbox
>at close range
You mean the waddling unarmored fatass that deletes anything with lower than 250 health with one mouse click and everyone else that can kill him in two at close range waddling unarmored fatass?
Its too bad you don't extrapolate that to your team shooting roadhog as well
>inb4 but you can't out dps his heal
>inb4 he's being pocketed but you aren't
>inb4 he's simultaneously hooking all 5 of your teammates too
i play zenyatta mostly because his discords really helps to melt tanks, also you can bully pharah's out of the sky
>tfw my best transcendence heal was almost 4k
name a single counter to a pharah w/ pocket mercy